Comment: Please cut down considerably that ridiculously long list of publications etc. (~500 items, really??). Wikipedia is not meant to be a comprehensive catalogue of someone's entire output. Focus on the most noteworthy ones only. DoubleGrazing (talk) 18:24, 15 February 2025 (UTC)
Professor Dr. Paata J. Kervalishvili
Professor, Doctor of Sciences Paata Kervalishvili (born 17 September,1949) is a Georgian Scientist who conducted a range of fundamental and applied research in several fields of physics and technology such as condensed matter, molecular, bio and quantum physics, nuclear and laser technologies, novel materials, sensory systems, energy and information technologies, control and management theories and practices. He is an author of more than 500 papers, several patents on inventions and renowned books. He has received numerous prizes and awards from USSR, Georgia and European States and organizations.
Early life and Education
Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, Paata Kervalishvili is a son of Medea Kiknavelidze (Dr. of Biology) and Jamlet Kervalishvili (Dr. of Engineering) descendants of well-known Georgian Families.
He studied at the 1st Tbilisi High School the oldest educational establishment in Caucasian region opened at 1802 as the first classical gymnasium which he entered in 1956 and graduated in the 1966 with the honor of the Gold Medal. 1966 -1971 Paata studied and successfully graduated from the Georgian Polytechnic Institute /University (Established in 1922), from the faculty of Engineering Physics.
P. Kervalishvili was a doctoral student at famous Moscow Institute of Giredmet, where his supervisors were well-known soviet scientists Georgi Flyorov (founder and director of Dubna Nuclear Research International Institute) and Lev Goncharov. He received his PhD, defending dissertation “Creation of Germanium based Gamma Nuclear Radiation Detectors”. Simultaneously he was awarded the degree of candidate of the Technical Sciences and got another rank of a Senior Scientist.
From 1970 to 1992, Paata Kervalishvili worked in Soviet Atomic Programme. He started his research and engineering works at legendary Sokhumi Physica-Technical Institute, working on the space nuclear thermoelectric and thermoemission generators Programme. Later he was reassigned to the Institute of Stable Isotopes (Separation of light mass isotopes and creation of control and regulating systems for nuclear reactors-breeders).
After it he was relocated to Giredmet (Germanium and Silicon monocrystal for space and nuclear application). Starting 1980 to 1992 he worked mainly in I. Kurchatov atomic energy institute (Medium mass isotopes separation, Uranium and Plutonium preparation and measurement Programme, different sensory systems development (including coherent light based).
During the Soviet period, being relatively young he was leading classified programs, such as creation of nuclear radiation detectors based on Germanium; creation of fast-nuclear nuclear reactors regulatory systems; development of medium mass isotopes separation technology, research and processing of laser devices for space purpose and many more.
In 1978 he received Lenin Komsomol Prize in Physics, Soviet Middle Machinery Ministry – prize, and subsequently various other classified awards. In Atomic Energy Institute, he worked with Isak Kikoin and Anatoly Alexandrov (Heads of the USSR atomic projects).
After the defense of his dissertation in Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, he was assigned to the position of the Head of the Scientific Council at the Institute. By 1990, he was already a well-known scientist and head of the projects and programmes in different fields of engineering physics.
Paata Kervalishvili traveled to the U.S. (Lourence-Livermore lab, and University of California at Berkeley, Cleveland Case Western Reserve University). Later in 1992-1993 he worked at the space lab of well-known Dr. Joe Wetch in San Jose and Los Angeles.
From 1994 to 2000 Professor Kervalishvili is in the Parliament and Government of Georgia, as the Head of the Foreign Relations and Iternational Science, Technology and Industry programs.
Since 1984, P. Kervalishvili has been in the position of Professor at Georgian Technical University; Since 1998, Professor of Tbilisi State University. He has been actively engaged in international scientific and technical programs and projects in the US, Germany, France, Italy, Greece as well as at the universities (California University – Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hanover and Stuttgart Universities, Fraunhofer Society Institutes, Cranfield and Cambridge Universities, Paris and Strasbourg Universities, Rome and Ferrara Universities, Athens Kapodistrian and Technical Universities and others.)
