Text Appearing Before Image: nderstand it. First, I wish to speak very briefly concerning the pupils ofthe ordinary commercial college. I do not need to tell th.saudience that they are not as a rule high school graduates.They are boys and girls with a very inadequate preparationfor entrance to the business schools of today. That is apathetic fact, and a fact that you have to reckon with. The:.tpupils are seventh, eighth and ninth graders, consequent ywe have a problem on our hands that is serious from mat.yviewpoints, and a problem that has to be considered when « etry to prophecy what the future of commercial education willbe. Again, it is well for us sometimes to think of the charact(rof the teachers in our commercial schools. They are not menwho have had a broad, general, academic education. They aremen who have been trained particularly in the commercialsubjects and have had no special training for the work ofteaching. Hence, there is a tremendous waste and we corr.-merical teachers must recognize this fact. Text Appearing After Image: W. N. Ferris. You proprietors have had occasion to hire commercialteachers. There cannot be a greater mistake than for anyman, even if he is going into a medical college to teachclasses in medicine, to assume that because he knows allabout his subject, that he is necessarily qualified to do thatwork without a broad and general education. The best physi-cians of today are aware that if they are to render the bestservice to mankind and with credit to themselves, they mustknow something apart from the subjects included under thehead of medicine. Other things being equal, I employ inmy family the physician who reads Shakespeare, Longfellow,Tennyson. George Eliot, Hawthorne, Dickens. Other things;Ual, he is the man I want. He is the man you wantThis is the age in which the doctor and the lawyer and thepreacher must be something more than a doctor, or a lawyer,or a preacher. lie must be a man. This he essen- tial requirements in his professional training. And the sameholds true with the com
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