This page lists authoritative and specialized online Swedish-English glossaries, and also lists the preferred English translations of some common terms used in articles relating to Sweden and Swedish issues. It is mainly intended as a point of reference for the Swedish Wikipedians' notice board.
Glossaries from
- Titles used at the Swedish Government Offices (PDF): Names of the Swedish ministries, titles of the ministers, and other organisational and administrative titles, as of January 2004.
- Government terms: Description of governmental and administrative functions in English together with the relevant Swedish term.
- Utrikes namnbok: Lists of Swedish agencies, organisations, titles, EU and EC bodies, EU titles and the names of countries, in English, German, French, Spanish, Finnish, and Russian. Explanations and usage tips in Swedish only. (A previous edition is also available.)
- Levels of local democracy in Sweden (PDF) Information about Municipalities and Counties. (this filename keeps changing)
- sv:Malldiskussion:SBL#Yrken for titles that are used in Svenskt biografiskt lexikon.
- [1.pdf Swedish-English and English-Swedish dictionary for police employees]
Historical terms
- See History of Sweden for English terms for important historic episodes.
- See List of Swedish wars for English names for wars and military campaigns.
- See Swedish nobility for English terms for Swedish titles of nobility.
- Besittning - dominion
- Budkavle - Fiery cross (apparently, the unsavory Ku Klux Klan tradition is based on a misunderstanding of this term)
- Generalguvernör - Governor-General
- Götar - Geats
- Kungl. Maj:t - several different meanings depending on context, see King in Council (Sweden)
- Lagman - Lawspeaker
- Riksdaler - Riksdaler
- Riksdrots - Lord High Steward of Sweden
- Riksens ständer - Riksdag of the Estates
- Rikskansler - Lord High Chancellor of Sweden
- Riksrådet - Privy Council of Sweden
- Statsrådet - Council of State (Sweden)
- Ståndsriksdagen - Riksdag of the Estates
- Svear - Swedes, (Swedes (Germanic tribe))
- Trontal - Speech from the Throne
Administrative subdivisions and terms
- See Subdivisions of Sweden for a structured list.
- See Urban areas in Sweden for a discussion on the English translation of Swedish administrative and statistical terminology.
- See Counties of Sweden for the English names of all the Swedish counties
- See Municipalities of Sweden and List of cities in Sweden for discussions of the term stad as an official term.
- Centralort - Municipal seat
- Församling - parish (see Church of Sweden for details)
- Härad - hundred
- Kommun - municipality. The official name is "X Municipality" which is therefore also the name of each article, but in-text other forms are acceptable such as "the municipality of Lidingö", etc.
- Kommundelsnämnd - borough
- Landsdel (i.e. Norrland, Svealand, Götaland) - land
- Landshövding - (County) Governor
- Landskap - (Historical) province
- Landsting - county council
- Län - county (the article includes a list with English names of all the Swedish counties)
- Socken - (civil) parish
- Stor-Stockholm - Metropolitan Stockholm
- Stadsdelsnämnd - borough
- Stift - diocese (see Church of Sweden for details)
- Tingslag - Provincial Court District
- Tätort - Non-rural area, or sometimes Urban area (see Urban areas in Sweden for a discussion)
- Valkrets - constituency
Government and politics
- See Government of Sweden for English names of all ministerial offices and the current ministries.
- See Government agencies in Sweden for the English names of government agencies.
- See List of political parties in Sweden for English names of the political parties.
- Departement - Ministry (not Department)
- Förordning - ordinance
- Generaldirektör - Director General
- Kommitté - committee
- Kommunfullmäktige - municipal council (city council is often used in municipalities which call themselves stad)
- Kommunstyrelse - (municipal) executive board, (municipal) executive committee (executive council is also sometimes used)
- Kommunalråd - (municipal) Commissioner (Mayor and vice Mayor are sometimes used, e.g. by the Stockholm municipality)
- Landstingsråd - county commissioner (county councellor is sometimes used)
- Ministerstyre - no direct English translation
- Motion - (private member's) motion
- Myndighet - government agency
- Politiskt sakkunnig - political adviser
- Proposition - (Government) bill
- Regeringen - The Government [of Sweden](Note: Government as an official designation of the Swedish cabinet only began in 1975)
- Riksdagen - The Riksdag [of Sweden]
- Riksdagsledamot - Member of the Riksdag
- Staten - The State
- Statsråd - Cabinet Minister
- Statsminister - Prime Minister
- Statssekreterare - State Secretary
- Talmannen - Speaker of the Riksdag
- Utredning - commission (of inquiry)
- Utskott - committee
- Valkrets - constituency
Judiciary and law
- See Constitution of Sweden for English translations of constitutional terms and the names of the Fundamental laws.
- Allemansrätt - Right of public access to the wilderness
- Arbetsdomstolen (AD) - The Labour Court
- Förordning - ordinance
- Grundlag - fundamental law (for the four individual grundlagar), Constitution when referring to grundlag in a general sense.
