Olahus questions: Hi! Concerning this map, I think they are some errors:
1) The Szekely land didn't ever expand to the regions located south of the Carpathians.
- of course it did. see this http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urla%C5%A3i ... Prahova county was part of Seklerland - Secuieni-Saak
- Did not. Secuieni was settled with szecklers some centuries later. The Szekely land stopped at Burzenland. Only the Teutons expanded their teritory in Vrancea and Muntenia. --Alex:D (talk) 15:50, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
- The Szekely land did never extend to Wallachia. In ro:wiki we have an article about the Secuieni county. --Olahus (talk) 13:33, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
- Did not. Secuieni was settled with szecklers some centuries later. The Szekely land stopped at Burzenland. Only the Teutons expanded their teritory in Vrancea and Muntenia. --Alex:D (talk) 15:50, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
2) The location of Kreuzburg (Cruceburg) is even today unknown, respectively disputed.
- So what?
- So how did you established its location in northern Covasna county and not in Burzenland? --Olahus (talk) 13:33, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
3) The northernmost extend of Cumania is unknown.
- this is why i've used dashes instead of solid line.
- OK there ara no dashes :), but this is an irrelevant data. Nobody knows for sure the exact location ...
- However, this isn't so problematic. --Olahus (talk) 13:33, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
- OK there ara no dashes :), but this is an irrelevant data. Nobody knows for sure the exact location ...
4) The Banat of Severin (Terra de Zeurino) comprised also territories from Banat. I was split after 1526 (the battle of Mohács) between Oltenia and the montaineous parts of what we call today Banat.
- OK, I'll represent this info on the map ... You have right. The same naming technic was used 400 years later, for the former Bihar county (See Hajdu-Bihar vs Bihor. ). "Szoreny" county was splitted(?) between Principality of Transylvania, and Muntenia. the first became part of Krasso-Szoreny county, the later became Oltenia ... --fz22 (talk) 21:33, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
- Since the borders of Terra de Zeurino aren't clearly defined, I propose you to replace the yellow spot in the map with the inscription "Banat of Severin (Terra de Zeurino)" in a space that extends from the Banat mountains to western Oltenia. --Olahus (talk) 13:33, 10 September 2009 (UTC)