Snuggle users and Teahouse hosts will be co-hosting an office hours session to discuss the use of Snuggle as a tool for mentors. Snuggle is designed to help Wiki mentors quickly and easily find good newcomers in need of help. Just point your browser to to give it a try.

Wikipedia contains a lot of projects geared towards helping newcomers become productive contributors to Wikipedia, but they all suffer from being passive -- the newcomers in need of help must first discover the spaces provided for assisting them. Snuggle differs from the history of mentorship in Wikipedia in that it allows mentors to actively discover good newcomers. Using Snuggle, a wiki-mentor can scan through the activities of a list of users pre-sorted by the likelihood that their work is good-faith.

The goal of this office-hour is to (1) spread the word about Snuggle to wiki-mentors, (2) discuss mentorship in Wikipedia and (3) identify what's needed to allow Snuggle to support a broader set of mentoring activities.



Wednesday, July 17th 2013 in #wikimedia-office connect

1545 UTC
Q&A about Snuggle's UI for those who haven't tried it before
1600 UTC
Welcome & Introductions
1605 UTC
Where does mentorship happen in Wikipedia? Does it work? What could be better?
1630 UTC
Where does Snuggle help? Where could/should it?
1655 UTC
Wrap up & next steps.

Follow-up session

A follow-up session will be held immediately afterwards in #wikipedia-snuggle connect to discuss some issues of interest to Snuggle users.

  • The visibility of Snuggle users' actions
  • Access control vs. open
  • Prioritization of new features
  • Expansion into other languages (e.g. ptwiki)
  • Supporting HostBot


  • Mentorship in Wikipedia
    • Where do newcomers need mentor help the most?
    • Active vs. passive -- Do you want to look for newcomers in need of mentorship?
  • Does Snuggle work for you?
    • Is it useful?
    • What critical functionality is missing that you would like to see?
  • Who else should be invited to try Snuggle? Teahouse hosts, AfC, Help Desk, etc.?


Broadcast message

Start Snuggle

Wiki-mentors, I made you a tool. IRC discussion Wed. July 17th @ 1600 UTC

Snuggle users and the Teahouse are co-hosting an IRC office hours session (Wed. July 17th @ 1600 UTC - #wikimedia-office connect) to discuss the state of new editor support in Wikipedia and introduce you to WP:Snuggle, a web-based tool designed to make finding good-faith newcomers who need help fast and easy. Give it a try by pointing your browser to

See the agenda for more info. --EpochFail(talk • work) ~~~~~

(Use {{subst:Wikipedia:Snuggle/IRC/2013-07-17/Broadcast message}} to substitute the above message)

Sign-up list message

Start Snuggle

IRC office hours for wiki-mentors and Snuggle users

Hi. We're organizing an office hours session with the Teahouse to bring in mentors from across the wiki to try out Snuggle and discuss it's potential to support mentorship broadly. The Snuggle team would appreciate it if you would come and participate in the discussion. We'll be having it in #wikimedia-office connect on Wed. July 17th @ 1600 UTC. See the agenda for more info. --EpochFail(talk • work), Technical 13 (talk), TheOriginalSoni (talk) ~~~~~

(Use {{subst:Wikipedia:Snuggle/IRC/2013-07-17/Sign-up message}} to substitute the above message)

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