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Some other Wikimedia projects
I put this table here for my convenience. See Special:SiteMatrix and meta:Complete_list_of_Wikimedia_projects and m:List_of_Wikipedias and the Wikimedia portal for more.
Other: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimédia Magyarország alapítvány, Test Wikipedia, Test2, Nostalgia Wikipedia; list of embassies for each project.
Wikipedia bookmarks
Here are some link to some important (for me) wikipedia help pages. This may grow.
- Wikipedia:Reference Desk
- Help:Wiki markup
- Help:Table
- Wikipedia:Extended image syntax (showing images in wiki pages)
- Wikipedia:Redirect (redirect categorization templates)
- Category:Disambiguation and redirection templates
- Template:Resolved
- Wikipedia:InterWikimedia links
- Special:PrefixIndex (alphabetic index of all pages)
- m:IRC channels
- Wikipedia:CatScan => new CatScan tool
- meta:Research:Quarry
- Wikipedia:Creating a bot
- MediaWiki API
- Query interwiki codes and other useful global info about a wiki
- mw:Extension:FlaggedRevs
- meta:Data dumps
- mw:Manual:Parameters to index.php
- Wikipedia:Purge
- mw:Help:Magic words
- Wikipedia:Language recognition chart (for written language)
- Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet chart for English (SAMPA)
- Image:BlankMap-World-v5.png
- c:File:UTC hue4map X world Robinson - explicit offsets.png
- Orders of magnitude: area, angular velocity, currency, data, density, energy, frequency, length, mass, numbers, power, pressure, specific heat capacity, speed, temperature, time, torque, volume
- Wikipedia:Vital articles, List of articles every Wikipedia should have
- Wikipedia_talk:Requests_for_comment/5_millionth_article_logo#Arbitrary_break
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Resource Exchange/Resource Request
- Wikimédia Magyarország Egyesület együttműködése könyvtárakkal
- Wikipedia:The_Wikipedia_Library (hasonló együttműködés online szolgáltatókkal)
Notable deaths of this century
- 1928/2001-01-18 Sinkovits Imre
- 1916/2001-02-24 Claude Shannon
- 1952/2001-05-11 Douglas Adams
- 1920/2001-11-02 Réber László
- 1926/2003-07-14 Janikovszky Éva
- 1920/2004-10-19 Kenneth Iverson
- 1921/2006-03-27 Stanisław Lem
- 1940/2006-10-27 Gregor József
- 1936/2006-12-22 Lázár Ervin
- 1917/2007-11-19 Szabó Magda
- 1922/2007-11-11 Kurt Vonnegut
- 1919/2007-11-17 Szegő György
- 1938/2008-03-04 Gary Gygax
- 1917/2008-03-19 Arthur C. Clarke
- 1927/2008-06-06 Sánta Ferenc
- 1942/2009-09-25 Bujtor István
- 1984/2009-04-07 Dave Arneson
- 1925/2010-03-17 G. Szabó Judit
- 1914/2010-05-22 Martin Gardner
- 1956/2010-05-28 Békés Pál
- 1935/2011-03-10 Ranschburg Jenő
- 1941/2011-10-12 Dennis Ritchie
- 1927/2011-10-24 John McCarthy
- 1951/2014-08-11 Robin Williams
- 1963/2015-03-09 Jiří Matoušek
- 1948/2015-03-12 Terry Pratchett
- 1922/2015-10-06 Göncz Árpád
- 1927/2016-01-24 Marvin Minsky
- 1952/2016-11-06 Kocsis Zoltán
- 1929/2016-10-31 Bud Spencer
- 1919/2017-02-06 Raymond Smullyan
- 1929/2018-06-20 Kányádi Sándor
- 1937/2019-12-15 Chuck Peddle
- 1937/2020-04-11 John H. Conway
- 1935/2020-07-06 Ron Graham
Some books I like
(This list is old and obsolate.)
(I wrote here whatever came into my mind, except that I only add one item per author. It's obviously incomplete.)
- Szabó Magda: Tündér Lala. Meseregény, Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1965.
- Békés Pál, BÁLDOR. Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1999.
- Fehér Klára, Én sose kapok levelet, Lesz nekem egy szigetem, Az indián kertje. Ciceró Könyvstúdió, 2004. Three related children's novels.
- Radnóti Miklós, Sem emlék, sem varázslat, all poems of the author. Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1961.
- Stanisław Lem, Kiberiáda. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1971; orig: "Cyberiada", Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków, 1967.
- Michael Ende, A Végtelen Történet. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2002; orig: "Die Unendliche Geschichte".
- Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: Egybefont Gondolatok Birodalma. Typotex, Budapest, 2005; orig: "Gödel, Escher, Bach, an Eternal Golden Braid"
- Lois Lowry: Az emlékek őre. Animus, 2003; original title: "The Giver"; translation by Tóth Tamás Boldizsár
- A. A. Milne, Micimackó, Micimackó kuckója. Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó; orig: "Winnie the Pooh" – "The House at Pooh Corner"; transl: Karinthy Frigyes.
- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a trilogy in four parts. Pan Books, London, 1992.
- J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1999.
- Richard P. Feynman, „Tréfál, Feynman úr?”, Egy mindenre kíváncsi pasas kalandjai, ahogy Ralph Leighton lejegyezte. Park Könyvkiadó, 2002; orig: "“Surely, You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!”, Adventures of a Curious Character, As Told To R. Leighton", W. W. Norton & Co., New York, 1997.
