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These featured pictures, as scheduled below, appeared as the picture of the day (POTD) on the English Wikipedia's Main Page in September 2011. Individual sections for each day on this page can be linked to with the day number as the anchor name (e.g. [[Wikipedia:Picture of the day/September 2011#1]] for September 1).

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September 1

Juvenile Bennett's Wallaby

A juvenile Bennett's Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus), a subspecies of the Red-necked Wallaby, on Maria Island, east of Tasmania. Red-necked Wallabies can be found in the more temperate and fertile parts of eastern Australia. They can weigh 13.8 to 18.6 kg (30 to 41 lb) and attain a head–body length of 90 cm (35 in), with the island version slightly smaller.

Photo: JJ Harrison

September 2

Atlanta in the Civil War

In the American Civil War, the Union and Confederate armies fought a series of battles as the former sought to capture the city of Atlanta, Georgia. The Confederate general John Bell Hood dissipated his army in a series of bold, but fruitless assaults, and was compelled to evacuate the city, allowing the Union to occupy it on September 2, 1864. This photo shows a roundhouse, following extensive damage from fighting.

Photo: George N. Barnard; Restoration: Lise Broer

September 3

Calliphora hilli blowfly

This close-up photo of a Calliphora hilli blowfly shows facial features that are common to all insects: compound eyes and two antennae (the latter are difficult to see, as many true flies have short antennae which reduces drag). Most insects, except some species of cave crickets, are able to perceive light and dark. Many species have acute vision capable of detecting minute movement, and many are able to detect light in the infrared, ultraviolet and the visible light wavelengths.

Photo: JJ Harrison

September 4

Injured soldiers in the Crimean War

A tinted lithograph, titled "Embarkation of the sick at Balaklava", shows injured and ill soldiers in the Crimean War boarding boats to take them to hospital facilities. Modern nursing had its roots in the war, as war correspondents for newspapers reported the scandalous treatment of wounded soldiers in the first desperate winter, prompting the pioneering work of women such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Frances Margaret Taylor and others.

Artist: William Simpson; Lithographer: Edmond Morin; Restoration: NativeForeigner

September 5

Sea ice around Baffin Island

This natural-colour image shows winter sea ice melting off the eastern coastline of Canada's Baffin Island in summer (the only clouds visible here are along the right edge). Eddies along the coast have fashioned the ice into interlocking swirls, especially near Cumberland Sound (centre). Farther north, the ice is not melting as much. The sea ice retreat captured in this image appears typical of seasonal melt. Since the turn of the 21st century, however, Arctic sea ice extent has declined sharply, experiencing a series of low summertime extents and poor wintertime recoveries.

Photo: Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center

September 6

Mount Kilimanjaro

An aerial view of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level. Kilimanjaro is a giant stratovolcano that began forming a million years ago, when lava spilled from the Rift Valley zone. Two of its three peaks are extinct while Kibo (the highest peak) is dormant and could erupt again.

Photo: Muhammad Mahdi Karim

September 7


A Boeing C-17 performs an airdrop of humanitarian aid following the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Airdrops were developed during World War II to resupply otherwise inaccessible troops. Early airdrops were conducted by dropping or pushing padded bundles from aircraft, and this evolved to using parachutes.

Photo: James L. Harper Jr., USAF

September 8


The Kea (Nestor notabilis) is the world's only species of alpine parrot, found on New Zealand's South Island. Measuring around 48 cm (19 in) in length, it is mostly olive-green with brilliant orange plumage under its wings and has a large narrow curved grey-brown upper beak. Its omnivorous diet includes carrion but consists mainly of roots, leaves, berries, nectar, and insects.

Photo: Mark Whatmough

September 9

Henry Clay addresses the U.S. Senate

U.S. Senator Henry Clay gives a speech in the Old Senate Chamber calling for compromise on the issues dividing the United States. The result was the Compromise of 1850, a package of five bills, the first two of which were passed on September 9. Ironically, these led to a breakdown in the spirit of compromise in the years preceding the Civil War, particularly after the deaths of Clay and Daniel Webster.

