Dissent in the Armed Forces of the Empire of Japan refers to serious cases of military insubordination within the institution, from the founding of the Empire of Japan in 1868 to its defeat during World War II in 1945.
On 26 February 1936, a group of young radical Japanese Army officers led an attempted coup d'etat in Japan.[1]
Between 1929 and 1942, there were several acts of Communist subversion within the military.[2] During the Second Sino-Japanese War, hundreds of Japanese soldiers defected to the Chinese resistance to Japan and became resistance activists.[3]
Notable dissenters
See also
- ^ "4-7 The 2.26 Incident of 1936". National Diet Library.
- ^ Yukiko Koshiro (2013). Imperial Eclipse: Japan's Strategic Thinking about Continental Asia before August 1945. Cornell University Press. pp. 36. ISBN 978-0-8014-5180-5.
- ^ Roth, Andrew (1945). Dilemma in Japan. Little, Brown.
Further reading
- 山岸一章 (1981). 聳ゆるマスト—日本海軍の反戦兵士. 新日本出版社.
- 早乙女 勝元 (1991). 延安からの手紙—日本軍の反戦兵士たち. 草の根出版会.
- 小栗 勉 (2010). 聳ゆるマスト—史伝小説. かもがわ出版.
External links
- 戦前の反戦運動 「戦争に反対して、命がけで活動した人たちの記録」 (Pre-war anti-war movement "Record of the people who were active in the opposition to war.") at kure-sensai.net. Information on dissent within the Imperial Japanese Military in pre-war Japan.
- 「戦前の反戦兵士とその後」 II、「聳ゆるマスト」発行の阪口喜一郎の足跡を追って at kure-sensai.net. Information on anti-war activist in the Imperial Japanese Navy Sakaguchi Kiichiro.
- "延安工农学校里的日本战俘". 抗日战争纪念网 (Japanese War Memorial Network). December 31, 2015. Archived from the original on January 26, 2016.
- "他们来到中国战场". 中国人民革命军事博物馆 (Military Museum of Chinese people's revolution). Archived from the original on 2016-01-27.
- ""日本八路":抗战中的"在华日人反战同盟"". 中国共产党历史网 (Chinese Communist Party History Network). 18 September 2014.
- "日俘何以成为八路军战士?". 中国共产党历史网 (Chinese Communist Party History Network). 21 December 2015.