Monochrome Monitor
Monochrome Monitor agrees to a voluntary restriction and mentorship by Irondome. Given this, no further action is required at this time. Monochrome Monitor is warned that further disruption or failure to abide by the voluntary agreement is likely to result in a full topic ban. Seraphimblade Talk to me 21:18, 6 July 2016 (UTC) |
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it. |
This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below. Request concerning Monochrome Monitor
Following a topic ban on Khazars Monochrome Monitor seemingly immediately continued with the same behavior that caused that ban, namely edit-warring and imposing his or her will through reverts. Additionally, the user has violated WP:BLP here (calling a living person a real-life loon[y]). Asked to remove that, the user declined.
Discussion concerning Monochrome MonitorStatements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statement by Monochrome MonitorAlready covered on my talk page, thanks.
That ^^^ I did not realize that I violated 1RR, edjohnston was very nice and warned me, so I said I would self-revert. But Jonney already did. You're saying because someone reverted it before I could revert myself, it's a 1RR violation? [5] That is called a revert. I used my 1 revert for the day on it. I reverted nish's edit which I thought made unfair changes not mentioned on the talk page and misinterpreted a source. But that doesn't matter. This [6] is not a revert. You are telling me that because someone typed three characters weeks ago, and I deleted those three characters by writing what I had already proposed on the talk page, that's a revert, despite all the edits in between. That is completely insane. You're being vindictive and mean.--Monochrome_Monitor 00:07, 3 July 2016 (UTC) I did not say he was a "loony". I mentioned loonies with a hyperlink about him next to it. I'm really amazed how low you descend just to f*ck me over, suddenly caring about not offending a man who says turkey doesn't need to apologize for the armenian genocide, because they "committed no crime".[1]--Monochrome_Monitor 00:17, 3 July 2016 (UTC) More crap[Reply to Malik Shabazz] I discussed it with you, and you didn't make a compelling case at all. You did what you are doing now. Complaining about something you don't understand, pretending I removed categories that I actually added. I don't understand what is ideologically driven about changing "terrorism" to "war crimes" based on the date Israel was established and the jewish paramilitaries came together to become the IDF. State = war crimes. Non-state = terrorism. This is the definition wikipedia itself uses! It's not arbitrary at all,. Thus massacres committed by israel as a state I added "war crime", and massacres of the PLO during the lebanese civil war I added "terrorism". I have been ENTIRELY consistent except in one case- suicide bombings being labeled a war crime, they were in that category and I wasn't sure what to call it considering it has been called both, and its possible to have it be both in the case of state-sponsored terrorism. I'm trying to have a debate- you didn't debate me. You are being reactionary. You don't understand my edits. So, ask me about them. --Monochrome_Monitor 02:41, 3 July 2016 (UTC) "The entire spectrum of Zionist opinion believed, and still believes, that Eretz Yisrael extends to the east of the river jordan..." That's a gross generalization. The bible can say whatever it likes, it can say that the land of israel is from the nile to the euphrates- but that doesn't mean Jews believe it. Jordan has banned observant Jews from entering the country because they are afraid Jews will plant artifacts into the ground and claim the land as israeli.[2] That's how quickly this enters conspiracy theory territory.--Monochrome_Monitor 03:17, 3 July 2016 (UTC) You think that edit is inspired by "extreme ideology"? It is anti-extreme ideology.Only extreme religious zionists include parts of jordan into israel. Not "the entire spectrum". Hell, on one side of the spectrum of "zionists" they don't even think jerusalem is part of Israel.--Monochrome_Monitor 03:17, 3 July 2016 (UTC) The section you linked to- "please tell me...." I was asking you to tell me how the palestinian exodus is a war crime under the rome statue or terrorism. You never explained. But when I make the edits, I'm being an extremist, even if you never tell me what's wrong with them. You have to give me a bit more to work with. I've been TRYING to branch out, that's why I made the lede in zionism more nuetral today (for which I was reported) and that's why I started to populated the category "Israeli war crimes". --Monochrome_Monitor 03:25, 3 July 2016 (UTC) On "eretz israel" and how zionists interpret it. We are led to believe from our source that all zionists consider eretz israel to include parts of jordan. Here's a dictionary definition: [7] 1. the Holy Land; Israel Those are two different definitions....she's distorting the phrase. And, I think that's not just a regular untruth, but a dangerous one that leads to prejudice. --Monochrome_Monitor 03:34, 3 July 2016 (UTC) And another thing...