A Check Exact labs (since 1993) made energy illustrations and while viewing two in particular noticed a discrepancy tied to takeoff and landing, and tied to Flying Car ideas. Numbers were inserted on the a composite illustration with a derived formula, showing there was a new better way to go about building safe affordable Flying Cars. The power losses tied to other aircraft of historic design are illustrated a little at this site: [1] [www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/index.html] where encyclopedic references in links can be found such as of pertinent parts of the pic below reference logged at the US FAA linked site, with discussions on links such as GodMath.com (previously famous executive privilege standard). Dr. Bob Benchoff, a Chief Justice and also a Level III in many fields presides over A Check Exact now focused on Flying Cars, and also presides over ICCDBB (advanced Christian studies / Sermons), VGC Foundation, and other entities. Dr. Bob Benchoff has received commendations from previous US Presidents and from officials of other nations.

The thumbnail of the Flying Car discussion pic (click to enlarge, no affiliation with Fail Funnies.com) came from various historically significant websites such as:

thumb|alt=Alt text|Caption



with the important part being that many people try to do complex difficult things when often there are better solutions available such as discussed at [www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/index.html] and at the A Check Exact main site and those sites of affiliates.

Concerning Flying Cars, understand the transition pattern. For instance compare to a baby rolling, then crawling, then walking; and while a baby might go from rolling directly to walking, it is more likely that after mastering rolling the baby would crawl, then walk.

Some items go up into the sky, some are already up there, and some move down at a controlled rate safely.

It's not rocket science if you see the solution so simple and elegant, though for the first person to see the real Flying Car technology per se, it took a lot of work looking at appropriate patterns with high guidance from many experts in many fields.

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