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Aotearoa New Zealand Online Meetup 46

  • Date: Sunday 3 March 2024
  • Time: midday to 2pm
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link https://meet.jit.si/WikiAotearoa
    IMPORTANT: The first person joining the meeting needs to sign in as the "Moderator" using a Google, Facebook, or GitHub account; other attendees can then join without any authentication - see the jitsi blog for more information.
    NOTE: This video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The Jitsi web-based video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free.
  • Cost: Free

Meetup code of conduct and anonymity when meeting via video conference

All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Universal Code of Conduct.

This video conferencing meetup is a replacement for an in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.

Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.

If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:

Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link into the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.

If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.

If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.

Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on

The Jitsi video conferencing platform has a chat feature. This is used to share URLs and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.

Future meetups

This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.

Apply for membership of Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.



Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: ‘’’* ~~~‘’’

Unable to come

Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~

Agenda and notes

Introduction to meet up by organisers

Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand – update and discussion (15 minutes)

Update from President, WANZ

Business planning The WANZ committee had a full day away planning on Friday 8 February. From that I have drafted the business plan and the Treasurer and I have been working on the budget for 2024-2025. The information is currently going through a round of commentary from the commitee and is also awaiting feedback from Jacqueline Chen, our Wikimedia Foundation Program Officer. These documents must be submitted to Wikimedia Foundation by 14 March at the latest to be considered for grant funding for 2024/25. If you have any commentary or feedback on any of the information in the planning documents please comment on my talk page or in the documents by by midnight Friday 8 March 2024 NZT so this feedback can be considered. The budget, business plan and reporting metrics are due for formal approval by the committee at the meeting on 11 March 2024.

Organising WikiCon 2024 Auckland I also have been working with CopperAlchemy organising WikiCon 2024 Auckland. Registration costs only $NZ10 and this is the link to the registration site. We've only had 7 registrations so far. If you're coming along you should register whether you are an organiser, presenter or attendee. Please do this as soon as you can so we can adjust the catering if needed. There are three full scholarships available covering flights and accommodation to attend. Please contact admin(@)wikimania.nz for more information and to apply. We've received only one application to date. The programme is almost there so check it out.

Chapter Status The committee is also continuing to work on reaching Chapter status with Wikimedia Foundation. We've received feedback from the AffCom committee and they've provided the committee with recommendations that we are working through. These recommendations may mean we need to change the constitution of our incorporated society. If this happens we'll vote on this at our AGM in April. If you've yet to be come a member of our society I do encourage you to become a member. Subscription is $NZ 5 a year. Membership application form is available here.

Secretary for the Committee We are currently seeking interest in a member of our society to stand as Secretary for the committee at the next AGM. This role would require around a 1 hour commitment a week. The majority of secretarial tasks are completed by Dianne Skelton, who is the WANZ executive advisor. There is a position description for the Secretary available on request that details the duties. If you're interested in this volunteer role please contact me on my talk page or email me at president(@)wikimedia.nz. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the huge amount of mahi that Noracrentiss has given to WANZ in guiding the incorporation process and establishing the committee proceedings. Noracrentiss has done the heavy lifting of the set up and, going forward, whomever holds the secretarial position will benefit from the well established processes Noracrentiss put in place. While I know that the other committee members and I will miss Noracrentiss at our meetings after the AGM, I also know that Noracrentiss isn't leaving our community but rather changing the focus of her contributions. Thank you Noracrentiss for all of your support, friendship and contributions to date.

The committee is a group of friendly and enthusiastic people committeed to continuing to grow involvement in the Wikiverse in New Zealand. Being on the committee is not only an opportunity to give back to the community but also a great way to learn how to be on a board and to influence how the Wikiverse movement progresses in New Zealand. We have twice yearly away days. One for considering forward strategy and governance improvements, the other for business planning and budgetting. These provide committee members with an opportunity to get to know each other so we work well together and travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed from funds. There are a number of other places on the committee that are up for election this year. Contact secretary(@)wikimania.nz for more information and how to apply for nomination at the AGM. Einebillion (talk) 19:49, 2 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Update from Treasurer, WANZ

