Siraj al-Din al-Makhzumi (Arabic: سراج الدين المخزومي; d. circa 1480) was a 15th-century Muslim scholar and a disciple of contemporary scholar Siraj al-Din al-Bulqini. He was a follower of the Rifa'i order of Sufism and espoused the ideas of the famous Sufi philosopher, Ibn Arabi.


Siraj al-Din al-Makhzumi was born in the city of Wasit in 1391 but stayed in Damascus for a while before he travelled to Egypt to study.[1] In Egypt, he studied under Siraj al-Din al-Bulqini. However, al-Bulqini would later become a disciple of al-Makhzumi instead, after al-Makhzumi initiated him into the Rifa'i order.[1] After al-Makhzumi had performed the Hajj pilgrimage, he returned to Baghdad where he stayed for the rest of his life.[1][2]

Siraj al-Din al-Makhzumi acquired a large following during his stay in Baghdad.[2] He died there in 1480 and was buried in a mosque named after him.[2] According to Abu al-Huda al-Sayyadi, the reason for al-Makhzumi's fame may be due to his mother being from a household of prominence in Iraq.[1]


Takfir (excommunication)

Siraj al-Din al-Makhzumi followed the view of al-Shafi'i regarding takfir (excommunication).[3] He agreed that the Khawarij are Muslims and are not excluded by takfir, nor are the Mu'tazilites or the Murji'ah.[3] He also explained the terminology of "people of whims" as referring to the aforementioned groups.[3]

Ibn Arabi

He was a staunch defender of the views and doctrine of the Andalusian philosopher and Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi.[1][4] Amongst his writings is the Kashf al-Ghita' an Asrar al-Kalam al-Shaykh Muhyi al-Din, a treatise which contains a defense of Ibn Arabi against accusations of pantheism and polytheism.[5]

One of his students recorded the following statement from him:[6]

We seek refuge in Allah from say­ing that he [Ibn 'Arabi] asserts indwelling or communion-with-the-divine! He is far above that. Rather, he is one of the greatest imams and among those who have probed the oceans of the sciences of the Book and the Sunnah.


  • Sahih al-Akhbar: A genealogical work on the lineage of those descended from Fatima daughter of Muhammad[2][7]
  • Kashf al-Ghita' an Asrar al-Kalam al-Shaykh Muhyi al-Din: A treatise defending Ibn Arabi from accusations of pantheism and other heresies.[5]


Siraj al-Din al-Makhzumi was honourably given the title of Shaykh al-Islam of the Levant.[4][7] A mosque known as the Siraj al-Din Mosque was built at the site of his grave in 1955, while construction was supervised and directed by Iraqi architect, Rifat Chadirji.[2][8] It contains some relics of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[9]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e al-Sayyadi (2019). Khizānat al-amdād fī akhbār al-Ghawth al-Kabīr al-Sajjād Mawlānā al-Sayyid ‘Izz al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Ṣayyād. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmiyah. ISBN 9782745193995.
  2. ^ a b c d e مجلة لغة العرب العراقية | مجلد 9 | صفحة 184 | العدد 88 | جامع سراج الدين وترجمة الشيخ | الجوامع والم (in Arabic).
  3. ^ a b c al-Sha'rani (2007). Kitāb al-Yawāqīt wa al-Jawāhir fī Bayān ʻaqāʼid al-Akābir. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmiyah.
  4. ^ a b From the work al-Durr al-Saqit Fay Tarjamat A'ayan wa Sadat al-Wasit (الدر الساقط فی ترجمة اعیان و سادات واسط)
  5. ^ a b Yaziji Oglu (2021-11-21). "Explanation of Fusus al-Hikam by Muhyi al-Din ibn 'Arabi". Google Books. Retrieved 2024-12-14.
  6. ^ al-Hilmi, Muhammad Rajab (1908). Kitāb al-burhān al-azhar fī manāqib al-Shaykh al-Akbar. Cairo, Egypt: Matba'at al-Sa'adah.
  7. ^ a b "SAHIH AL-AKHBAR, 18TH CENTURY". Retrieved 2024-12-14.
  8. ^ "Archnet > Site > Jami' Siraj al-Din (Design)". Retrieved 2024-12-14.
  9. ^ hadi, huda (2021-12-21). "مركز احياء التراث يزور مركز الإرشاد الصوفي العراقي". المركز الخبري. Retrieved 2024-12-14.
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