Discussion should be at Template talk:Convert

The following uses the sandbox modules and is generated from wikitext:

  • {{convert/sandbox|test=wikidata}}

If a problem is detected, a message is shown in the "note" column.

Search for * to see 5 notes

SI base units

si symbol name1 name2 link note
A A ampere
F F faraday
H H henry
V V volt

Aliases for convert

alias ucode base note
kV kV V
kilograms kg
mV mV V

Units not known to convert

qid _ucode base name1 name2 link label note
Q131255 F F farad
Q163354 H H henry
Q1916026 uV V microvolt
Q193933 dpt dioptre dioptre
Q212120 A⋅h ampere hour ampere hour
Q2448803 mV V millivolt
Q2451296 uF F microfarad
Q2490574 mA A milliampere
Q25250 V V volt
Q25272 A A ampere
Q2553708 MV V megavolt
Q2554092 kV V kilovolt
Q2636421 nH H nanohenry
Q2679083 uH H microhenry
Q2682463 nF F nanofarad
Q2756030 pF F picofarad
Q2793566 GV V gigavolt
Q2924137 mH H millihenry
Q3117809 uA A microampere
Q33680 rad radian radian
Q4456994 mF F millifarad
Q47083 Ω ohm ohm
Q483261 u dalton dalton
Q550341 VA volt-ampere volt-ampere *label changed to volt ampere

Units known to convert

qid ucode label note
Q100995 lb pound
Q1022113 cc cubic centimetre
Q102573 Bq becquerel
Q103246 Sv sievert
Q1050958 inHg inch of mercury
Q1051665 m/s2 metre per second squared *label changed to metres per second squared
Q1052397 rad rad
Q1054140 Mm megametre
Q1057069 hg hectogram
Q1063786 sqin square inch
Q1092296 year annum
Q11570 kg kilogram
Q11573 m metre
Q11574 s second
Q11579 K kelvin
Q11582 litre litre
Q1165588 rod rod
Q1165799 thou thou *label changed to thousandth of an inch
Q11776930 Mg megagram
Q11929860 kpc kiloparsec
Q1194225 lbf pound-force
Q12129 pc parsec
Q12438 N newton
Q1255620 drachm dram
Q12874593 W.h watt-hour *label changed to watt hour
Q128822 kn knot
Q1374438 ks kilosecond
Q1377051 Gs gigasecond
Q14754979 Zg zettagram
Q14786969 MJ megajoule
Q14787261 MW.h megawatt hour
Q1550511 sqyd square yard
Q160857 hp metric horsepower
Q1628990 hph horsepower-hour
Q163343 T tesla
Q1645498 ug microgram
Q17087835 cda cuerda
Q174728 cm centimetre
Q174789 mm millimetre
Q175821 um micrometre
Q1770733 Tg teragram
Q1772386 dg decigram
Q177493 G gauss
Q1777507 fs femtosecond
Q177974 atm standard atmosphere
Q178674 nm nanometre
Q180154 km/h kilometre per hour
Q180892 solar mass solar mass
Q1811 au astronomical unit
Q1815100 cl centilitre
Q182098 kW.h kilowatt hour
Q1823150 uW microwatt
Q182429 m/s metre per second
Q1826195 dl decilitre
Q18413919 cm/s centimetre per second
Q185078 a are
Q185153 erg erg
Q185648 Torr torr
Q190095 Gy gray
Q191118 tonne tonne
Q1913097 fg femtogram
Q192274 pm picometre
Q1972579 pdl poundal
Q200323 dm decimetre
Q201933 dyn dyne
Q2029519 hl hectolitre
Q2051195 GW.h gigawatt hour
Q207488 R Rankine scale
Q208788 fm femtometre
Q2101 e elementary charge
Q21014455 m/min metre per minute
Q21062777 MPa megapascal
Q21064807 kPa kilopascal
Q211256 mph mile per hour
Q21178489 oilbbl/d barrels per day
Q2143992 kHz kilohertz
Q21467992 cuft/s cubic foot per second
Q215571 Nm newton metre
Q216795 dunam dunam
Q216880 kgf kilogram-force
Q218593 in inch
Q2282891 ul microlitre
Q2282906 ng nanogram
Q229354 Ci curie
Q232291 sqmi square mile
Q2332346 ml millilitre
Q23387 week week
Q23823681 TW terawatt
Q23925410 impgal gallon (UK)
Q23925413 USgal gallon (US)
Q2438073 ag attogram
Q2474258 mSv millisievert
Q2483628 as attosecond
Q2489298 cm2 square centimetre
Q2518569 nSv nanosievert
Q25235 h hour
Q25236 W watt
Q25267 C degree Celsius
Q25269 J joule
Q253276 mi mile
Q25343 m2 square metre
Q25406 coulomb coulomb
Q25517 m3 cubic metre
Q260126 rem Roentgen equivalent man
Q2612219 Pg petagram
Q2619500 foe foe
Q2637946 dal decalitre
Q2655272 Eg exagram
Q2691798 cg centigram
Q2739114 uSv microsievert
Q2799294 Gg gigagram
Q3013059 millennium kiloannum
Q305896 dpi dots per inch
Q3207456 mW milliwatt
Q3221356 ym yoctometre
Q3239557 pg picogram
Q3241121 mg milligram
Q3267417 Tm terametre
Q3270676 zm zeptometre
Q3276763 GHz gigahertz
Q3277907 Em exametre
Q3277915 Zm zettametre
Q3277919 Pm petametre
Q3312063 fl femtolitre
Q3320608 kW kilowatt
Q3332822 Mt(TNT) megaton of TNT
Q35852 ha hectare
Q3675550 mm3 cubic millimetre
Q3710 ft foot
Q3773454 Mpc megaparsec
Q3902688 pl picolitre
Q3902709 ps picosecond
Q39369 Hz hertz
Q3972226 kl kilolitre
Q4068266 drachm apothecaries' drachm
Q41803 g gram
Q4220561 km/s kilometre per second
Q42289 F degree Fahrenheit
Q4243638 km3 cubic kilometre
Q44395 Pa pascal
Q48013 oz ounce
Q482798 yd yard
Q4989854 kJ kilojoule
Q4992853 kt(TNT) kiloton of TNT
Q5139563 hPa hectopascal
Q5151 month month
Q531 ly light-year
Q5465723 ftpdl foot-poundal
Q573 d day
Q577 year year
Q5879479 GW gigawatt
Q6003257 am attometre
Q613726 Yg yottagram
Q6170164 yg yoctogram
Q667419 LT long ton
Q673166 g0 gravity of Earth
Q693944 gr grain
Q6982035 MW megawatt
Q712226 km2 square kilometre
Q723733 ms millisecond
Q732454 Myr megaannum
Q732707 MHz megahertz
Q752079 grt gross register ton *label changed to gross register tonnage
Q752197 kJ/mol kilojoule per mole
Q7727 min minute
Q794261 m3/s cubic metre per second
Q809678 Ba barye
Q81292 acre acre
Q81454 angstrom ångström
Q828224 km kilometre
Q83327 eV electronvolt
Q838801 ns nanosecond
Q842015 us microsecond
Q844211 kg/m3 kilogram per cubic metre
Q844338 hm hectometre
Q844976 Oe oersted
Q848856 dam decametre
Q854546 Gm gigametre
Q857027 sqft square foot
Q9048643 nl nanolitre
Q93318 nmi nautical mile

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