About me

I am Andrew West in real life.

Articles I have created or significantly expanded

Biographies of modern people

Image Article Category Created Notes Stats
DYK Li Fanwen Tangutologist 2009-04-05 Did you know that Li Fanwen got the opportunity to complete the first draft of his dictionary of the extinct Tangut language when Premier Zhou Enlai was told that only a few old scholars were able to read the complex Tangut script? 700 views
Paul Thompson (1931–2007) Sinologist 2009-04-15
Choijinzhab at Hohhot in September 2017 Choijinzhab (1931–2022) Mongolist 2010-04-29
Junast (1934–2010) 'Phags-pa expert 2010-04-30
DYK Portrait of Stephen Wootton Bushell (c. 1880–1890) Stephen Wootton Bushell (1844–1908) Orientalist
2010-05-01 Did you know that in 1896, Stephen Wootton Bushell became the first person to decipher some of the characters of the extinct Tangut script? 1,300 views
Marc Miyake at the British Museum in February 2015 Marc Hideo Miyake linguist
Guillaume Jacques presenting a talk at SOAS, University of London, April 2013 Guillaume Jacques linguist
Eric Grinstead (1921–2008) Tangutologist 2010-06-10
Peter Hayes Sawyer (1928–2018) medievalist 2010-08-19
Daniel Henry Haigh (1819–1879) Runologist 2010-08-20
Raymond Ian Page (1924–2012) Runologist 2010-08-20
Ralph Warren Victor Elliott (1921–2012) Runologist 2010-08-23
Susan Whitfield Sinologist 2011-01-18
Sam van Schaik at SOAS, University of London, April 2013 Sam van Schaik Tibetologist 2011-03-06
Katherine Forsyth Oghamologist 2011-07-04
DYK Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun Jurchenologist
2011-09-09 Did you know that Jin Guangping, Jin Qizong and Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun, three generations of the same family who all studied the extinct Jurchen language and script, are direct descendants of the Qianlong Emperor? 647 views
DYK Student picture of Jin Qizong, circa 1939 Jin Qizong (1918–2004) Jurchenologist
2011-09-09 371 views
DYK Jin Guangping (1899–1966) Jurchenologist
2011-09-10 585 views
Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov (1878–1937) Tangutologist 2011-11-06
Ksenia Kepping (seated), with Frances Wood, at the British Library in March 2001 Ksenia Kepping (1937–2002) Tangutologist 2011-12-05
Hugh McBirney Stimson (1931–2011) Sinologist 2012-06-27
Philip de Jersey Numismatist
Jerry Norman (1936–2012) Sinologist
DYK Schram in his office at SOAS, Summer 1989 Stuart R. Schram (1924–2012) Sinologist 2012-07-28 Did you know that Stuart R. Schram, biographer of Chairman Mao, started his career as a nuclear physicist working on the Manhattan Project? 969 views
Shi Jinbo dressed in Yi costume in 1961 Shi Jinbo Tangutologist 2012-09-04
Luc Kwanten (1944–2021) Sinologist
Arakawa Shintarō at the International Tangut Encoding Conference in Beijing, China, December 2013 Arakawa Shintarō Tangutologist 2012-10-23
Imre Galambos at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Petersburg, July 2010 Imre Galambos Sinologist
DYK Mary C. Wright (1917–1970) Historian 2013-01-09 Did you know that in 1964 historian Mary C. Wright became the first woman to be named as a full professor in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Yale University? 879 views
Photograph of Andrew Fleming West, 1889 Andrew Fleming West (1853–1943) Classicist 2015-01-19
Charles Otto Blagden (1864–1949) Linguist and Orientalist 2015-07-06
Wu Gan protesting in 2013 Wu Gan, known as the "Super Vulgar Butcher" human rights activist 2017-12-26
Wushour Silamu at Matsue Japan, October 2015 Wushour Silamu Computer scientist 2018-10-01
Evangeline Edwards (1888–1957) Sinologist 2018-11-15
Wang Quanzhang Chinese human rights lawyer 2018-12-26
Photograph of Gabriel Devéria, c. 1886 Gabriel Devéria (1844–1899) Tangutologist 2019-04-01
File:Adrian Bradshaw at Oxford Brookes University in October 2018 Adrian Bradshaw Photographer 2019-08-09
Cyril Birch (1925–2023) Sinologist 2023-06-19