- Szathmári Sándor, Kazohinia. Magvető Zsebkönyvtár, Budapest, 1972.
- George Orwell, Állatfarm. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1989; orig: "Animal Farm", Secker and Warburg, London, 1950.
- Oscar Wilde, A boldog herceg és más mesék. Polygon Kiadó, 1990; orig: "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" – "A House of Pomegranates", Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1909.
- Molnár Ferenc, A Pál utcai fiúk. Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1967.
- Grätzer József, SICC, Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1964
- Gerald Durrell, Családom és egyéb állatfajták. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest; orig: "My Family and Other Animals".
- Móra Ferenc, Kincskereső kisködmön. Móra Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1967.
- Lázár Ervin, Berzsián és Dideki. Századvég Kiadó, 1993?.
- Erik Knight, Sam Small csodálatos élete. Móra Könyvkiadó, 1983; orig: "Sam Small flies again", Phoenix Publishing Co. Ltd., Scherz and Hallwag, Berne – Paris; transl. Szerb Antal.
- Jules Verne, Nyolcvan nap alatt a föld körül. Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1971; orig: "Le Tour du Monde en quatre-vingts jours".
- P. L. Travers, A csudálatos Mary. Falukönyv-Ciceró, 1996?; orig: "Mary Poppins", Collins, London, 1934.
- Raymond Smullyan, A hölgy vagy a tigris és egyéb logikai feladatok. Typotex, Budapest, 1997; orig: "The Lady or the Tiger? and Other Logical Puzzles".
- Erich Kästner, Az Emberke. Holnap Kiadó, 2000; orig: "Der Kleine Mann", Atrium Verlag, Zürich, 1963; with original illustrations from Horst Lemke.
- J. R. R. Tolkien, A Gyűrűk Ura. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2002; transl: Göncz Árpád, Réz Ádám; orig: "The Lord of the Rings".
- Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik, Konkrét Matematika. Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1998; orig: "Concrete Mathematics".
- Paul Procter (editor), Dictionary of Contemporary English, A Langenscheidt-Longman Dictionary. Longman Group Ltd., 1985, 7th printing.
People with two parts of their name famous
I'm collecting a list of people whose given name and family name both redirect to the article about him in en.wikipedia. Any two words in the name are good, e.g. family name + middle name.
Zinedine Zidaneno longer- Zaphod Beeblebrox
- Barack Obama
no longeragain Astri Aas-Hansenno longer- Edwidge Danticat
- Chinua Achebe
Feel free to add here if you find anyone else. Category:Redirects from given names could help.
Density of metals
In kg/m3, at room temperature
1850 | beryllium |
2700 | aluminum |
7100 | zinc |
7300 | tin |
7900 | iron or steel |
8700 | brass or bronze |
9000 | copper |
10500 | silver |
11300 | lead |
13600 | mercury (liquid) |
19300 | gold |
21500 | platinum |
Plant food notes
Types of cereal
Hungarian name | English name | identifying features |
hu:búza | wheat | white bread is made of this, Hungary produces so much that it was in the old coat of arms, but very common worldwide |
hu:rizs | rice | common cereal used as a side dish cooked alone (without fats) instead of vegetables, staple food in south-east Asia, grown in Asia on water-filled fields |
hu:kukorica | maize = corn | most well-known variety is sweetcorn, which is used as side dish cooked or eaten alone with kernel cooked whole; other varieties used for popcorn or as fuel; come from America originally |
hu:rozs | rye | used for brown bread, also other food and liquor |
hu:zab | oat | common livestock feed (sterotypical horse food), but humans also eat it as "healthy food" cereal flakes |
hu:Árpa (növényfaj) | barley | often fermented for beer, also animal feed and "healthy food" |
hu:köles | millet | grown in Asia, not common here but appears as "healthy food" |
hu:cirok | sorghum | ? |
TODO for myself
Subpages of my userpage
Hardware info under linux
List of programs and stuff for getting hardware information on linux. In my experience, the most useful are kernel log messages and lspci.
/dev (existing devices and uuids etc) /proc (contains lots of useful info) /sys (lots of hardware info there too) /var/log/X{org,Free86}.{0,1}.log (X server log) /var/log/{messages,syslog} (syslog messages, depending on syslog config) X (log contains some messages) badblocks (searches for physical read errors on a disk) cdrecord (can tell info about cd/dvd drive or disk) cdrskin (pert of libburn, cd/dvd drive info) clockprobe (in svgatextmode) discover dmesg (kernel messages ring) dmidecode dvd+rw-booktype (in dvd+rw-tools) dvd+rw-format (in dvd+rw-tools) dvd+rw-mediainfo (in dvd+rw-tools) fdisk (in util-linux, how large a disk is and chs) free (tells amount of physical memory) get_edid grabmode (in svgatextmode, tells current video mode) hdparm (hard disk info) hwinfo i2c-tools ioscan ip (replaces ifconfig) lm_sensors lscpu lsdvd lshal lshw lspci (devices attached by pci) lsscsi lsusb (devices attached on usb) netstat read_edid readcd (old name of readom) readom (in cdrtools, cd/dvd drive and disk info) sdparm sfdisk (in util-linux, how large a disk is and chs) sg3-utils smartmontools ss (replaces netstat) sysreport (redhat utility to collect all kinds of info) systool udevinfo wodim (in cdrtools, cd/dvd drive and disk info) xrandr (video mode parameters in X)