- This is an incomplete list of articles that are relevant to youth rights, which can or may never satisfy any objective standard for completeness. Revisions and additions are welcome.
- Adultcentrism
- Adultism
- Age of candidacy
- Age of consent
- Age of majority
- Ageism
- Alcohol consumption by youth in the United States
- Alternative school
- Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions
- Article 12
- Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co. - on regulating child labour through the tax code
- "Barting Over"
- Behavior modification facility
- Camel racing - use of child jockeys
- Capacity (law)
- Child advocacy
- Child Labor Deterrence Act
- Child labor laws in the United States
- Child labour
- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
- Closed adoption
- Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (English: "Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission")
- Compulsory education
- Conscription
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Corporal punishment
- Criminalization
- Curfew
- Child abuse
- Emancipation of minors
- Ephebiphobia - the fear of youth
- Escape from Childhood
- Ever Reviled Records
- Evolving capacities