How old is Bajor?

In Ensign Ro, Picard said that the Bajorans were philosophers, artists and artisans when humans weren't standing erect. If he wasn't exagerrating and meant it literally then this would put thier civilization around 500,000BC.

Also, although it's non-canon the Q continuum trilogy mentions that the T'kon empress (The T'Kon empire existed 600,000 years ago) had imported Bajoran honey. The orbs only started to arrive in the last 10,000 years though. If they are this old, why aren't they technologically superior to almost other civilization?

Rivers on Bajor

As far as I remember Kira mentioned, sitting in a shuttle (Ganges or Rio Grande), that fortunately Earth has so many rivers that the shuttles could be named after. It appears that Bajor doesn't have so many rivers. I cannot remember the episode. If anyone can confirm this, this detail could be added to the article. --Stephan Schneider 11:31, 27 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Picture Specifics

Do we know which city specifically is pictured? Jolanda City perhaps? --Fsotrain09 04:28, 5 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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