I am a professor emeritus of economics. I have published around six dozen refereed scholarly papers in a variety of areas in economics, finance, mathematics, statistics, and cryptology, and I've had a life-long interest in the field of linguistics. I limit my Wikipedia editing primarily to these fields.
This user morphed into User:Loraof in the summer of 2014.
This user is a humanist. |
![]() | This user is interested in Utilitarianism, the belief that a moral action is one which increases the total happiness of humanity. |
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This user believes that the meaning of life is to live a happy life. |
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This user believes in logic. |
![]() | This user is an atheist. |
![]() | This user is a Citizen of the World (Terra). |
"Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people, living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one."
Wikipedia articles that I am or was principal author of
(An asterisk indicates I expanded from stub; otherwise, I created the article)
Integer triangle; Rational difference equation; Matrix difference equation; Orthodiagonal quadrilateral; Idempotent matrix; Inscribed figure*; Tree of primitive Pythagorean triples*; Holditch's theorem*; Steiner ellipse; Tangential polygon; Harcourt's theorem; Indeterminate system;* Concurrent lines;* Collinearity;* Bisection;* Indeterminate equation*; Sums of powers (disambiguation page); Candidate solution*; Feasible set; Discrete time and continuous time; Limiting case; Geometric shape*; Isosceles triangle
Distributed lag*; Ordered probit*; Ordered logit*; Mean-preserving spread; Multivariate random variable*; Trend stationary*; Elliptical distribution*; Symmetric probability distribution
Economics terminology that differs from common usage; Two-moment decision models; Inventory investment*; Risk loving*; Risk neutral*; Exponential utility*; Isoelastic utility*; Multiplier uncertainty; Conditional factor demands*; Labor demand; Isoelastic function*; Regulation Q*; NOW Account*; Fisher hypothesis*; Excess demand function
Mutual fund separation theorem; Hyperbolic absolute risk aversion; Marginal conditional stochastic dominance; Intertemporal portfolio choice
Tense-aspect-mood*; Habitual aspect; A-not-A question; Intonation (linguistics)*
My credo
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Corollaries:
- Always consult your conscience.
- Always act with integrity.
- Be compassionate toward those who are suffering.
- Show love: hope for good to come to all.
- Purge bad conscience: Determine not to repeat past violations of the Golden Rule.
- Use kindness to create good conscience: Do positive things for others.
Rational empiricism (the Scientific Method): Discern reality by applying logical inference to empirical observation.
- Corollaries:
- Reject supernaturalism and theism.
- Always ask “How do we know that?” ; demand rigorous evidence.
Cosmopolitanism: Be open to consideration of ideas from a wide variety of sources.
- Corollary:
- Engage in learning for life.
Aestheticism: Continuously engage in the appreciation of beauty, and strive to create beauty.
- Corollary:
- See the beauty in everything, at every moment.
Striving-and-Serenity Balance: Find the best balance between serenity and striving to accomplish goals.
- Corollaries:
- Strive to improve the improvable.
- Focus on what you have rather than on what you do not and cannot have.
- In striving to accomplish, focus both on enjoying the process and achieving the goal.
- Always savor the present moment.
- Feel the exhilaration of accomplishment.
- Find the best balance between simplicity and complexity.
- Always leave time for reflection.
- In seeking serenity, unclutter your mind and unclutter your external existence.
- Receive bad fortune with equanimity.
- Always be patient.
- Avoid unrealistic expectations.
If you want to know more about secular humanism and atheism
- ^ List of humanists
- ^ List of nontheists
- ^ Free Inquiry, bimonthly magazine, any issue: Free Inquiry website
- ^ Guy P. Harrison. 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God. Prometheus, 2008. 354 pp.
- ^ John Allen Paulos. Irreligion: A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don't Add Up. Hill and Wang, 2007. 176 pp.
- ^ Richard Dawkins. The God Delusion. Mariner Books, 2008. 464 pp.
- ^ Christopher Hitchens. God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Twelve Books, 2007, 307 pp.
- ^ Sam Harris. Letter to a Christian Nation. Vintage, 2008. 144 pp.
- ^ Sam Harris. The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason. W. W. Norton, 2005. 224pp.
- ^ Victor J. Stenger. God: The Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows that God Does Not Exist. Prometheus, 2008. 310 pp.
- ^ Victor J. Stenger. The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason. Prometheus, 2009. 282 pp.
- ^ Russell Blackford and Udo Schuklenk, editors. 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 360 pp.
- ^ Daniel Harbour. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Atheism. Duckworth, 2001. 160 pp.
- ^ A. C. Grayling. The Good Book. (Subtitled A Humanist Bible in the U.S. and A Secular Bible in the U.K.) Walker & Company, 2011. 608pp.