Yezidi is a Unicode block containing characters from the Yezidi script, which was used for writing Kurdish, specifically the Kurmanji dialect (Northern Kurdish) for liturgical purposes in Iraq and Georgia.


Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+10E8x 𐺀 𐺁 𐺂 𐺃 𐺄 𐺅 𐺆 𐺇 𐺈 𐺉 𐺊 𐺋 𐺌 𐺍 𐺎 𐺏
U+10E9x 𐺐 𐺑 𐺒 𐺓 𐺔 𐺕 𐺖 𐺗 𐺘 𐺙 𐺚 𐺛 𐺜 𐺝 𐺞 𐺟
U+10EAx 𐺠 𐺡 𐺢 𐺣 𐺤 𐺥 𐺦 𐺧 𐺨 𐺩 𐺫 𐺬 𐺭
U+10EBx 𐺰 𐺱
1.^ As of Unicode version 16.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Yezidi block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
13.0 U+10E80..10EA9, 10EAB..10EAD, 10EB0..10EB1 47 L2/18-238 Karaca, Erdal; Pirbari, Dimitri; Rovenchak, Andrij (2018-05-25), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Yezidi script in the SMP
L2/18-241 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2018-07-25), "5", Recommendations to UTC # 156 July 2018 on Script Proposals
L2/18-284 Karaca, Erdal; Pirbari, Dimitri; Rovenchak, Andrij (2018-08-20), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Yezidi script
L2/18-300 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2018-09-14), "5", Recommendations to UTC #157 on Script Proposals
L2/19-051R N5053 Rovenchak, Andrij; Pirbari, Dimitri; Karaca, Erdal (2019-03-11), Proposal for encoding the Yezidi script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/19-047 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2019-01-13), "5", Recommendations to UTC #158 January 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-164 Rovenchak, Andrij (2019-01-29), Information on Yezidi UUM and hamza
L2/19-173 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2019-04-29), "9", Recommendations to UTC #159 April-May 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-122 Moore, Lisa (2019-05-08), "C.5", UTC #159 Minutes
N5122 "M68.03", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 68, 2019-12-31
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
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