- Interests/obsessions: (in no particular order) history; biography; heraldry; politics; vexillology; philately; The Twilight Zone; hoaxes; skepticism; South Park; DVD recorders; pornography, history of; film; Betamax
- Joined Wikipedia: November 4, 2004
More About the Awe and Wonder of Me
I was enthroned as The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1994. In 2002, I conferred upon Tony Blah his title of Defender of the Faith Against the Beturbaned Hordes. I hold Ph.Ds in theology, autotheism, theonyms, Theo Angelopoulos and Theo Kojak. I am a tenured Professor of Theology at The University of Those Who Are Better Than You. Accordingly, I shall not brook contradiction on any of these subjects. Yaar! Prepare to be reverted!
Well, I'm outta here. I have read quite a few farewell messages here lately, and have mulled over whether I should leave one of my own. I reckon not--I cannot see putting it more directly or concisely than did this editor. For those who have deeply imbibed the kool-aid, no words will ever suffice. For those who have not, none should be necessary. Edeans 20:51, 30 March 2007 (UTC)
The stars at night are big and bright . . .