[Reply to Nish] I did not call falk an antisemite. I said "he has antisemitic views". He thinks Israel was involved in 9/11. I believe that's an antisemitic view, don't you? They are not the same thing. An antisemite is one who hates Jews. An antisemitic view is a view characterized by antisemitism. Falk does not hate Jews. However he has some antisemitic views- saying "he's a respected scholar and here are his medals" is silly. The controversy is described in detail on his wikipedia page. And I stand by my statement about Atzmon. Regardless of your qualms about my editing practices, I DID NOT BREAK 1RR THIS TIME. Making an edit that "un-did" a three week old edit I didn't know existed is not a revert. And I know about state-sponsored terrorism. Israel has sponsored "terrorists". But that's difference from state terrorism, which is a more dubious concept. The IDF is not "sponsored" by Israel. It is Israel. Hence, saying a massacre by the IDF is terrorism is accusing Israel of state terrorism. It's a lot more reasonable to just call it a "war crime".--Monochrome_Monitor 17:46, 3 July 2016 (UTC) On the Armenian genocide, what I consider crazy about his views is his belief that no crime was committed. In contrast Israelis (except one azerbajani jerk) know that a crime was committed, a genocide was committed, but they don't call it that because they don't want to upset Turkey. What do I call them? Hypocritical moral cowards.--Monochrome_Monitor 18:06, 3 July 2016 (UTC) As for the reliable sources I removed, one I removed by accident which was a reliable source, for that I bear responsibility. The one I meant to remove (and did remove) was 972, which I don't consider a reliable source.--Monochrome_Monitor 18:01, 3 July 2016 (UTC) I'm sick of being dragged to AAE for diplomatic disputes... but I guess I have made people afraid to talk to me. Have I broken any rules? No. That being said, I have let my own emotions spiral out of control on some talk pages. I have gotten into conflicts with editors that could have been avoided if I discussed my thoughts first and not after the fact, when they had already formed their own conceptions about my intentions. But I stated my intentions clearly up above, and I'd like to be judged on that, rather than how other people feel about me.--Monochrome_Monitor 17:55, 3 July 2016 (UTC) References Hopefully the last section [reply to nableezy]Of course I know about the dispute, the dispute is why I made it, as a compromise. I changed the wording of the first sentence to my proposal on the talk page. But every change of wording that has some overlap with a change undone in the past cannot be considered a "revert" of someone else's edits made some time in the past. My first edit was an edit, my second was a revert. By your logic YOU violated 1RR by restoring content removed two years ago. This is a revert of this. This is a revert of this--Monochrome_Monitor 18:58, 3 July 2016 (UTC) I guess notSimon, you gave up on me a long time ago. You didn't respond to any of my comments on your talk page. Your emails have grown colder and eventually you ceased to respond to those too. Mere months ago you made glowing comments about my work on wikipedia. Most of my bans and offenses were before then. My edits have not changed- I've always made bold edits first and substantiated them later. The only difference is that when my bold edits are reverted, I expect the reverter to at least make the effort to address my concerns, and if they don't I continue to press for them. That's it. As for the Khazars, there was no "fiasco". I violated 3RR, that's it. If you want to make that into a cause for never speaking to me again, be my guest. At least have the decency to follow through with it and don't pitch in to my public humiliation after weeks of shunning me. As for Bolter, bless him, but the comparisons are ridiculous. When you took him under your wing you asked me to talk to him and give him advice, because I was your success story. I made the edit to Zionism against my usual POV as a compromise, this compromise was seen as an opportunity to make a radical change to the wording, which I reverted. And I get f*cked over it. I have been extremely careful in adhering to 1RR, and I did adhere to it. That's all I have to say.--Monochrome_Monitor 06:54, 4 July 2016 (UTC)
LastlyBefore sanctioning me, which you seem ready to do, can you at least establish that I actually broke 1RR? Because the first example as I noted was discussed on my talk page and should not be opportunistically used against me, and the second example I still don't think was a violation- the first edit was an edit, the second was a revert. I am learning, and that's why I have been trying not to break 1RR, and I believe I haven't. I've really been trying, and I want people to see that I'm editing in good faith, that's why I've been making these edits against my own POV. It would be unfair if after all of my genuine trespasses, I only get punished when I'm trying to atone for them. My POV in this area is not nuetral, but it's not extreme at all- I empathize strongly with "the other side". The people who get topic banned in