Rational trigonometry - Automatic differentiation - Interval arithmetic - Compressed sensing - Time scale calculus

Mathematical knowledge management - Difference algebra - Differential algebraic geometry - Arithmetic topology - n-ary group - Generalized trigonometry - Directed algebraic topology - Abstract differential geometry - Combinatorics and physics - Symbolic-numeric computation - Diffiety - Multiscale geometric analysis - Combinatorics and dynamical systems - Combinatorics on words - Algebraic analysis - Gyrovector space - Product integral/Multiplicative calculus - Principal geodesic analysis - Mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints - Fractal analysis - Analysis on fractals - Arithmetic combinatorics - Smoothed analysis - Topological degree theory - Complementarity theory - Algebraic signal processing - Ergodic Ramsey theory - Combinatorial data analysis - Structured data analysis (statistics) - Geometric data analysis - Topological data analysis - Universal algebraic geometry - Discrete differential geometry - Discrete Morse theory - Topological combinatorics - Graph dynamical system/Sequential dynamical system - Arithmetic dynamics - Complex differential equation

  • Algebraic engineering ALGEBRAIC ENGINEERING, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Languages and Computer SystemsProceedings of the First International Conference on Semigroups and Algebraic Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 18 – 21 March 1997, Aizu, Japan, 24 – 28 March 1997, edited by Chrystopher L Nehaniv & Masami Ito
  • Toric topology Toric Topology, Edited by: Megumi Harada, Yael Karshon, Mikiya Masuda, Taras Panov, AMS Bookstore, 2008, ISBN 978-0-8218-4486-1

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