Note: I have now removed the iPhone from my userpage; see User:Oxguy3/toolbar for details.
Some of the settings on my iPhone navigation tool can be customized by you. For most of the settings, you will have to edit your CSS page (usually, this requires you to be logged in).
Feel free to ask me any questions you have on my talk page.
Work in Progress!
Remove the iPhone
Note: This code does not yet work. If you know how to fix it, please message me. Thanks!
If you find the iPhone annoying, which I imagine some of you will, I have set it up so it can be removed. Add this code to your CSS page:
.iphonenavigation #naviphonemain #naviphonewp #iphonenavearthwp #iphonenavuserwp #naviphonehome #naviphonewifitext #navtime-hour #navtime-colon #navtime-min #navtime-ampm #navicon1a-a #navicon1a-p #navicon1b #navicon1c-a #navicon1c-p #navicon1d-a #navicon1d-p #navtextrow1 #navicon2a-a #navicon2a-p #navicon2b-a #navicon2b-p #navicon2c-a #navicon2c-p #navicon2d-a #navicon2d-p #navtextrow2 #naviconsettings #navtextsettings {display:none;}