ARPIA are some serious extremists, and there are many, many editors whose edits are far more controversial then mine, but they don't get into trouble because they get along better with other users. I alienated my greatest friend here, and that's entirely my fault. He's very non-confrontational and I thrive in the heat of debate, and I can cross the line of rhetoric into invective. But when I say he "gave up me", I mean he's stopped talking to me. I don't mean he's been advising me for ages and suddenly stopped. I've been mostly independent, and that was working for a while. As he once said (a little over three months ago),I'm still direct and still honest. I believe what changed is that I started to conflict with Nish, whom Simon respects very much. It's hard to ignore the damning comments, but please try and look at this from my perspective. --Monochrome_Monitor 16:56, 5 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by Malik ShabazzPlease sanction Monochrome Monitor, who has repeatedly proven that she cannot edit with an NPOV. She is one of the most transparently ideologically driven editors I can recall from nearly ten years of editing, and she gets worse, instead of better, the longer she is here. Today, for example, she removed a sentence from Land of Israel because she didn't like it, writing "now that's just wrong". It didn't matter that the sentence is supported by a reliable source written by a reputable historian, given in-text attribution, and easily verifiable. Yesterday, she removed the categories related to war crimes and terrorism from Israeli articles and categories and added them to Palestinian articles and categories. When I called her on it, she initially made some noise about state actors and non-state actors. But she can't have it both ways—exempt Israel because it is a state, treat Palestine as a state when it suits her ideological drive, and deny it is a state when that suits her. (Here are a few diffs: [8][9][10][11]. See Monochrome Monitor's contribution history for dozens more. See User talk:Malik Shabazz#Please tell me... for the discussion.) Monochrome Monitor is also allergic to discussion. Despite the entreaties of her mentor, and others (including me), she refuses to start discussions about (for example) where categories about terrorism and war crimes are appropriate. Please. Enough is enough. — Malik Shabazz Talk/Stalk 01:58, 3 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by NishidaniThe evidence is a small sample of a persistent wrongheadedness over numerous pages. I have an informal undertaking with MM's mentor to be patient. I lost that patience on just one page, Khazars, and requested she be suspended for a month from just that page. She was suspended for six, which I though somewhat excessive, and told her so. She was upset, but we smoothed things over.
She got this from? Well, a wikipedia article, i.e. Definitions of terrorism. Wikipedia articles aren’t authoritative. We have, in contradiction to that article Iran and state-sponsored terrorism, for example. Malik was quite correct to complain of a rampage over cats. A moment’s notice, rather that causing just one more lengthy thread to debate MM’s subjective judgements, would have sufficed to show that the concept of state terrorism is widely debated and accepted in the relevant scholarship. I.e. here, here, ‘This foremost distinction between State and sub-State (or individual) terrorism is now a generally acceptable component of the debate on terrorism.' or here. She read a conclusion on a wiki article, drew an opinion from it, ignored any quality check in readily available reliable academic sources, and barged over several articles to alter them. The BLP violation may be piddling, but her mentors, people of loyalty, integrity and high intelligence, unlike myself, gave her the same advice as Nableezy and I did, and she refused to budge. The result, endless negotiationsa and hours wasted on researching the trivia that inform her judgements to show her how superficially sourced her information was for rushing to brand people antisemites. Despite those gentle remonstrations, she still has left unstruck those accusations against living public figures,Richard Falk and Gilad Atzmon, two Jews, are antisemites, and Erdogan is a loonie. (ps.) Erdogan doesn’t recognize the obvious, i.e. the Armenian genocide. True. But if he is a loonie for that, then what do we make of authoritative Israeli figures who repeat that israel has no intention of recognizing the Armenian genocide. I am strongly opposed to harsh measures generally, and if she merits a sanction it should be broadly on this topic area, but for no more than a month. She just has to get it into her head that endless drama, repeating the same behavior, and attritional attitudes that exhaust everyone's time and patience, including that of her mentors, will, the next time round, lead to less lenience. A last warning (of several) in shortNishidani (talk) 13:07, 3 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by IrondomeThis statement may exceed 500 words. I would ask the reviewing administrator to indulge me. I will keep it as short as possible.
