My age
35 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 6 days
My birthday are in...
7 months, 1 week and 1 day
My name day are in...
−1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days
elΜητρική γλώσσα αυτού του χρήστη είναι η ελληνική.
esEste usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-2This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.
This user comes from Mexico.

This user comes from Greece.

This user has set foot in 4 continents of the world.

This user has visited 12 of the 205 countries in the world.
15,600+This user has made more than 15,600 contributions to Wikipedia.
Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 13 years, 6 months and 27 days.
This user is married.

Hello... My name is Antonella. I have Mexican and Greek descent. My mom she was Greek from Lefkada in Greece, while my dad was Mexican from Monterrey. Speak Spanish, Greek and English.

Hola ... Mi nombre es Antonella. Tengo ascendencia mexicana y griega. Mi madre era Griega de Lefkada en Grecia, mientras que mi padre era Mexicano de Monterrey. Habla Español, Griego e Inglés.

Porto Katsiki beach
Traditional houses
Kalamitsi Beach
Patras Carnival "King of the Carnival"
The burning of the Carnival King
Εnd... the show with fireworks
The bridge one day with wind
Mexico City Cathedral
Angel of Independence

Places I have been

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