Artist: Peter F. Rothermel; Engraver: Robert Whitechurch; Restoration: Lise Broer and Jujutacular

Recently featured:

September 10

Australian Light Horse encampment

An Australian Light Horse encampment on Mount Olivet and Mount Scopus near Jerusalem, 1918. Australian Light Horse were mounted troops with characteristics of both cavalry and mounted infantry who served during the Second Boer War and World War I. A number of Australian light horse units are still in existence today, most notably of the 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry), now a light armoured unit.

Photo: American Colony; Restoration: Lise Broer

September 11

Manhattan panorama

A stitched panoramic view of western Manhattan, the oldest and the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City, as seen in February 2009 from across the Hudson River in Hoboken, New Jersey. The view spans more than 20 miles (32 km) of skyline. Highlights from left to right include the George Washington Bridge, Riverside Church, the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, the spire of the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building, the World Financial Center, and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

Photo: Jnn13/LiveChocolate

September 12


A sugar-apple and the cross-section of another. The sugar-apple is the fruit of the Annona squamosa plant. It is usually round, slightly pine cone-like, 6–10 cm (2.4–3.9 in) in diameter and weighing 100–230 g (3.5–8.1 oz), with a scaly or lumpy skin. The flesh is sweet, white to light yellow, and resembles and tastes like custard. The edible portion coats the seeds generously and has a texture a bit like the center of a very ripe guava.

Photo: Muhammad Mahdi Karim

September 13

USS New Jersey

USS New Jersey (BB-16) was a Virginia-class battleship of the United States Navy. She was one of the many ships that sailed around the world in 1907–09 as part of the Great White Fleet, a voyage intended to demonstrate growing American military power and blue-water navy capability. New Jersey was used mostly as a training vessel and saw almost no combat.

Photo: United States Navy

September 14

Slave ceremony in Suriname

A colored lithograph showing a funeral ceremony among slaves in Suriname in the mid-19th century. Attendees wear white as two men carry a wooden coffin. A small boy is blindfolded, which was a common practice during this time and place although the reason is unknown. Slavery was introduced with the English settlers in the 17th century and was not abolished until 200 years later.

Artist: Théodore Bray; Restoration: Lise Broer

September 15

Mammoth Hot Springs

Mammoth Hot Springs is a large complex of hot springs on a hill of travertine in the United States' Yellowstone National Park. It was created over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited calcium carbonate. Algae living in the warm pools have tinted the travertine shades of brown, orange, red, and green.

Photo: Mila Zinkova

September 16

Black soldier fly

The black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) is a common and widespread fly. Its larvae are used by humans for many purposes, including composting, manure management, forensic entomology, and live pet food. Adult flies have no functioning mouthparts and instead spend all their time in search of mates and reproducing.

Photo: Muhammad Mahdi Karim

September 17

Golden Parakeet

The Golden Parakeet (Guaruba guarouba) is an endangered species of Neotropical parrot that lives in the drier, upland rainforests in the Amazon Basin. Males and females appear alike, being mainly yellow with green in the outer wings and with an all-yellow tail. It has a breeding system that is almost unique amongst parrots, as pairs are aided by a number of helpers which aid in the raising of the young.

Photo: Ironman br

September 18

Pelion Range, Tasmania

A panoramic view of the Pelion Range in Tasmania's Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, as seen from Cradle Mountain. Part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, the park is located in the Central Highlands, 165 km (103 mi) northwest of Hobart. Visible from left to right are: Lake Ayr, Cathedral Mountain, Mount Pelion East, Mount Ossa, Mount Thetis, Mount Achilles and Mount Pelion West.

Photo: JJ Harrison

September 19

Catbells, Lake District, England

Fellwalkers on Catbells (or "Cat Bells"), a fell in England's Lake District, on the western shore of Derwentwater. It is a popular route for people of all ages, and visitors often combine an ascent of the fell with a sail on Derwentwater. Strong walkers can continue along the ridge to take in the fells of Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth and Robinson.

Photo: David Iliff

September 20

Blue Mountains Tree Frog

The Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa) is a moderate-sized species of tree frog, up to about 60 mm (2.4 in) in length. It is native to coastal and highland areas of eastern Australia, especially in the Blue Mountains, hence its name.

