Changes to Featured and Good content

Summary: These past two quarters the VG project gained 5 Featured Articles, 4 Featured Lists, 3 A-class Articles, and 41 Good Articles. 2 Featured Articles, and 5 Good Articles were demoted.
Congratulations to the contributing editors.
April 2010
- Promoted GA:
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax, The Legendary Axe, Garry Schyman, Digimon Racing, Shigeru Miyamoto, Music of the Xenosaga series, Guitar Hero: Van Halen, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (NES), Super Mario World, Jason Jones, SimTower
- Demoted GA:
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
May 2010
- Promoted FA/FL:
List of Final Fantasy video games
- Promoted GA:
Hotsuma, Beyond Good & Evil, Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back
June 2010
- Promoted FA/FL:
List of characters in the Uncharted series, Ninja Gaiden (Nintendo Entertainment System), Halo 3: ODST, School Rumble
- Promoted GA:
Space Gun, Seymour Goes to Hollywood, Mega Man, Music of Final Fantasy XIII, Espio the Chameleon
- Demoted FA:
Half-Life 2
- Demoted GA:
Ninja Gaiden (2004 video game)
July 2010
- Promoted FA/FL:
List of Final Fantasy media
- Promoted GA:
Lara Croft, Geneforge 2
- Demoted GA:
Mega Drive
August 2010
- Promoted FA/FL:
List of Digimon video games, Pathways into Darkness
- Promoted AA:
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior, Neverwinter Nights 2, Blaster Master
- Promoted GA:
Backbreaker, Silent Hill 2, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Crash Team Racing, Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap, Metroid Prime: Trilogy, Limbo, Bart's House of Weirdness
- Demoted FA:
Nintendo Entertainment System
- Demoted GA:
Organization XIII
September 2010
- Promoted FA/FL:
- Promoted GA:
Pyramid Head, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, Kud Wafter, Tales of Monkey Island, Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
- Demoted FA:
PlayStation 3