Biographies of historical figures

Image Article Category Created Notes Stats
Wansong Xingxiu (1166–1246) Buddhist monk 2015-06-25


Image Article Created Notes Stats
DYK Staffordshire Hoard List of hoards in Britain 2010-07-13 Did you know that over 1,200 hoards in Britain from the Roman period have been found, but the very few hoards in Ireland containing Roman coins and silverware were probably loot taken from Britain by Irish raiders? 3,400 views
DYK Malone Hoard List of hoards in Ireland 2010-07-16 1,900 views
Burton Hoard List of Bronze Age hoards in Britain 2012-07-17 Split from List of hoards in Britain.
Alton A Hoard List of Iron Age hoards in Britain 2012-07-17 Split from List of hoards in Britain.
Barkway Hoard List of Roman hoards in Britain 2012-07-17 Split from List of hoards in Britain.
DYK Grouville Hoard List of hoards in the Channel Islands 2012-07-06 Did you know that that one of the archaeological hoards found in the Channel Islands comprised coins minted in Alexandria in Egypt? 1,300 views
Detail of Khitan small script on the epitaph of Yelü Dilie (1026-1092) List of Khitan inscriptions 2010-12-25
Rock inscription in Jurchen dated 1196 at Serven Khaalga, Bayankhutag, Mongolia List of Jurchen inscriptions 2010-12-29
DYK Bronze ceremonial vessel from the Shang Dynasty List of Chinese cultural relics forbidden to be exhibited abroad 2011-09-16 Did you know that the Chinese government has published a list of sixty-four important cultural relics (one of them pictured) that are forbidden to be exhibited outside of China? 16,200 views
Evgenij Ivanovich Kychanov List of Tangutologists 2012-10-26
Golden Light Sutra List of Tangut books 2013-04-06
Tianning Temple Pagoda List of pagodas in Beijing 2014-12-16
List of Khitanologists 2016-04-10
List of hoards in the Isle of Man 2017-06-30 Split from List of hoards in Britain.
A History of Ireland in 100 Objects 2017-06-30

Archaeological hoards

Image Article Created Notes Stats
DYK silver coin from the Frome Hoard showing a man on horseback Frome Hoard 2010-07-08 Did you know that the Frome Hoard was found by a metal detectorist just 35 cm (14 in) below ground in Somerset and contained 52,503 Roman coins (coin pictured)? 8,800 views
DYK Pot and coins from the hoard Shrewsbury Hoard 2010-07-09 Did you know that the first find by amateur metal detectorist Nick Davies was the Shrewsbury Hoard, which contained around 10,000 bronze Roman coins? 2,200 views
Furness Hoard 2011-07-01
DYK Pile of Roman coins from the Bredon Hill Hoard Bredon Hill Hoard 2011-10-17 Did you know that some of the nominally silver Roman coins from the Bredon Hill Hoard (pictured) only have a 1% silver content? 10,300 views
DYK The excavated hoard undergoing cleaning and investigation Grouville Hoard 2012-06-27 Did you know that that a huge hoard of Iron Age and Roman coins was found in Jersey in June 2012 after two metal detectorists spent a few hours a year for 30 years searching for a suspected hoard? 10,890 views
DYK Reverse of a cast counterfeit Eight Reales of Philip IV of Spain Middleham Hoard 2014-02-06 Article started by PatHadley and Johnbod

Did you know that the Middleham Hoard from Yorkshire included seven Spanish-American reales but only two of them were real (unreal real pictured)?
DYK Lenborough Hoard 2015-01-02 Did you know that the Lenborough Hoard, found just before Christmas 2014, is believed to be one of the largest hoards of Anglo-Saxon coins ever discovered in Britain? 3,638 views

Archaeological artefacts

Image Article Created Notes Stats
GA Detail of the seax showing the name "Beagnoth" in Runic letters Seax of Beagnoth 2010-08-18 Article expanded from stub by S Marshall and others, and I helped expand it to a Good Article
DYKGA The helmet on sale at Christie's Crosby Garrett Helmet 2010-09-13 Did you know that the Crosby Garrett Helmet, discovered this year, has a winged griffin on it, whereas the similar Ribchester Helmet (pictured) may have had a sphinx on top, but the Newstead Helmet only had a plume holder?