Photo: Benjamint444

September 21

Vexi Salmi

Vexi Salmi is a popular Finnish lyricist who has become popular through the successes of the platinum-selling music artists for whom he writes. During his prolific career, he has written the lyrics for over 4,000 songs, more than 2,400 of which have been recorded by prominent artists such as Irwin Goodman, Jari Sillanpää, and Katri Helena. A music writer's award, the Vexi Salmi Award, is named after him.

Photo: Teemu Rajala

September 22

Fujiwhara effect

The Fujiwhara effect, named after Japanese meteorologist Sakuhei Fujiwhara, is a type of interaction between two cyclonic vortices, causing them to "orbit" each other. One example was in October 2009, when Typhoon Melor forced Typhoon Parma (right and left, respectively) to reverse course and head southeast, where it battered the Philippine island of Luzon for a second time.

Photo: NASA MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC

September 23

Luang Prabang, Laos

Panorama of the city of Luang Prabang in northern Laos, as seen from Phu Si hill. The city was formerly the capital of a kingdom of the same name, and after Laos's independence from France, it was the royal capital and seat of government of the Kingdom of Laos. This view features the Nam Khan river on the left, and Luang Prabang International Airport on the very far left.

Photo: Benh Lieu Song

September 24

Wentworth Falls, New South Wales

The town of Wentworth Falls, located in the Blue Mountains of Australia, is named after a waterfall with that name (pictured). It is located 100 km (62 mi) west of Sydney. The town is also noted for its areas of major archaeological importance, including the Kings Tableland Aboriginal Site. This area is highly significant to the Darug, Wiradjuri and Gandangara people. Used as a gathering place for at least 22,000 years, the area contains a variety of cultural features, including engravings, axe-grinding grooves, modified rock pools and an occupation shelter.

Photo: David Iliff

September 25

Dakota Blue Richards

English actress Dakota Blue Richards, playing the role of April Johnson in the film Dustbin Baby, based on Jacqueline Wilson's 2001 novel of the same name. Richards made her debut as the lead role in The Golden Compass, after being cast with almost no training, and has also appeared in The Secret of Moonacre and Skins.

Photo: Liam Daniel, Kindle Entertainment

September 26

Australian Wood Duck

The Australian Wood Duck (Chenonetta jubata, female shown here) is a dabbling duck found throughout much of Australia. This 45–51 cm (18–20 in) duck looks like a small goose, and feeds on grassland mostly by grazing in flocks. Unusually for a duck, it rarely swims.

Photo: JJ Harrison

September 27


Osmium, a member of the platinum group, is the densest naturally occurring element, normally found as an alloy, and also one of the least abundant. Very hard and with a high melting temperature, it is used in fountain pen tips, electrical contacts, and other applications where durability is required.

Photo: Alchemist-hp

September 28

South America satellite image

A composite relief satellite image of South America, the fourth-largest continent. South America occupies the southern portion of the landmass in the Western Hemisphere. The continent is generally delimited on the northwest by the Darién watershed along the ColombiaPanama border. Almost all of mainland South America sits on the South American Plate, as do nearby outlying islands.

Photo: Blue Marble by Reto Stockli, NASA/GSFC

September 29

Marriott Center

The Marriott Center is a 22,700-seat multi-purpose arena on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, US. It is home to the BYU Cougars men's and women's college basketball teams and hosts various cultural events and religious devotionals. Named in honor of hotelier and benefactor J. Willard Marriott, it is America's largest on-campus arena built for basketball.

Photo: Mark A. Philbrick

September 30

Hawker in Kabul

A hawker in Kabul selling goat meat for siri paya, a traditional breakfast dish in parts of South Asia. Hawkers, also known as street vendors, sell merchandise that can be easily transported. They are very common in many countries in Asia. In India, hawkers have formed trade unions in Bengal and Kolkata, and in Singapore and Malaysia, hawkers have become so successful that they have set up more permanent facilities known as hawker centres.

Photo: Paul Rudd

Picture of the day archives and future dates

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