Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
* This script is an indepedently-usable AutoEd module. If you already have AutoEd installed, please see [[Wikipedia:AutoEd/Customization]] for how to load this module. If you don't have AutoEd installed, then you don't need to do anything; just install this script the normal way.
* Known false positive occurs when interlanguage link is placed after a template invocation within a citation template. Make sure this does not happen by checking the page preview for errors.
function autoEdwIll( str ) {
str = str.replace( /\[https?:\/\/([^\.]*)\.(?:m\.)?wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/(\S*)(?:\s*([^\]]*)])/g, ( match, p1, p2, p3 ) => {
if ( p3 === undefined ) {
return `[[:${ p1 }:${ p2 }]]`;
return `[[:${ p1 }:${ p2 }|${ p3 }]]`;
} );
str = str.replace( /(?<!{{\s*cit[^}]*)\[\[:(.*?):([^|\]]*)(?:\|([^\]]*))?]]/g, ( match, p1, p2, p3 ) => {
if ( p3 === undefined ) {
return `{{ill|${ p2 }|${ p1 }}}`;
return `{{ill|${ p3 }|${ p1 }|${ p2 }}}`;
} );
return str;
$.when( $.ready ).then( () => {
if ( importScript( 'Wikipedia:AutoEd/core.js' ) ) { // if not otherwise using AutoEd
console.log( 'imported' );
window.autoEdFunctions = function () {
const $box = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
const str = $box.textSelection('getContents');
const newstr = autoEdwIll( str );
if ( newstr !== str ) { // don't confuse or tag if no fixes
$box.textSelection('setContents', newstr);
} else {
autoEdTag = '';
autoEdClick = false;
mw.notify( 'No changes needed!' );
autoEdMinor = false;
autoEdLinkName = 'AutowIll';
autoEdLinkHover = 'Automatically wikify and template straightforward foreign-language links';
autoEdTag = 'converted foreign-language links to use {{ill}} with [[User:Aaron Liu/AutowIll.js]]';
} );