In the news on 8 October 2010: A Roman parade helmet discovered by a metal detectorist in May 2010 is auctioned for £2.3 million ($3.6 million)
DYK On display at the Museum of Scotland Newstead Helmet 2010-09-14 2,400 views
DYK On display at the British Museum Waterloo Helmet 2010-09-15 Did you know that the Waterloo Helmet, dredged from the River Thames in 1868, is the only Iron Age helmet with horns ever to have been found in Europe? 9,500 views
DYK Bronze helmet with peak Meyrick Helmet 2010-09-16 Did you know that the Meyrick Helmet (pictured) combines the shape of a Roman auxiliary helmet with Celtic La Tène style decoration? 7,000 views
DYK Circular bronze shield Wandsworth Shield 2010-09-27 Did you know that the Wandsworth Shield (pictured) has a repoussée design of two large birds with outstretched wings and trailing tail feathers, and is considered to be a masterpiece of British Celtic art? 5,000 views
DYK A piece of ivory showing a lion devouring a man Nimrud Ivories 2011-03-08 Did you know that crime writer Agatha Christie used her face cream to clean the more than 2500-year-old Nimrud Ivories (example pictured) after their excavation? 13,500 views
DYK Trumpington bed burial 2012-03-17 Did you know that a 7th-century grave in Cambridge discovered in 2011 held the remains of an Anglo-Saxon teenage girl who was lying on a bed, with a gold and garnet cross on her breast? 12,792 views
Happisburgh footprints 2014-02-07 Article started by Braincricket
In the news on 8 February 2014: The earliest human footprints outside of Africa are discovered in the United Kingdom.

Books, manuscripts and paintings

Image Article Created Notes Stats

Failed GAR
Chinese figures Admonitions Scroll 2010-08-10 Did you know that the Admonitions Scroll (detail pictured), a treasured possession of the Qianlong Emperor, was bought by the British Museum for only £25 in 1903?
Failed GAR because no PD translation of the accompanying text available, so I made the translation myself.
DYK Fragment of the Testament of Ba at the British Library Testament of Ba 2011-01-23 Did you know that the earliest known fragment of the Testament of Ba, an account of the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet, was discovered in the British Library in 2009? 2,400 views
DYK Opening section of the Dunhuang Go Manual at the British Library Dunhuang Go Manual 2011-01-25 Did you know that the Dunhuang Go Manual is the earliest surviving manual on the strategic board game of Go? 2,500 views
DYK Page from Menggu Ziyun covering the syllables tsim to lim Menggu Ziyun 2011-01-29 ... Menggu Ziyun is a 14th century rime dictionary of Chinese as written in the 'Phags-pa script? 950 views
DYK First two pages of the Irk Bitig Irk Bitig 2011-02-04 Did you know that the Irk Bitig (Book of Omens) is the only known complete manuscript text written in the Old Turkic script? 1,500 views
DYK Front cover of Auspicious Tantra of All-Reaching Union: Supplementary Explanations volume 5 Auspicious Tantra of All-Reaching Union 2011-09-18 Did you know that the 12th-century Auspicious Tantra of All-Reaching Union, discovered among the rubble of the Baisigou Square Pagoda after it had been blown up, is the earliest-known book printed using wooden movable type? 2,800 views
DYK Page from Nova N 176 Nova N 176 2012-02-07 Did you know that in 2010, the only known complete manuscript written in the extinct Khitan language was identified in the collection of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts? 1,600 views
The General's Garden 2012-11-13
DYK Start of Section 37 of the manuscript scroll of the Tangut translation of the General's Garden The General's Garden (Tangut translation) 2012-11-14 Did you know that the Tangut translation of the Chinese military text The General's Garden predates the earliest surviving Chinese edition by 200 years? 1,318 views
Manchu translation of the Lord's Prayer by S. V. Lipovtsov Bible translations into Manchu 2013-11-24
Springmount Bog Tablets 2017-06-27