Wiki-Con Weekends, Editathons, Events and Outreach in 2023

If you're an event organiser, don't forget to add your event as a program to the Campaign Dashboard. The Dashboard is a key tracking tool for reporting back to Wikimedia Foundation and will help us ensure that we get funding in future years. If you are unsure how to add programs to the Campaign dashboard you can find further information here on how to create a new event dashboard and how to link it to the overall campaign dashboard. Alternatively contact: Ambrosia10 (talk) on her talk page for help.
If you're interested in organising a Wiki event, Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand (WANZ) provides support funding. Contact admin @ wikimedia.nz for more information on how to apply. It's really simple - we promise!
  • 10-11 February 2024 Mohua / Golden Bay Meetup Was excellent! For the planning retreat on the Friday, it was great to meet in person - there is a lot of good stuff happening. Looked at things including the plan and budget. For the edit-a-thon, it was fabulous! It was a gorgeous are, witha couple of locals coming along. On the flight, Giantflightlessbirds was able to use phone - got some stunning pictures and video to add to Commons.
  • 7-10 August 2024 Wikimania in Katowice, Poland A number of editors have submitted scholarship applications. Ambrosia10 has seen a telegram message by the conference organisers stating that scholarship applications should be receiving an email about their application over the next few days. Some have heard back, others haven't yet - being sent progressively.
  • Content: New Zealand Wikidata Thesis Project aims to get New Zealand dissertations into Wikidata. Project Page, Project Dashboard. There is a google spreadsheet of theses authors with Wikipedia pages who need their theses adding to their page if folk want to work on this during #1Lib1Ref. There is also a video on how to add thesis to people's pages. This work is ongoing and could use more editors to help out. Giantflightlessbirds attended a regional GLAM meeting in Christchurch - they are keen to get DrThneed to attend a future meeting and talk about the project (all expenses paid!).
Project Contacts: DrThneed

Anyone know of or organising any other events or content projects? Note here to let the group know.

