Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. |
An encyclopedia is a written compendium of knowledge. |
Wikipedia is freely available, and combines many features of general and specialized encyclopedias and other reference works. |
Wikipedia is not a dumping ground for random information. |
Wikipedia is not a place to publish unverifiable material. |
Wikipedia is not a place to publish your own ideas. |
Wikipedia is not a place to publish your opinions. |
Wikipedia is not a free advertising space. |
Wikipedia is not a social networking site. |
Wikipedia is not an advocacy platform. |
Wikipedia is not an internet directory. |
Wikipedia is not for medical advice. |
Wikipedia is not for legal advice. |
Wikipedia is not a bureaucracy. |
Wikipedia is not a democracy. |
Wikipedia is not an anarchy. |
Wikipedia is not censored. |
Wikipedia is not nearly this in-your-face most of the time. |
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