Monumental inscriptions

Image Article Created Notes Stats
DYK Rubbing of the stele Stele of Sulaiman 2011-10-01 Did you know that Om mani padme hum is engraved in the Lantsa, Tibetan, Uyghur, 'Phags-pa, Tangut and Chinese scripts on a 1348 stele, and in the Tibetan, Jurchen, Chinese, and Mongolian scripts on a 1413 stele? 1,600 views
DYK Yongning Temple Stele 2011-10-01 800 views
DYK Tangut dharani pillars on display at the Ancient Lotus Pond in Baoding Tangut dharani pillars 2013-12-23 Did you know that two dharani pillars (pictured) erected in Baoding in 1502 are inscribed with the latest known examples of the Tangut script? 4,074 views


Image Article Created Notes Stats
DYK Baisigou Square Pagoda 2011-09-17 Did you know that the 12th-century Auspicious Tantra of All-Reaching Union, discovered among the rubble of the Baisigou Square Pagoda after it had been blown up, is the earliest-known book printed using wooden movable type? 2,300 views
DYK View of the Cloud Platform at Juyongguan from the north Cloud Platform at Juyongguan 2012-10-27 Did you know that the 14th-century Cloud Platform at Juyongguan (pictured) in Beijing is inscribed with Buddhist texts in six different scripts: Lanydza, Tibetan, 'Phags-pa, Old Uyghur, Tangut and Chinese? 3,471 views
DYK View of Camberley Obelisk from the west Camberley Obelisk 2011-11-30 Did you know that the 18th-century Camberley Obelisk (pictured) may have been built by John Norris to communicate by heliograph with Sir Francis Dashwood at West Wycombe church, about 20 miles (32 km) away? 7,822 views
View of Chengtian Temple Pagoda, Yinchuan on a dull, cloudy afternoon Pagoda of Chengtian Temple 2016-09-03
The 108 stupas at Qingtongxia, Ningxia One Hundred and Eight Stupas 2016-09-04
Hongfo Pagoda, Ningxia Hongfo Pagoda 2016-09-15

Institutions and organizations

Image Article Created Notes Stats

Failed GAR
Digitisation at the British Library of the Rabbit Garden Imperial Book Repository 兔園策府, a Tang dynasty manuscript from Dunhuang International Dunhuang Project 2011-01-18 Did you know that the International Dunhuang Project has made over a quarter of a million images of Silk Road manuscripts and other artefacts available online?
Failed GAR due to overreliance on the IDP website as a source.
DYK The Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace on Palace Quay, home to the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2012-02-02 Did you know that in 2010, the only known complete manuscript written in the extinct Khitan language was identified in the collection of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts? 400 views


Image Article Created Notes Stats
DYK Liubo players inside an Eastern Han model pottery tower Liubo 2009-07-12 5× expansion of an existing article

