Hello, I am Catrìona Gwenllian Marceline Fraser, a Celtic Wikipedian, currently residing in Lee, although I grew up in Blackwood. I used to study engineering at Brunel University London, though I did not graduate.

My main interests include the railways, I identify myself as a trainspotter, and particularly enjoy mainline rail in the UK. My favourite trains include the Class 37 and the Class 465, as well as Sprinters in general. In my spare time I like to read into the abandoned railways of this island, and saw that the former railway station in my town had no article, so I wrote it. I also play bass, and used to gig fairly frequently with my thrash metal band across South Wales and the South West of England, occasionally venturing up to the West Midlands. I left them in September 2020 when I moved to England for university. I do not use a pick.

As can be gathered from my userboxes, I am trans. As this is the case, I picked my own names. My deadname began with C and was Scottish, and I wanted to keep that. I settled on Catrìona and often shorten it to Cat. I was stumped as to what to pick for a middle name, until I realised that Marceline the Vampire Queen from the cartoon Adventure Time exists. She is one of my favourite ever characters I have ever seen on TV, and she also plays bass, so I had to take it. I also added the name Gwenllian after Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd in 2020, now having two middle names.

I often spend my time playing board games. My favourites include Twilight Imperium, Carcassonne, Captain Sonar, and Heat.

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