Episode 68: Wikipedia's Nicotine High

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Fuzheado, Witty Lama, Tawker and ^demon
- Usability project, funded by frank stanton [1]
- WYSIWYG/WYSIWYM (Chad blogged on this: On Wikitext and WYSIWYGS
- General UI clutter/cleanup/issues?
- German federal archive releases a ton of images [2]
- Australian Bureau of Statistics goes CC-by [3]
- The UK tries to emulate Australia for technical stupidity "for the children" of course. -- Tawker (talk) 23:13, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- We've already discussed this before on episode 49
- Foundation Press Release [4] Plus Q&A [5]
- Interesting stats that prove the streisand effect? [6] and [7]
- Good blogposts on the topic Danny Wool, durova, Brianna Laugher, nocleanfeed.com
- News reports: Guardian uk, noting that the CIA has already cleared the image before.
- IT'S OVER [8]
- Australian plans for censorship are struggling, partially on basis of this week's expereinces [9]
- Number of editors appears to have stalled :-( [10]
- and "WikiTruth sticks the boot in [11]
- Wikiposters, the new way of getting Commons content - from Brianna's Blog.
- Foundation produces video tutorials for editing [12]
- Florence Devouard, user:anthere, has been awarded a knight of the National Order of Merit by the French Govt. [13] [fr.]
Podcaster's Picks:
- Wikihorror - a blog about WP's 'best' vandalism diffs.
2009 Predictions