You take an immediate 2 month wikibreak from IP and articles related to Jewish-related topics. When returning, you submit all areas you are working on to me, on an ongoing basis. All edits apart from grammar, etc, are to be submitted to me before making them for approval. It may take a couple of days, but if you edit without my consent I will recommend an indef topic ban. It may take a few days for me to get back to you. Tough. You are going to learn patience. Certain behavioural issues will be discussed off wiki. That's all I have to say. Irondome (talk) 22:37, 12 June 2016 (UTC) I would strongly request that this be the main control mechanism that MM adheres to from now on, for a period of 2 months initially. If any edits of a controversial character infringing the above be made, then a 6 month IP and Jewish-related topic ban be immediately imposed upon notification of any such infringement to Administration. Monochrome Monitor I need you to accept this, urgently. Simon.
Result concerning Monochrome Monitor
Closed without action for now. Any participant may reopen this at such time that User:Wuerzele returns to active editing if they still have concerns. EdJohnston (talk) 20:10, 7 July 2016 (UTC) |
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it. |
Request concerning Wuerzele
Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Genetically_modified_organisms#Wuerzele_topic_banned Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Genetically_modified_organisms#Casting_aspersions Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Genetically_modified_organisms#Discretionary_Sanctions
Wuerzele was previously topic banned for extremely combative behavior, constantly sniping at editors, etc. while edit warring[16] The discretionary sanctions and the topic bans handed out by ArbCom specifically say all pages relating to genetically modified organisms, agricultural chemicals, etc. broadly construed including the companies that produce them. The discretionary sanctions were specifically reworded by ArbCom[17] to include the companies themselves to prevent prevent a case like this where topic banned editors still try to hang around related pages and continue additional behavior problems. In addition to the diff itself being in the topic ban page, the edit summary shows a return to the very sniping behavior that resulted in their ArbCom topic ban, "
EdJohnston, the WSJ source doesn't cover much detail, but other sources[20][21] regularly discuss things like seed choice, pesticide application, etc. as the core products of the decision making platform this company markets. There's really no way to say this doesn't relate to the topic ban in a broadly construed manner. The larger problem though is the continuation of sniping on multiple counts I mentioned above. Arbs specifically expanded the DS to company pages saying that they didn't need to expand the topic bans as DS would take care of editors that immediately jump into behavior that resulted in their bans again while testing the edge of their ban.[22] (read the arb opinions on topic bans) That's exactly what's happening here. Kingofaces43 (talk) 15:48, 23 June 2016 (UTC)
Discussion concerning WuerzeleStatements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statement by WuerzeleStatement by TryptofishJust before I found this AE, I had seen the edit in question and reverted it. This is really a no-brainer: the page is about Monsanto, and it absolutely is within the scope of the topic ban. It's a pity, because Wuerzele has been doing a good job of obeying the sanctions until now. --Tryptofish (talk) 21:39, 22 June 2016 (UTC)
Please do not close this without a warning about civility and an instruction that companies are henceforth out of bounds. The fact that an editor has been inactive recently does not preclude a return shortly after this AE thread gets closed and archived. It would be a pity to have to come back here again because things had remained unclear. --Tryptofish (talk) 20:50, 4 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by (username)Result concerning Wuerzele
This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below.
Requests may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs (not counting required information), except by permission of a reviewing administrator.
Request concerning TripWire
- User who is submitting this request for enforcement
- Kautilya3 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log) 23:04, 11 July 2016 (UTC)
- User against whom enforcement is requested
- TripWire (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log)
Search CT alerts: in user talk history • in system log
- Sanction or remedy to be enforced
Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/India-Pakistan: ARBIPA
- Diffs of edits that violate this sanction or remedy, and an explanation how these edits violate it
- 9 July 2016 (History of Gilgit-Baltistan) Reinstates an edit , for which another editor just got topic-banned. The edit comes with a combative edit summary: "They dont become unreialble because you say so." Dismisses the extensive discussion at Talk:Gilgit-Baltistan by the curt brushoff: "the sources are fine, it's your interpretation of them that is wrong."
- 9 July 2016 (Baloch Students Organization) Deletes content attributed to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) comparing it to "Facebook". Repeats the revert the next day, ignoring the talk page discussion.
