Unknown, it is assumed that an Italian soldier or Chetnik took the photograph
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work published in Serbia is in the public domain because its copyright expired pursuant to the Yugoslav Copyright Act of 1978 which provided for copyright term of the life of the author plus 50 years, respectively 25 years for photograph or a work of applied art. This applies to works already in the public domain on or before December 29, 2004 when a new copyright act became valid.
The work meets one of the following criteria:
a) a work of known authorship and the author died before January 1, 1954
b) an anonymous work and it was published before January 1, 1954
c) a photograph or a work of applied art published before January 1, 1973
A source should be included so that the status can be verified.
Note that other works enter the public domain 70 years after the author's death or 70 years after publication if the work was published anonymously. If this is the case please use {{PD-old-70}}.
This non-U.S. work was published 1930 or later, but is in the public domain in the United States because either
it was simultaneously published (within 30 days) in the U.S. and in its source country and is in the public domain in the U.S. as a U.S. work (no copyright registered, or not renewed),
it was first published outside the United States (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days) and
it was first published before 1978 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities or after 1978 without copyright notice and
it was in the public domain in its home country on the URAA date ( January 1, 1996 for most countries).
This work may still be copyrighted in other countries.
For background information, see the explanations on Non-U.S. copyrights. Note: in addition to this statement, there must be a statement on this page explaining why the work is in the public domain in the U.S. (for the first case) or why it was PD on the URAA date in its source country (second case). Additionally, there must be verifiable information about previous publications of the work.
Original upload log
The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.