Welcome to Alt lys' page
I'd been a long-time reader, and occasional editor at Wikipedia, for some time before I created this user account on 11/1/14. I had a previous user name of MisplacedFate1313 maybe 6 or 7 years ago. In that time, I've tried to further familiarize myself with the various Wiki protocols. I think this encyclopedia has improved much over the years. If I can help improve it further, in my own small way, I think that would be super.
I won't claim to be an expert at anything — however, I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in secondary education, majoring in English, so if I'm going to be throwing myself into any articles, it might tend to be on literary or political subjects. Lately, I've been trying to immerse myself in the Linguistics articles, they've been rather helpful in my studies. I'm well-versed in technical and creative writing — as such, I'm fairly adept at research, and I'd like to apply a strong standard for having reliable sources in articles. I've seen more than a few articles go from stub to GA via excellently-cited sources. I've also seen a few good articles turn to dust from poor citations. It really comes down to how much time we each have to devote to this. I don't know if I'll have a great deal of time, but some articles are worth more than just your own 2 cents, ya know?
Anyway. Thank you for visiting my talk page, and know that I am always open to discussion and constructive criticism.
Alt lys er svunnet hen (talk) 02:01, 2 November 2014 (UTC)