Round table for participants

Opportunity to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated. You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Alexeyevitch: He made improvements to the Aoraki / Mount Cook National Park article. (User:Wainuiomartian also contributed significantly to the article). Many WP:LEAD improvements and adding citations recently. Also going to attend the in-person meetup in Christchurch.
Ynes Mexia Wikidata item example
  • Ambrosia10: After returning from her holiday in Houston and Cancún she's been busy with multiple projects. First up was the monthly meeting of the BHL-Wiki working group. Notes from that meeting can be found here. There is a lot going on with this group but the main piece of work currently being undertaken is reusing Wikidata items in BHL for journals. 65,000 wikidata Qids should be imported into the BHL online catalogue in the near future. BHL is also exploring how to improve it's one time import of Wikidata Qids for creators or authors. Ambrosia10 has faciliated discussions between JJ and User:Avocadobabygirl as well as other Te Papa staff to pick their brains how how Te Papa does this.
Ambrosia10 has been recorded for the Wikidata Leveling Up Days event. She chose to highlight the work being done by the WikiProject Research Expeditions. This WikiProject is continuing to work collaboratively with each other and is at present attempting to become officially recognised by the TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards organisation in order to ensure that when their best practice document is created it will be adopted by this organisation for dissemination to a wider international audience.
She is continuing her work with the Women Genera group on their analysis of data paper getting it ready for publication.
Her Hidden Figures CURE is progressing really well with feedback received from BCEENET (the cure publisher) about the Bionomia module. Once this is incorporated the Bionomia module can then be published. Feedback is currently being sought from her collaborators on the Wikidata module. Once this feedback has been incorporated the Wikidata module will also be sent to the publisher BCEENET in order to get their feedback and progress that module towards publication. As part of this latter module her collaborator Makenzie created a great image now in WIkicommons.
The International Botanical Congress WikiProject is progressing well with the group now starting to work on presentations for the workshop as well as handouts and other helpful resources. The participants have also almost finished creating a list of collectors from the Herbarium of the Department of Botany of the University of Coimbra, Portugal needing a Wikidata item created for them. We are also currently working on organisers and participants of the IBC conference improving their Wikidata items and linking them to their contributions and identifiers.
She is currently collaborating with Avocadobabygirl on a 45min presentation at the Auckland Wikicon introducing beginners to Wikidata and Wikicommons.
She has also been successful in obtaining funding for her proposed pilot project at Te Papa to test out the WikiProject Research Expeditions schema, collaborate with archives and library staff to add Te Papa research expedition data into Wikidata, teach staff how to do the same, run a workshop for any folk interested in this work and produce a report on the project that will hopefully feed into the more general WikiProject Research Expeditions best practice guidelines. This project will start TOMORROW and will go on for 12 weeks.
And of course other than all that above she has been attempting to find time to edit Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikicommons along with doing various admin tasks such as comms etc for the Wellington and Aotearoa NZ meetups and other events being held by fellow editors.
  1. Currently writing training for OpenRefine sessions at the Auckland Wikicon. Current plan is one on Working with Wikidata and one on Structured data on Commons/uploading photos to Commons, although I think we're unlikely to get all the way through a Commons upload. Feel free to provide feedback on structure and what is covered.
  2. Still just about keeping up with #1woman1day for WomeninRed - one biography of a NZ woman professor (at the moment - I'll run out of professors before the end of the year so can cast my net wider) for every day of the year.
  3. Not much change on Thesis Project work, still partway through adding missing advisors for a batch of ~1000 thesis matched to authors through Orcids. Also trying to write a lightning talk for Auckland on the thesis project.
  • Avocadobabygirl: Preparing for Ambrosia10's Research Expeditions project at Te Papa! Continuing to refine processes for getting batches of Te Papa images/data into Wiki. Working on our plan for internal engagement through 2024 - including regular and drop-in sessions; NZ museums data: looking at cleaning up and using as a starting point for updating Wikidata. Nancy Adams: working on biological collections and artworks with a couple of students; looking at adding CC By images of illustrations (or working with creators for their release), including type specimums; All Te Papa plant data is now in GBIF!;
  • Oronsay: Not much for NZ this month, but I wrote about six Aussie women and a book, but none with NZ connections. Also, lots links to or creation of Wikidata items. Reached 100K edits on Wikipedia (thanks for congrats), many of which are {{Authority control}} to draw identifiers from Wikidata and {{DEFAULTSORT:}} to make articles appear under surnames in categories.
  • CopperAlchemy (talk): Mostly WANZ work for me. I created our LinkedIn page for users to share with their networks to increase our following. I am trying to update our website as often as I can and would appreciate relevant news articles to come to me. Assisting with set up and communications for our Picture This [1]https://events.humanitix.com/picture-this-share-your-photos-with-the-world photo event in Wellington, assisting with the organisation of WikiCon Aotearoa 2024 Wikipedia:WikiCon Aotearoa/Auckland 2024, adding to our Events manual to help future organisers, and a range of interesting Committee work. On the editing side I have added some information to Erskine College page and I am building information on The Learning Connexion, and building some biography information on people of interest.
  • Giantflightlessbirds (talk): Two months in to the Wikipedian-at-Large project, based in Christchurch. Working with the Unviversity of Canterbury biology department on their photo collection. Christchurch Art Gallery: looking at the works of Rita Angus and identifying every institution with works; looking at the copyright, and making images available where can; also adding wikidata property - has works in collection; Inks on Paper exhibition: covers early 20th century print makes; happy to host an edit-a-thon, images will be available and can add to a gallery. Ferrymead: started working with them. Meetups: have started.
  • Paora (talk): Not too much since last year. Attended Golden Bay edit-a-thin - article on Richard_Washbourn (donated school bell to Collingwood School), uploaded photos.
  • Dactylantha: Wikidata Pacific Islands data project: has a data set on heritage voyage data, with aliases of islands and groups - started updating manually (aliases and country associated with); Deletion reuests: for data that shouldn't have been uploaded; Also working on projects to get openly licensed data available, and a Women data project.
  • Prosperosity: The four students have finished their work (Wikipedia:GLAM/Auckland_Museum/2023SummerStudents) - 33 new or revamped articles, presenting at Auckland Conference; Did You Know items for Waharoa_(Aotea_Square_sculpture) and Korowai_gecko; working on National Parks project - fixing up Wikidata items for anything located in.
  • Beeswaxcandle: Not a lot recently as in the process of changing jobs, worked on another Staratmeyer book (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Moving_Picture_Boys_and_the_Flood) and Cheesman (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Index:Manual_of_the_New_Zealand_Flora.djvu).
  • Jim: Going through Fellowship awards and getting the data form a PDF into Wikidata, as well as some Wikisource work - Mark Twain and Emma Goldwin.

Review of questions raised during round table

  • Is it possible to search commons for have depcits statements?: Demonstrated SDC user script to display imgages with depcits statements in Commons categories.

Further discussion


  • Add anything you worked on or learned during the meetup.
  • Organisation time:

Next meeting and meetup timetables

  • 31 March 2024, same time, same place

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