ICD-9 chapters
Chapter Block Title
I 001–139 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
II 140–239 Neoplasms
III 240–279 Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases, and Immunity Disorders
IV 280–289 Diseases of the Blood and Blood-forming Organs
V 290–319 Mental Disorders
VI 320–389 Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs
VII 390–459 Diseases of the Circulatory System
VIII 460–519 Diseases of the Respiratory System
IX 520–579 Diseases of the Digestive System
X 580–629 Diseases of the Genitourinary System
XI 630–679 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium
XII 680–709 Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
XIII 710–739 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
XIV 740–759 Congenital Anomalies
XV 760–779 Certain Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period
XVI 780–799 Symptoms, Signs and Ill-defined Conditions
XVII 800–999 Injury and Poisoning
E800–E999 Supplementary Classification of External Causes of Injury and Poisoning
V01–V82 Supplementary Classification of Factors influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services
M8000–M9970 Morphology of Neoplasms

This is a shortened version of the fifth chapter of the ICD-9: Mental Disorders. It covers ICD codes 290 to 319. The full chapter can be found on pages 177 to 213 of Volume 1, which contains all (sub)categories of the ICD-9. Volume 2 is an alphabetical index of Volume 1. Both volumes can be downloaded for free from the website of the World Health Organization. See here for a PDF file of only the mental disorders chapter.

Chapter 5 of the ICD-9, which was first published in 1977, was used in the field of psychiatry for approximately three and a half decades. In the United States, an extended version of the ICD-9 was developed called the ICD-9-CM. Several editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the DSM, interfaced with the codes of the ICD-9-CM. Following the DSM-II (1968), which used the ICD-8, the ICD-9-CM was used by the DSM-III (1980), the DSM-III-R (1987), the DSM-IV (1994), and the DSM-IV-TR (2000). The DSM-5 (2013), the current version, also features ICD-9-CM codes, listing them alongside the codes of Chapter V of the ICD-10-CM. On 1 October 2015, the United States health care system officially switched from the ICD-9-CM to the ICD-10-CM.[1][2]

The DSM is the authoritative reference work in diagnosing mental disorders in the world. The ICD system is used to code these disorders, and strictly seen, the ICD has always been the official system of diagnosing mental diseases in the United States. Due to the dominance of the DSM, however, not even many professionals within psychiatry realize this.[3] The DSM and the ICD form a 'dual-system': the DSM is used for categories and diagnostic criteria, while the ICD-codes are used to make reimbursement claims towards the health insurance companies. The ICD also contains diagnostic criteria, but for the most part, therapists use those in the DSM. This structure has been criticized, with people wondering why there should be two separate systems for classification of mental disorders. It has been proposed that the ICD supersede the DSM.[4]

Psychosis (290–299)

Organic psychotic conditions (290–294)

Other psychoses (295–299)

Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300–316)

Neurotic disorders (300)

Personality disorders (301)

Sexual deviations and disorders (302)

Psychoactive substance (303–305)

Other (primarily adult onset) (306–311)

Mental retardation (317–319)

  • 317 Mild mental retardation (Include: feeble-minded, high-grade defect, mild mental subnormality, moron)
  • 318 Other specified mental retardation
    • 318.0 Moderate mental retardation (Include: imbecile, moderate mental subnormality)
    • 318.1 Severe mental retardation (Include: severe mental subnormality)
    • 318.2 Profound mental retardation (Include: idiocy, profound mental subnormality)
  • 319 Unspecified mental retardation (Include: mental deficiency NOS, mental subnormality NOS)


  1. ^ Conn, Joseph (1 May 2014). "Physician anxieties linger as CMS sets Oct. 1, 2015 conversion date for ICD-10". Modern Healthcare. Archived from the original on 29 November 2014.
  2. ^ Morse, Susan (3 October 2016). "ICD-10's first year was easy, but specificity has providers bracing for denials". Healthcare Finance News. Archived from the original on 8 November 2017. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  3. ^ Reed, Geoffrey M. (2010). "Toward ICD-11: Improving the clinical utility of WHO's International Classification of mental disorders" (PDF). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 41 (6): 457–464. doi:10.1037/a0021701. Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 December 2017.
  4. ^ "ICD vs. DSM". Monitor on Psychology. 40 (9). APA: 63.
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