- Hovrätt - Court of appeal
- Högsta Domstolen - The Supreme Court of Sweden
- Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen - The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden
- Kammarrätt - Administrative court of appeal
- Länsrätt - County administrative court
- Nämndeman - lay judge
- Offentlig försvarare - public defence counsel
- Regeringsrätten - The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden
- Riksåklagaren - The Prosecutor-General of Sweden
- Tingsrätt - district court
- Åklagardistrikt - prosecutor districts
- See Education in Sweden for English translations of educational terms
- See List of universities in Sweden for English names for universities and university colleges.
- Folkhögskola - Folk high school
- Grundskola - Primary school
- Gymnasium - Secondary school
- Högskola (som saknar universitetsstatus) - University college
- Kandidatexamen (e.g. fil kand) - Bachelor's degree
- Kvalificerad yrkesutbildning - Qualified vocational education
- Magisterexamen (e.g. fil mag) - Master's degree
- Studentkår - Students' union
- Universitet - University
- See Swedish Armed Forces for English names for military branches, schools and centres, and English translations of military ranks.
- See List of Swedish regiments for English names for historical regiments.
- Flygkrigshögskolan (FKHS) - Royal Swedish Air Force Staff College[1]
- Försvarets bok- och blankettförråd - Book and Forms Supply Depot of the [Swedish] Armed Forces[2]
- Försvarets fabriksstyrelse - see Förenade Fabriksverken (FFV)[2]
- Försvarets fabriksverk - see Förenade Fabriksverken (FFV)[2]
- Försvarets forskningsanstalt (FOA) - [Swedish] National Defence Research Institute[2] or Swedish Defence Research Agency (according to offical website)
- Försvarets gymnasieskola (GS) - [Swedish] Armed Forces School for Secondary Education[2]
- Försvarets hundskola (HS) - National [Swedish] Defence Dog Training Centre[2]
- Försvarets intendenturkår - Quartermaster Corps of the [Swedish] Armed Forces[2]
- Försvarets intendenturverk - see Försvarets materielverk (FMV)[2]
- Försvarets klassifikationscentral (FKC) - Designation Office of the [Swedish] Armed Forces[1]
- Försvarets kommandoexpedition - see Försvarsdepartementets kommandoexpedition[2]
- Försvarets läroverk (FL) - see Försvarets gymnasieskola (GS)[2]
- Försvarets materielverk (FMV) - Defence Materiel Administration (of Sweden)[2]
- Försvarets medicinalkår - Medical Corps of the [Swedish] Armed Forces[2]
- Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA) - National [Swedish] Defence Radio Institute or National Defence Radio Establishment[2]
- Försvarets rationaliseringsinstitut (FRI) - National [Swedish] Institute of Defence Organization and Management[2]
- Försvarets skyddsskola - ABC-Defence School of the [Swedish] Armed Forces[2]
- Försvarets teletekniska laboratorium (FTL) - Military Electronics Laboratory[2]
- Försvarsdepartementet - Ministry of Defence (Sweden)
- Försvarsdepartementets kommandoexpedition (FKE) - Military Office of the [Royal Swedish] Ministry of Defence[1]
- Försvarsmakten - Swedish Armed Forces
- Försvarsministern - Minister for Defence (Sweden)
- Överbefälhavaren - Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces
Church and religion
- See Church of Sweden for English translations of terms relating to the Church of Sweden.
- Frikyrka - non-conformist church
- Församling - parish as an administrative term (congregation is used to refer to a group of individuals attending a church, e.g. "församlingen sjunger")
- Kontrakt - rural deanery
- Pastorat - pastoral district
- Socken - parish
- Stift - diocese
- See Non-governmental organizations in Sweden and Category:Organizations based in Sweden for English names of major organizations.
- advokat - lawyer and member of Sveriges Advokatsamfund.