- 8 July 2016 (Baloch Students Organization) Adds "separatist fighter" as a LABEL for the founder of the organization. This fails to be NPOV because the founder was not a separatist fighter at the time and plenty of other sources do not use the description. In the talk page discussion, doubles down on POV and starts comparing the founder to Osama Bin Laden.
- 4 July 2016 CANVASSing for an RfC at WP:WikiProject Pakistan without a parallel post to WP:WikiProject India. The subject at hand deals with alleged Indian involvement in Balochistan conflict. (The RfC itself is now closed because it was initiated by a banned user, but that doesn't mitigate the obvious attempt of canvassing.)
- 8 May 2016 (Balochistan conflict) Reverts well-sourced content of Bharatiya29and repeats the revert seven times further. The talk page discussion here and here is throroughly deadlocked due to TripWire's tendentious position and argumentation. The compromises I propose are obsturcted.
- Diffs of previous relevant sanctions, if any
- 3 July 2015 Future Perfect at Sunrise topic-banned the user from all edits related to Pakistani politics and Indian/Pakistani conflicts. FP's diagnosis: that you are a tendentious editor whose presence on Wikipedia is motivated almost entirely to a desire to push a certain national POV."
- If discretionary sanctions are requested, supply evidence that the user is aware of them (see WP:AC/DS#Awareness and alerts)
- Previously given a discretionary sanction for conduct in the area of conflict on 3 July 2015 by Future Perfect at Sunrise (talk · contribs · blocks · protections · deletions · page moves · rights · RfA).
- Participated in an arbitration request or enforcement procedure about the area of conflict in the last twelve months, on 10 April 2016 and 19 May 2016.
- Additional comments by editor filing complaint
The user came back from a topic ban about 6 months ago and went back to the old ways soon after. At the previous AE request on 10 April, I argued against a sanction because I felt the user was showing improvement and a lot of the activity at that time centered on a sock (MBlaze Lightning). That is not the case any more. The user's talk page discussion is merely stonewalling. They constantly tell others to seek consensus, but never strive for consensus themselves. The POV that they push is not merely that of nationalism but of the State. Even AHRC's objections are brushed off.
The edit that breaks the camel's back is the latest edit on 9 July (diff 1). This one reinstates the edit of a user that just got topic-banned, deleting content sourced to scholarly sources and replacing it with OR. Two fake citations (one pointing to the last page of a book's index and another to a newspaper opinion column) appear, neither of which supports the claim that Gilgit-Baltistan "unconditionally acceded" to Pakistan. This is merely the State's propaganda that is being pushed on Wikipedia.
Most other users that have tried to reason with the user have given up in exasperation. I am at wit's end. I think it is time to take action again.
Responses: TripWire's long-winded, rambling response illustrates the same frivilous attitude that pervades all their discussions. This is not the place for content discussion anyway.
- Reinstating the banned user's edit at 20:42, 9 July at History of Gilgit-Baltistan was their first edit ever on Gilgit-Baltistan topics. The second edit at 20:48, 9 July at Talk: Gilgit-Baltistan was the brushoff: the sources are fine, which completely ignores the preceding discussion. I see no effort to obtain consensus in this approach, or any regard to reliability of sources and Wikipedia policies. Which sources were fine? The last page of the index of a book? An op-ed that has no mention of "unconditional accesstion"? Why TripWire suddenly got interested in Gilgit-Baltistan at this time is another interesting question. (My own contributions to the articles can be seen on Xtools here and here.)
- The explanation that TripWire came to the page because of a twitter feed of anonymous Pakistani edits, is not likely. The last such edit on History of Gilgit-Baltistan was six months ago. It is much more likely that they saw the posts of Saladin1987 on my talk page or SheriffIsInTown's talk page and decided to be the Robin Hood. Saladin's versions on Gilgit-Baltistan could not be reinstated because they had been revdel'ed. History of Gilgit-Baltistan was next.
- TripWire also conveniently hides behind the screen of "defending Wikipedia against socks." But a sock has to be reported and blocked before we revert their edits. If, in fact, TripWire had known the sock's identity, why did they canvass at WikiProject Pakistan for the sock's RfC? Besides the sock, plenty of regular editors have also defended the content: Bharatiya29, myself, Kashmiri and Spartacus!.
- The defense that TripWire didn't know the relevance of the topic to WikiProject India is also disingeneous, because they themselves mentioned "India" over a dozen times in the talk page discussion. And, they claimed to be well-versed with the CANVASSing policies as well.
