The Shadow Cabinet of Tommy Lapid was created on 3 January 2005[1][2] following Shinui's withdrawal from the government in December 2004. Although the idea was considered before,[3] especially in the 1980s when Likud and the Israeli Labor Party formed large blocs in the Knesset, this was the first time a Shadow Cabinet was formed in Israel.
Shadow cabinet list
Personnel differences
The following members of the shadow cabinet were ex-ministers in the Sharon government on the day of Shinui's withdrawal:
- Tommy Lapid, who held the Justice portfolio in the Sharon government, held no shadow portfolio apart from that of Prime Minister (shadowing Sharon) and Vice Prime Minister (shadowing Shimon Peres).
- Avraham Poraz, who held the Interior portfolio in the Sharon government, was moved to shadow the communications and finance portfolios.
- Ilan Shalgi, who held the environmental protection portfolio in the Sharon government, retained it in the shadow cabinet, also gaining the defense portfolio.
- Eliezer Sandberg, who held the national infrastructure portfolio in the Sharon government, was moved to shadow the foreign affairs portfolio.
- Victor Brailovsky, who held the culture portfolio in the Sharon government, was moved to shadow the immigrant absorption portfolio.