This page is for the user Fermentor. Hi, I'm "Fermentor". Please use this to communicate with me about anything other than my edits. If you have a problem with an edit I have made, keep it on the discussion page for that topic. I cite my sources any time I make an edit that requires such a source. Most of my edits are grammar and spelling related, as incorrect usage of grammar and poor spelling are common mistakes made on Wikipedia. When I do make a substantial edit presenting factual information, I cite it. If you have a problem with my sources, make it known on the discussion page, not on my personal space on Wikipedia. And if you are going to make the claim that my source is invalid for any reason, you must include evidence yourself of this that is unbiased.

For instance, if I make an edit that claims that someone holds a certain belief that has been documented in a valid source (ie.: any fact-checked publication) it would be improper to challenge this source on the basis that the person in question denies the claim. Go ahead and add "So and so denies he said this", as long as you cite it! But that is not a good enough basis on which to disqualify the edit in question. Familiarize yourself with the concepts of source credibility before you run around accusing me of libel. I have just written all this because I had two people come onto my talk page and accuse me of libel for adding information about a person, properly cited from a valid and well-regarded source of information, because the person at topic later changed his mind about what he said. First of all, learn to think for yourself. Secondly, keep the trash-talking off my page.

Aside from that and any personal attacks, feel free to stop by and put some writing on the wall.

I'm also putting myself up for adoption as soon I will have a little bit more free time to browse this site and I would like to make this website a more reliable resource. Wikipedia has gone from a brilliant creation to a dirty word in academia in the past four years that I have been at school. I cited Wikipedia several times during my first year at college and it was an acceptable source. That was when I was 23. Now, four years later, if you use Wikipedia as a source in a paper, you will fail that assignment. It'd be nice to try and bring the credibility back to this website, as it has so much potential. Of course, my main interests in terms of editing run more along the lines of copy-editing: correcting grammar, spelling, making entries fluid and readable, etc. So, yeah...yup. Take it easy! Fermentor (talk) 07:23, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

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