- TripWire claims unawareness of Saladin1987 being topic-banned; fair enough. But then the question remains what due diligence they did before reinstating content reverted by two experienced users: Thomas.W and me. Did they even look at the citations that were given?
Nationalistic POV: TripWire asks where they exhibited nationalistic POV. At Wikipedia, we aim to provide a fair representation of all the views expressed in reliable sources (WP:NPOV). TripWire's position in diff 1 is that of the Pakistani State, viz., Gilgit-Baltistan voluntarily acceded to Pakistan. Scholars disagree and they are dismissed. In diffs 2, 3, and 5, they support the State's views such as Kulbhushan Yadav is an Indian spy and Baloch Students Organization is a terrorist organization. All contrary views are dismissed. Nuro Dragonfly, a neutral third-party editor that came to mediate on the Kulbhushan Yadav page, had this to say at an earlier ARE case: "All attempts to create a neutral POV consensus in the article have been rejected by either FreeatlastChitchat or TripWire on all occasions, especially once the subject matter turns to the fact that everything that Pakistan has said on the matter is just a claim, exactly the same as everything India says is just a claim."[24]. -- Kautilya3 (talk) 21:33, 13 July 2016 (UTC)
TopGun comment: I am afraid TopGun throws up a number of red herrings to obfuscate and derail the case. All the reverts mentioned above are to the content contributed by me or Bharatiya29, not those of any socks. And, I am not raising content issues, but those of conduct. Yes, DRN is an appropriate venue when there is a genuine dispute. But if TripWire throws up nationalistic POV on a daily basis, DRN doesn't have the manpower to deal with it all. As for my taking responsibility for "sock edits," I only did so for MBlaze Lightning edits. I am sure TopGun would have done the same if people reverted Mar4d's edits when he got banned for socking. All this is irrelevant to the issues at hand. -- Kautilya3 (talk) 19:10, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
SheriffIsInTown comment: SheriffIsInTown is absolutely right that I edit all South Asia topics with the same "state of mind," viz., NPOV. I am not sure why we are talking about me here. - Kautilya3 (talk) 11:26, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
- Notification of the user against whom enforcement is requested
- [25]
Discussion concerning TripWire
Statements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator.
Administrators may remove or shorten noncompliant statements. Disruptive contributions may result in blocks.
Statement by TripWire
Oh, so may WP:ASPERSIONS. Will humbly try to answer:
- 9 July 2016. This was a perfectly fine sourced edit by another editor which was reverted by Kautilya3. I, having found the edit legit, reverted him back (my only edit on that page). Per WP:BRD, this is the normal sequence of events, why jump the gun instead of discussing it at talk? Second, there was no 'extensive' discussion as claimed, just a WP:WALLOFTEXT by him. He should have discussed the dispute instead of bringing it here.
- And how would I know that some user has been topic banned? And how could Kautilya3 ascertain that it was that particular edit which caused the ban?
- 9 July 2016. This Asian Human Rights Commission edit was neither RS nor encyclopedic. How can a petition/appeal posted anonymously at an 'Appeals Website' be reliable or encyclopedic? This was amply explained to Kautilya3 in the edit-summary and even at the talk page that AHRC isnt reliable nor official as the website itself states in its "About Us' that it is "non-governmental body" which he conveniently ignored.
- I gave FOUR reasons for the revert in the edit-summary, all ignored by him.
- It's strange that Kautilya3 himself deletes/reverts sourced content (attributed to three RS: Express Tribune, Dawn and even a Book) in the same article, and when I revert his deletion of sourced content, he uses the same against me here. But when his own poorly sourced edit gets reverted, he ironically uses the same too against me?
- Moreover, Facebook example was used to make Kautilya3 understand that online appeals launched by random people cannot be used to build WP, or can it be?? How can an appeal launched at "FB Causes" be synthesized into saying that Facebook "severely" condemns the whatever action stated in the appeal? Especially when the appeal itself does not even use the word severely?? A classic example of WP:FAKE and WP:NPOV.
- Last, the edit followed WP:BRD, no edit warring, dear Admins, what's wrong in that?
