NUMBEROF shows statistics for a language.project (eg. en.wikipedia, cs.wikiquote, commons, etc.). Statistics update every 6 hours, except for your local wiki (en.wiki) which are real-time.
Projects tracked include:
Statistics are available for:
There are 2 required parameters, and an optional third:
- First parameter:
- Second parameter (lang.project):
, etc.. if there is no ".<project_name>" it defaults to.wikipedia
are acceptable shortcuts - Third parameter: If not empty (such as 'N') it will add a comma. For example "1000" becomes "1,000". For Wikis that use non-Latin digits, 'N' will also display numbers in the native script.
Number of articles
To show the number of articles of the French Wikipedia in format raw:
→ 2669211
To show the number of pages on Commons with comma:
→ 151,292,423
Totals for first parameter stats (articles
, pages
, edits
, users
, activeusers
, admins
or files
) are available in three types: totalactive
, totalclosed
and total
(ie. totalactive + totalclosed). "Active" or "closed" indicate the status of the Wikipedia, as some wikis are no longer active, but old stats are still available.
To show the total of all active sites, on wikipedia, for pages:
→ 269,396,624
To show the number of pages on avwiki in format raw:
→ 17855
To show the number of pages on avwiki:
→ 17,855
There is also a special total.all
which is all projects (eg. wikipedia, wikiquote) that are active or closed.
→ 655,047,220
Meta statistics
Information about the number of Wiki sites is available. Three types of stats: active
, closed
and languages
(ie. active + closed).
→ 355{{NUMBEROF|active|wikiquote}}
→ 74{{NUMBEROF|closed|wikiquote}}
→ 23
This allows for creating dynamic sentences for example: As of {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} there are {{NUMBEROF|languages|wikipedia}} Wikipedia sites of which {{NUMBEROF|active|wikipedia}} are active and {{NUMBEROF|closed|wikipedia}} are closed.
which produces: "As of March 2025 there are 355 Wikipedia sites of which 342 are active and 13 are closed."
Depth is available. Example:
→ 269
See meta:Wikipedia article depth for the meaning of depth.
Site rankings are available. See {{Wikipedia rank by size}}
How it works
- The statistics are retrieved by Module:NUMBEROF from Commons:Data:Wikipedia_statistics/data.tab and Commons:Data:Wikipedia_statistics/meta.tab
- The rankings are retrieved from Commons:Data:Wikipedia_statistics/rank/wikipedia.tab and wikibooks.tab etc.. one for each of 8 sister projects.
- The bot Numberof runs 4x daily updating data.tab and the ranking tabs based on a site list generated by API:SiteMatrix and statistics from API:Siteinfo
- The bot runs on Toolforge from
by en:User:GreenC
How to install on other wikis
Copy and paste these pages:
- Template:NUMBEROF
- Module:NUMBEROF/data
This is all that is required for basic installation.
Optionally copy-paste the full package which includes documentation, a rank template and meta statistics.
- Template:NUMBEROF/doc – optionally use shorter basicdoc
- Module:NUMBEROF/doc
- Module:NUMBEROF/rank – for rankings
- Module:NUMBEROF/other – for rankings
- Module:NUMBEROF/meta – for meta statistics
- {{Wikipedia rank by size}} – optionally translate template name
- {{Wikipedia rank by size/WP}} – variation on the template
- {{Wikipedia rank by size/doc}}
Edit 'languages link' (left column) for:
- Template:NUMBEROF
- Template:Wikipedia rank by size (if installed)
Link to the enwiki version. This allows for easier upgrades later.
See also
{{Wikipedia rank by size}}
- Numberof bot at GitHub