Petro Petrovych Tolochko (Ukrainian: Петро́ Петро́вич Толо́чко; 21 February 1938 – 28 April 2024) was a Soviet and Ukrainian historian, archaeologist, and political activist.[1] He was one of the leading specialists in history of the Kievan Rus (Old Rus) and one of leading researchers of the NASU Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine.
Tolochko was a doctor of historical sciences (1981), professor (1982), full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1990), foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011, on 8 March 2022 he announced the withdrawal of his membership[2]) and member of the World Russian People's Council.[3]
In Ukraine, Tolochko was heavily criticized for his pro-Russian views and for his disapproval of the country's relations with the EU and NATO.[4][5][6] In 2016, he was forced to quit his position as the director of the Institute of Archaeology of the NASU.[7] According to the Russian historian Ruslan Gagkuyev, Petro Tolochko was placed under house arrest in April 2023.[8][9]
Tolochko died on 28 April 2024, at the age of 86.[10]
- Old Kiev, 1970[11]
- Old Rus: Essays on Sociopolitical History, 1987[12]
- Old Russian Feudal City, 1989[13]
- Archaeology and Ancient History (In Defence of Historical Marxism), 2007[14]
- Ukraine in an Orange Interior, 2012[15]
- Early Rus: History and Archeology, 2013[16]
- Ukraine in the Fire of European Integration, 2015[17]
- The Origin of the Land of Rus', 2016[18]
- ^ Ivakin 2013.
- ^ NASU 2022.
- ^ WRPC 2018.
- ^ Tolochko 2018, p. 187.
- ^ Kot 2020.
- ^ Komersant 2024.
- ^ Komersant 2024, section 3: "Under public pressure, he was dismissed in 2016 from the post of director of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
- ^ AllMedia 2023, section 7: "Я думаю, что сейчас голос Петра Петровича, находящегося под домашним арестом, является голосом всего украинского исторического сообщества [I think that now the voice of Petro Petrovych, who is under house arrest, is the voice of the entire Ukrainian historical community]"
- ^ RIA 2024.
- ^ Tolochko 1970.
- ^ Tolochko 1987.
- ^ Tolochko 1989.
- ^ Tolochko 2007.
- ^ Tolochko 2012.
- ^ Tolochko 2013.
- ^ Tolochko 2015.
- ^ Tolochko 2016.
- Ivakin, Hlib (2013). "Tolochko Petro Petrovych" Толочко Петро Петрович. In Smolii, V. A. (ed.). Encyclopedia of History of Ukraine (in Ukrainian). Vol. 10. NASU Institute of History of Ukraine.
- "Kollektyvna zaiava do Prezydii Rosiis'koi akademii nauk vid chleniv NAN Ukrainy - inozemnykh chleniv RAN" Колективна заява до Президії Російської академії наук від членів НАН України – іноземних членів РАН [Joint request to the presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences from members of NAS of Ukraine - foreign members of RAS]. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in English, Russian, and Ukrainian). 8 March 2022.
- "Akademik NAN Ukrainy P. P. Tolochko: Beznravstvenno otkazyvat'sya ot nashey obshey istorii" Академик НАН Украины П. П. Толочко: Безнравственно отказываться от нашей общей истории [Academician of the NASU of Ukraine P. P. Tolochko: It is Immoral to Deny our Common History]. World Russian People's Council (in Russian). 2 November 2018.
- "Istochnik nazval prichinu smerti istorika Petra Tolochko" Источник назвал причину смерти историка Петра Толочко [Source reported the cause of the historian Petro Tolochko's death] (in Russian). RIA Novosti. 28 April 2024. Retrieved 1 June 2024.
- Tolochko, Petro (2018). Zapesotskiy, A. S. (ed.). Ukraina mezhdu Rossiey i Zapadom Украина между Россией и Западом [Ukraine between Russia and the West] (in Russian). Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Trade Unions. ISBN 978-5-7621-0973-4.
- "V Moskve predstavili knigu Otkuda poshla Ruskaya zemlya" В Москве представили книгу Откуда пошла Руская земля [The book The Origin of the Land of Rus' has been presented in Moscow]. Al'yans Media (in Russian). 18 September 2023.
- "Prezentatsia knigi Petra Tolochko Otkuda poshla Ruskaya zemlya v Dome russkogo zarubezhya" Презентация книги Петра Толочко Откуда пошла Руская земля в Доме русского зарубежья [Presentation of the Petro Tolochko's book The Origin of the Land of Rus' in the House of Russian Expatriates]. Russian Historical Society (in Russian). 15 September 2023.
- "Pro-Russian historian, archaeologist Tolochko dies: what he was remembered for". Komersant. 29 April 2024.
- "Ukraina - strana bez proshlogo" Украина - страна без прошлого [Ukraine - a country without a past] (in Russian). Interviewed by Kot, Yuriy. Golos Pravdy. 6 December 2020. Retrieved 2 June 2024 – via YouTube.
- Tolochko, Petro (1970). Drevniy Kiev Древний Киев [Old Kiev] (in Russian). Naukova Dumka.
- Tolochko, Petro (2013). Rannyaya Rus': istoriya i arkheologiya Ранняя Русь: история и археология [Early Rus: History and Archeology] (in Russian). Blits. ISBN 9785867894306.
- Tolochko, Petro (2016). Otkuda poshla Ruskaya zemlya Откуда пошла Руская земля [The Origin of the Land of Rus'] (in Russian). Dmytro Buraho. ISBN 978-966-489-614-3.
- Tolochko, Petro (2015). Ukraina v ogne evrointegratsii Украина в огне евроинтеграции [Ukraine in the Fire of European Integration] (in Russian). Aleteyya. ISBN 9785990598027.
- Tolochko, Petro (2012). Ukraina v oranzhevom inter'ere Украина в оранжевом интерьере [Ukraine in an Orange Interior] (in Russian). ADEF-Ukraina. ISBN 9789661871389.
- Tolochko, Petro (1987). Drevnyaya Rus: ocherki sotsial'no-politicheskoy istorii Древняя Русь: очерки социально-политической истории [Old Rus: Essays on Sociopolitical History] (in Russian). Kiev: Naukova Dumka. p. 246.
- Tolochko, Petro (1989). Drevnerusskiy feodal'nyy gorod Древнерусский феодальный город [Old Russian Feudal City] (in Russian). Kiev: Naukova Dumka.
- Tolochko, Petro (2007). Arkheologiya i drevnyaya istoria (v zashchitu istoricheskogo marksizma) Археология и древняя история (в защиту исторического марксизма) [Archaeology and Ancient History (In Defence of Historical Marxism)] (in Russian). Kiev: Akademperiodika. p. 103. ISBN 9789663600666.
External links
- Petro Tolochko. Official Ukraine Today.
- Hlib Ivakin. Petro Petrovych Tolochko (ТОЛОЧКО ПЕТРО ПЕТРОВИЧ). Encyclopedia of History of Ukraine.