The beginning class of the article is the classification at the beginning of the month. Please add entries in alphabetical order by user name in the following form:
| [[User:Username|]] || [[Talk:Article name]] || Entry class || End class || Points || Checked
Nominees should track their own entries, updating the table with the new classes and points claimed/earned as articles are reclassified (to avoid month-end congestion). This is self-scoring (but not self-assessing) so requests for assessments should be made through the normal channels (i.e. at WP:MHAR up to and including B-Class), although nominees may self-assess articles up to C-class at discretion. Experienced members may check entries for the significance of a nominees contribution and the points they have claimed; if they are satisfied they should sign the "checked" box. Entries may be progressively checked through the scoring period. If a "checked" nomination is upgraded, the nominator must remove a notation that the nomination has been checked. At month end, the closing coordinator will check the total points claimed and update the yearly scoreboard.
Cumulative scoreboard: Military History Writers' Contest Cup 2025
Note: Entrants should not update this during the contest scoring periods. The co-ordinator who closes the contest will update the scoreboard at the end of each month once entries have been verified.