- ambassadör - Ambassador
- apotekare - pharmacist, drug store owner
- arkitekt SAR - architect and member of Sveriges Arkitekters Riksförbund
- bankdirektör - banker
- bergsingenjör - engineer with a university diploma in mountain engineering, metallurgy
- biskop - Bishop
- bokförläggare - [book] publisher
- borgmästare - mayor
- bruksdisponent - chief executive officer at a "bruk"
- byråchef - Director (mid-level executive in a Government Agency)
- chefredaktör - editor in chief
- civilingenjör - civil engineer, engineer with a diploma from a technical university
- departementssekreterare - Desk Officer (at a Ministry)
- direktör - director (non-specified)
- disponent - chief executive officer or managing director (more archaic than "verkställande direktör")
- docent - academic lecturer with a PhD degree
- domprost - Dean
- dräng - farm hand
- envoyé - Envoy (title)
- expeditionschef - Director General for Administrative Affairs (at a Ministry)
- filosofie doktor, fil. dr. - PhD
- filosofie licentiat, fil. lic. - an academic degree between master and PhD
- folkskolinspektör -
- friherre - Baron
- friherrinna - Baroness
- fru - Mrs
- fröken - Miss
- förbundsordförande - chairman (of a federation) - unspecified, could be of a trade association or labour union
- författare - writer
- författarinna - writer (female)
- förste bibliotekarie - first librarian
- förste provinsialläkare -
- försäkringsdirektör - insurance manager
- generaldirektör - Director General (head of a government agency)
- generalkonsul - Consul General
- generallöjtnant - Lieutenant General
- generalmajor - Major General
- godsägare - owner of a large country estate
- greve - Count
- grevinna - Countess
- grosshandlare -
- gymnastikdirektör -
- hedersdoktor - honorary degree, PhD hc
- hemmansägare - owner of a small farm (archaic)
- hovrättsassessor - Associate Judge at at Court of Appeal
- hovrättsråd - Judge at a Court of Appeal
- häradshövding - district court judge (archaic)
- ingenjör - engineer (unspecified)
- intendent - manager (unspecified, depending on context)
- journalist - journalist
- justitieråd - Justice of the Supreme Court
- jägmästare - forester, academic masters degree in forestry from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (awarded since 1828)
- kabinettskammarherre -
- kammarherre -
- kammarråd -
- kammarrättsassessor - Associate Judge at an Administrative Court of Appeal
- kammarrättsråd - Judge at an Administrative Court of Appeal
- kansliråd -
- kapten - Captain (Air Force, Army); Lieutenant (Naval rank); Captain (merchant fleet)
- kommendör - Captain (Naval rank); Commander (orders of chivalry)
- kommendörkapten - Commander (Naval rank)
- komminister - Associate Vicar
- konstnär - artist
- konstnärinna - artist (female)
- konsul -
- kontraktsprost -
- kraftverksdirektör - manager of a power plant
- kyrkoherde - Vicar
- laborator -
- lagman - district court judge
- landshövding - County Governor
- landskamrerare -
- landssekreterare -
- lasarettsläkare - physcician at a hospital
- lektor -
- länsråd - County Director
- major - Major
- medicine doktor, med. dr - medical doctor, MD
- medicine licentiat, med. lic. - academic degree in medicine between masters and doctoral level;
- musikdirektör -
- nämndeman - Lay Judge
- ombudsman - ombudsman
- operasångare - opera singer
- professor - Professor
- prost - pastor, priest
- redaktör - editor (often used as a synonym for journalist, contrast with "chefredaktör")
- regeringsråd -
- regissör - director (film or theatre)
- rektor - rector, headmaster, school leader
- riksdagsman - Member of the Riksdag
- riksmarskalk - Marshal of the Realm (Sweden)
- rådman -
- sekreterare - secretary
- skeppsredare - ship owner
- skolföreståndarinna - head mistress, rector (female)
- skulptör - sculptor
- skådespelare - actor
- skådespelerska - actress
- stadsarkitekt -
- tandläkare - dentist
- teaterchef - theatre manager
- teknologie doktor, tekn. dr - PhD in engineering sciences
- tonsättare - composer
- undervisningsråd -
- verkställande direktör - chief executive officer or managing director
- vicekonsul -
- Ärkebiskop - Archbishop
- Örlogskapten - Lieutenant Commander
- överbibliotekarie - head of a library
- överdirektör -
- överingenjör - head of engineering, head engineer, chief technology officer
- överintendent - manager of a Swedish state-owned museum
- överjägmästare -
- överlantmätare - surveyor general, head of a regional division of Lantmäteriet (National Land Survey of Sweden)
- överläkare - attending physician
- överlärare - headmaster of a primary school
- överste - Colonel
- överstelöjtnant - Lieutenant Colonel
- överståthållare - Governor of Stockholm
- For really old Swedish titles, there is a chapter in Ordbok för släktforskare (2006), ISBN 91-534-2754-8
- For current (1990s) titles, there is a "Standard för svensk yrkesklassificering (SSYK)" from Statistics Sweden. This alphabetic list translates titles into SSYK numbers, which can be translated to numbers in the international standard ISCO-88.
- ^ a b c Gullberg, Ingvar E. (1977). Svensk-engelsk fackordbok för näringsliv, förvaltning, undervisning och forskning [A Swedish-English dictionary of technical terms used in business, industry, administration, education and research] (in Swedish) (2., revid. uppl. med suppl. ed.). Stockholm: Norstedt. p. 1362. ISBN 91-1-775052-0.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Gullberg, Ingvar E. (1977). Svensk-engelsk fackordbok för näringsliv, förvaltning, undervisning och forskning [A Swedish-English dictionary of technical terms used in business, industry, administration, education and research] (in Swedish) (2., revid. uppl. med suppl. ed.). Stockholm: Norstedt. p. 1383. ISBN 91-1-775052-0.