DescriptionSuch Meeting or Assemblage is seditious... (9621476054).jpg
English: Proclamation issued by E.G. Swifte, Chief Divisional Magistrate of the Dublin Metropolitan Police District (and shareholder in the Dublin United Tramways Company). This was an attempt to stop the huge public meeting that Jim Larkin had called for, planned to take place on Sackville Street on Sunday 31st August.
Larkin publicly burned this proclamation on the day it was issued...
Proclamation; E.G. Swifte; Chief Divisional Magistrate; Dublin Metropolitan Police District; DMP District; Friday; 29th; August; 1913; 20th century; HMSO; Thoms; Alex Thom; Sackville Street; Dublin; Ireland; Leinster; Sunday; 31st; Bloody Sunday; Jim Larkin; James Larkin; Ephemera Collection; Dublin Lockout; 1913 Lockout; Dublin Lockout Exhibition; National Library of Ireland; Ephemera
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{information |description={{en|1=Proclamation issued by E.G. Swifte, Chief Divisional Magistrate of the Dublin Metropolitan Police District (and shareholder in the Dublin United Tramways Company). This was an attempt to stop the...