This page shows some blank versions to use when adding the template to an article. Please note that these templates may not necessarily contain all the valid fields for an article type, but will contain the common ones.


{{Infobox Australian place
| type                = region
| name                = 
| state               = 
| image               = 
| caption             = 
| pop                 = 
| established         = 
| area                = 
| lga                 = 
| lga2                = 
| lga3                = 
| lga4                = 
| lga5                = 
| stategov            = 
| fedgov              = 
| logo                = 
| url                 = 

Local Government Area

{{Infobox Australian place
| type                = lga
| name                = 
| state               = 
| image               = 
| caption             = 
| image2              = 
| caption2            = 
| pop                 = 
| est                 = 
| area                = 
| mayor               = 
| seat                = 
| region              = 
| stategov            = 
| fedgov              = 
| logo                = 
| logo_upright        = 
| url                 = 
| near-n              = 
| near-ne             = 
| near-e              = 
| near-se             = 
| near-s              = 
| near-sw             = 
| near-w              = 
| near-nw             = 


{{Infobox Australian place
| type                = city
| name                = 
| state               = 
| image               = 
| caption             = 
| pop                 = 
| poprank             = 
| density             = 
| established         = 
| area                = 
| timezone            = 
| utc                 = 
| timezone-dst        = 
| utc-dst             = 
| dist1               = 
| dir1                = 
| location1           = 
| lga                 = 
| stategov            = 
| fedgov              = 

Suburb and locality

{{Infobox Australian place
| type                = suburb
| name                = 
| city                = 
| state               = 
| image               = 
| caption             = 
| pop                 = 
| established         = 
| postcode            = 
| area                = 
| dist1               = 
| dir1                = 
| location1           = 
| lga                 = 
| stategov            = 
| fedgov              = 
| near-n              = 
| near-ne             = 
| near-e              = 
| near-se             = 
| near-s              = 
| near-sw             = 
| near-w              = 
| near-nw             = 


{{Infobox Australian place
| type        = town
| name        = 
| state       = 
| image       = 
| caption     = 
| pop         = 
| established = 
| postcode    = 
| elevation   = 
| dist1       = 
| dir1        = 
| location1   = 
| lga         = 
| stategov    = 
| fedgov      = 
| maxtemp     = 
| mintemp     = 
| rainfall    = 

Cadastral unit

{{Infobox Australian place
| type               = cadastral
| name               = 
| state              = 
| image              = 
| image_upright      = 
| caption            = 
| image_alt          = 
| coordinates        = {{Coord| |S| |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref          = 
| established        = 
| area               = 
| area_footnotes     = 
| lga                = 
| lga2               = 
| region             = 
| county             = 
| parish             = 
| hundred            = 
| former_hundred     = 
| division           = 
| maxtemp            = 
| maxtemp_footnotes  = 
| mintemp            = 
| mintemp_footnotes  = 
| rainfall           = 
| rainfall_footnotes = 
| near-n             = 
| near-ne            = 
| near-e             = 
| near-se            = 
| near-s             = 
| near-sw            = 
| near-w             = 
| near-nw            = 

Protected area

{{Infobox Australian place
| type                   = protected
| name                   = 
| state                  = 
| iucn_category          = 
| iucn_ref               = 
| image                  = 
| image_upright          = 
| caption                = 
| image_alt              = 
| force_national_map     = 
| relief                 = 
| coordinates            = {{Coord| |S| |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref              = 
| pushpin_map_caption    = 
| pushpin_label_position = 
| map_alt                = 
| nearest_town_or_city   = 
| established            = 
| established_footnotes  = 
| area                   = 
| area_footnotes         = 
| visitation_num         = 
| visitation_year        = 
| visitation_footnotes   = 
| managing_authorities   = 
| url                    = 
| footnotes              = 

Pushpin map fields

For adding a basic push-pin map to an existing page. For decimal degrees:

| coordinates            = {{Coord | |S | |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref              =

For degrees, minutes, seconds:

| coordinates            = {{Coord | | | |S | | | |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref              =

To add a more advanced map, additional fields are available.

| coordinates              = {{Coord | |S | |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref                = 
| alternative_location_map = 
| force_national_map       = 
| use_lga_map              = 
| relief                   = 
| pushpin_map_caption      = 
| pushpin_label_position   =

Blank template with all fields included

{{Infobox Australian place
| type                     = 
| name                     = 
| city                     = 
| state                    = 
| iucn_category            = 
| image                    = 
| image_upright            = 
| image_alt                = 
| caption                  = 
| image2                   = 
| image2_upright           = 
| image2_alt               = 
| caption2                 = 
| coordinates              = {{Coord| |S| |E |display=inline,title}}
| coord_ref                = 
| alternative_location_map = 
| force_national_map       = 
| use_lga_map              = 
| relief                   = 
| pushpin_map_caption      = 
| pushpin_label_position   = 
| map_alt                  = 
| nearest_town_or_city     = 
| pop                      = 
| pop_year                 = 
| pop_footnotes            = 
| pop2                     = 
| pop2_year                = 
| pop2_footnotes           = 
| poprank                  = 
| density                  = 
| density_footnotes        = 
| est                      = 
| established              = 
| established_footnotes    = 
| abolished                = 
| gazetted                 = 
| postcode                 = 
| elevation                = 
| elevation_footnotes      = 
| area                     = 
| area_footnotes           = 
| timezone                 = 
| utc                      = 
| timezone-dst             = 
| utc-dst                  = 
| mayor                    = 
| mayortitle               = 
| dist1                    = 
| dir1                     = 
| location1                = 
| dist2                    = 
| dir2                     = 
| location2                = 
| dist3                    = 
| dir3                     = 
| location3                = 
| dist4                    = 
| dir4                     = 
| location4                = 
| dist5                    = 
| dir5                     = 
| location5                = 
| lga                      = 
| lga2                     = 
| lga3                     = 
| lga4                     = 
| lga5                     = 
| seat                     = 
| county                   = 
| parish                   = 
| hundred                  = 
| former_hundred           = 
| division                 = 
| stategov                 = 
| stategov2                = 
| stategov3                = 
| stategov4                = 
| stategov5                = 
| fedgov                   = 
| fedgov2                  = 
| fedgov3                  = 
| fedgov4                  = 
| logo                     = 
| logo_upright             = 
| visitation_num           = 
| visitation_year          = 
| visitation_footnotes     = 
| managing_authorities     = 
| url                      = 
| maxtemp                  = 
| maxtemp_footnotes        = 
| mintemp                  = 
| mintemp_footnotes        = 
| rainfall                 = 
| rainfall_footnotes       = 
| near-n                   = 
| near-ne                  = 
| near-e                   = 
| near-se                  = 
| near-s                   = 
| near-sw                  = 
| near-w                   = 
| near-nw                  = 
| near                     = 
| footnotes                = 
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