Beautiful (Chinese: 美丽人生) is the fifth studio album of Fish Leong (Chinese: 梁静茹), released on 12 February 2003.
Track listing
- Beautiful
- 為我好 Wei Wo Hao (For My Own Good)
- 第三者 Di San Zhe (The Other Woman)
- 美麗人生 Mei Li Ren Sheng (Beautiful Life)
- 我不害怕 Wo Bu Hai Pa (I Don't Fear)
- 你還在不在 Ni Hai Zai Bu Zai (Are You Still Here)
- 惡性循環 E Xing Xun Huan (Vicious Cycle)
- 最快樂那一年 Zui Kuai Le Na Yi Nian (The Most Happy For That Year)
- 向左轉向右轉 Xiang Zuo Zhuan Xiang You Zhuan (Turn Left Turn Right)
- 眼淚的地圖 Yan Lei De Di Tu (The Map Of Tears)
- 旅程 Lu Cheng (Journey)