Prof. Kervalishvili is the author of more than 500 scientific works, 35 inventions, patents and several well-known books, which were published by the distinguished editors as IOS press, Springer, etc.
He was an organizer and chairman of more than 50 conferences in the different countries and was invited as the key note speaker to up to 100 conferences.
Professor Paata Kervalishvili is the member of Editorial Bord of several well-known scientific journals. In the period of 1994-1999 he was a member of the NATO Scientific Council. In1989 for his Educational activities in the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and Georgian Polytechnic Institute he received the professor state rank of the USSR. Under his supervision more than 30 dissertation were successfully defended.
In 1991 Professor Kervalishvili founded in Georgia the State Science and Technology Centre of Sensory Systems. In 1994, he was elected at the Georgian Academy of Engineering, now he is a member of the presidium of this Academy. In 1997 Paata Kervalishvili was elected as a member of the Georgian National Academy of Natural Sciences; he is currently the President of this Academy. In 2010 Professor Paata Kervalishvili was elected as member and later as the President of the Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (Athens, Lausanne).
Paata Kervalishvili is a winer of more than 20 prestigious awards and prizes, member of several professional organizations, member of many international academies and boards. With the leadership of professor Kervalishvili more than 80 international research and innovation projects and Programmes have been implemented.
Professor P. Kervalishvili played the outstanding role in internationalization of science and technology works and achievements and its multi-disciplinarisation. With the help and support of famed scientists and public figures as Jaques Delor, Al Gore, Antonio Zichichi, Xavier Solana, Mariano Gago, Thomas Rachford, Ronald Lehman, Shuichi Iwata, Christos Zerefos and many other distinguished friends and colleagues in the fields of international science he is gaining momentum to reach the main goal: results of science and technology should be for service all over the world ,and should be owned by the whole world.
Published Works
· Physics of Structural Imperfections in Semiconductors and Dielectrics, Publishing house: Georgian Technical University Tbilisi 1989. Pages 97, (In Georgian).
· Some Issues of Scientific Policy. Co-author Nodar Jibladze, Publisher: Georgian Telecommunication, Tbilisi, 1999, pages 132. (In Georgian).
· Priorities of Georgian Economy Development: Analyze and Prospectives. Co-author Alexander Tvalchrelidze. Publisher: Sani, Tbilisi 2002. Pages 167. (In Georgian).
· Complexity and Security, co-author Jeremy Ramsden, Publisher: Washington, DC : IOS Press, 2008, Pages 441.
· Philosophy and Synergy of Information: Sustainability and Security, co-author Susie Michailidis, Publisher: Washington DC : IOS press, 2012, pages 215.
· Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems, co-author Panayotis Yannakopoulos.
· Publisher: Springer Dordrecht, 2016, Number of Pages: 201.
· Paata Kervalishvili, Tamar Bzhalava. Spectroscopy of Bioparticles Tbilisi 2017, ISBN 978-9941-0-9797-3, pages 244. (in Georgian).
· Essential Themes of Medical Physics & Biophysics in Fifteen Lectures. Publishing House “UNIVERSAL”, Tbilisi 2020
· Applied Biophysics (Biophysics for Engineers). Publishing house: Georgian Technical University Tbilisi 2021. Pages 281,
· Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences EMAAS - Member 2010
· Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences GANS - Member 1997
· Georgian Academy of Engineering GAE - Member 1994
· Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - Foreign Member 2010http
· Russian Academy of Industrial Ecology - Foreign Member 2005
· European Academy of Natural Sciences - Member 2004
· Research Council of the Institute of Molecular Physics of I. Kurchatov Centre of Atomic Energy - Member 1986-1995
· Research Council of the Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science - Member 1987-1991
· NATO Science Committee - Member 1994-2000
· New York Academy of Sciences - Member 1996
· Presidential council of Georgia - Deputy Chairman 1999 -2001
· etc.
Alma Mater:
Georgian Polytechnic Institute - Bachelor and master’s degrees in engineering physics 1970 and 1971
The State Research and Design Institute of the Rare Metal (GIREDMET) - PhD in Semiconductor Physics and Technology 1979
The Institute of Molecular Physics of the I. Kurchatov Centre of Atomic Energy - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics 1985