Did you know that when he was crown prince the future Emperor Jing of Han killed the Prince of Wu during an argument over a game of Liubo by throwing the game board at his opponent?
DYK Porcelain Mao badge Chairman Mao badge 2010-07-23 Did you know that the earliest known Chairman Mao badges were made from used toothpaste tubes?
All Mao badge images deleted on Commons
DYK Rhinoceros wine vessel dating to the Western Han (206 BC – AD 9) Rhinoceroses in ancient China‎ 2011-09-24 Did you know that rhinoceroses in ancient China were used as models for wine vessels? 7,200 views
DYK Black Kite, known in military slang as the 'shite-hawk' Shite-hawk‎ 2011-10-09 Did you know that, contrary to claims of a medieval origin for the term shite-hawk, it originated as British military slang for the Black Kite (pictured)? 12,800 views
DYK Replica of the "Saxon Princess" bed burial at the Street House Anglo-Saxon cemetery Bed burial‎ 2012-03-19 Did you know that a 7th-century grave in Cambridge discovered in 2011 held the remains of an Anglo-Saxon teenage girl who was lying on a bed, with a gold and garnet cross on her breast? 4,690 views
Reverse of an 11th century Anglo-Saxon silver disc brooch with seven pseudo-runes on a silver strip in the centre Pseudo-runes‎ 2012-07-26
Detail of a memorial stone in Tavistock, Devon, inscribed SABIN{I} FIL{I} MACCODECHET{I} ("Of Sabinus, son of Maccodechetus"), showing sideways I in the words Sabini and fili Sideways I 2012-08-23
DYK Bushell's 1896 decipherement of 37 Tangut characters Tangutology 2012-10-26 Did you know that Tangutology developed as an academic discipline after the Russian explorer Pyotr Kozlov discovered a hoard of Tangut documents at the lost city of Khara-Khoto in 1908? 1,864 views
Ming dynasty Dharani pillar from Biyun Temple in Beijing Dharani pillar 2013-12-23
Image Description Promoted Featured
FA Odiham Castle, Hampshire Odiham Castle, Hampshire. 12 May 2012. 9 January 2013 3 June 2017
Image Article Featured date
FA The Royal Gold Cup on display at the British Museum Royal Gold Cup Featured article on 2010-07-10
FL Marine chronometer made by Thomas Earnshaw (Senior) that was used on the HMS Beagle, on display at the British Museum List of chronometers on HMS Beagle Featured list on 2013-06-17


The Original Barnstar
I, Pericles of Athens, award User:BabelStone with this barnstar in recognition of his excellent contributions to the ancient Chinese board game article on Liubo. Well done, sir! Well done indeed. Cheers.Pericles of AthensTalk 13:45, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
The British Museum barnstar
In thanks for your help with Hoxne, photos and most of all with Admonitions Scroll :-) Witty Lama 23:52, 27 June 2010 (UTC)
The Special Barnstar
For your work on Stele of Sulaiman and Yongning Temple Stele which helps direct wikipedia to an increasingly valuable resource covering time and place. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 00:03, 17 October 2011 (UTC)
The Barnstar of Good Humor
For making me smile and conjuring bizarre images in my head of pigeons after too many vindaloos. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 19:36, 21 October 2011 (UTC)
The Writer's Barnstar
Nice work with Happisburgh footprints - looks pretty close to GA already. Jamesx12345 20:00, 8 February 2014 (UTC)
The Editor's Barnstar
For your extraordinary work at the Happisburgh footprints, I hereby award you this barnstar. Your work is indispensable! Happy editing. ComputerJA () 03:36, 12 February 2014 (UTC)
The Rosetta Barnstar
You will be missed, Wikipedia is a wonderful editor poorer without you. Donald Trung (talk) 18:39, 29 March 2021 (UTC)
The 25 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal
Well you have created much more than 25. I see you are well on your way to 50. I see your DYK's and note that they are as so interesting.... and I see that the hoard articles continue to grow. I just got 3 questions right on university challenge because they were pictures of hoards. Keep up the good work. Thanks from me and the wiki. Victuallers (talk) 20:40, 24 October 2011 (UTC)
The 50 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal
This recognition of fifty DYKs belittles the contribution that you have made to Wikipedia. All those great articles about hoards that I believe started in the year that we collaborated with the British Museum. Lots of stuff about the History of the World in 100 objects including dozens of great photographs. Its a great pleasure to recognise this achievement and to thank you on behalf of the DYK project, myself and the wiki. Thanks. Victuallers (talk) 23:24, 12 January 2015 (UTC)

User:BabelStone has been identified as an Awesome Wikipedian,
and therefore, I've officially declared today as BabelStone's day!
For being such a beautiful person and great Wikipedian,
enjoy being the Star of the day, dear BabelStone! Peace,
00:03, 22 October 2010 (UTC)


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1,000 edits 20 May 2010
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6,000 edits 28 October 2012
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8,000 edits 19 January 2014
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12,000 edits 27 July 2017
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