- Seven policemen charged in a deadly Danziger Bridge shooting in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina turn themselves in at a New Orleans city jail. (MSNBC)
- A report by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that twenty-six of their employees witnessed abuse at the Guantánamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba. (CNN)
- Earlier reports of the discovery of the wreckage of Adam Air Flight 574 are proved false. (CNA) (Reuters)
- Former US President Gerald Ford's state funeral takes place at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. His casket is later moved to his hometown Grand Rapids, Michigan for burial on Wednesday January 3, 2007. (Reuters) (CNN)
- Sri Lankan Airforce bombs the fishing hamlet of Padahuthurai in what they call a rebel LTTE sea base results in the death of 14 civilians on January 2, 2007.
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