- 8 July 2016. This shows Kautilya3's bias. Kautilya3 used this Al Jazeera source and attributed it thrice in the article. But when I used Kautilya3's own source to add portion of info which was deliberately omitted (that the subject was a "separatist fighter"), I am projected as the bad guy?! I even mentioned this in the edit-summary and at the talk-discussion (ignoring of which was fine by Kautilya3, but he accuses me of ignoring talk discussions). How on earth can only Kautilya3 use portions of the source which suits his POV and omit, and then revert the portion of the SAME source (already used by HIMSELF) that does not line with his opinion? How can this be acceptable? Admins???
- For clarity, Kuatiliya had made more than 19 edits at BSO in one day, and I made fol 4 edits (not reverts):
- 02:16, 9 July 2016. add. I removed Kuatilya3's WP:OR which was not supported by the given source and replaced it with what the source said. (The complainant to please remind me which policy did I violate by doing so?)
- 02:22, 9 July 2016. allegedly. I added the word allegedly which was supported by BBC. (yes, BBC! What's wrong in that when Kuatilya himself has used blogs and Baloch propaganda website frequently to build the article?)
- 02:28, 9 July 2016. expand per source already used. I added "separatist fighter" by REUSING the source already used by Kuatilya3 (wonder why would he miss it at the first place).
- 05:32, 9 July 2016. Got a blanket revert by Kuatilya3 alongwith a vague reason.
- 14:30, 9 July 2016. Removal of sourced content. Did you even read the source? Stop pushing your POV. The ONLY revert that I had made to Kuatilya3. Prior to this revert, I also commented on the talk page. How else does WP work?
- Now, everybody is welcome to point out where did I go wrong so that I may improve myself. If not, WP:BOOMERANG will be in order.
- Regarding this 4 July 2016. One, how can a post about an RfC concerning Pakistan at WP:WikiProject Pakistan be termed 'Canvassing'? I seriously object to Kautilya3's poor choice of words. Two, I had genuinely thought of posting the same to WP:WikiProject India but didnt do it as the issue related to Balochistan and Pakistan. A Pakistani province (unlike Kashmir which is disputed) had no direct link with India, but may be I should have done it because the discussion did involve India. This was my first such post at Country Project Pages so I was unaware of the procedures, and if the Admins think I should have posted the same to WP:WikiProject India, I apologise for not doing it as a genuine mistake.
- 8 May 2016. This is no diff. Just a facade. But allow me to explain what Kautilya3 wants to say:
- Balochistan conflict has contentiously been infested with socks, particularly DarknessShines2, a notorious sockmaster. Just see how his socks have made POV edits at the page and opened up discussions which were fervently supported by Kautilya3:
- Freedom Mouse a banned sock added POV and then opened a talk-page discussion: Content removal. This led to exhaustive discussion just because the sock was supported by Kautilya3. Had he not done so, precious time could have been saved. Thanks that Freedom Mouse got banned soon and the duel ended.
- The same sock then again caused disruption which was again supported by Kautilya3 which again led to a lengthy discussion namely "Edits by Freedom Mouse aka Darknesshines". Later, when the second sock got banned the discussion ended with a consensus against Kautilya3.
- Now most recently his third sock 2a00:11c0:9:794::5 re-added the same content which led to six talk-sections, namely Chuck Hagel, James Dobbins, Siraj Akbar, Kulbhushan Yadav, Israel, and even an Rfc!.
- All these sock-edits were being diligently supported and fueled by Kautilya3. He even removed longstanding content on sock's suggestion and prolonged the discussion until the sock was banned and Future Perfect at Sunrise hatted the entire discussion.
- That was me alone Vs 3 x socks and Kuatiliya3 and yet he cannot point out a single policy that I actually violated during the entire discourse. What does this say about me? Am I the bad guy here or the one reporting me? I fight 3 x socks, its supporters, follow polices, the socks then get banned and WP stays as it was before socking, and this is the reward I get in return? Can anyone deny that I wasnt fighting socks or that they werent banned during the discussion or that I upheld WP as a project? I am seriously getting tired of my efforts here. The bottomline here seems that if you fight socks, it's you who would get blocked even though you dont violate any policy but just give lots of diffs for people like Kuatiliya3 to quote here randomly while the socks who doesnt care for a block and its supporters go around disrupting WP.
- Now, if challenging socks/vandals all while remaining within WP polices and following WP:BRD is wrong, please penalize me. But if I was able to prevent socks from disrupting WP without edit-warring and by participating in ALL the discussions and by following WP:BRD then why Kautilya3 is accusing me of doing 'seven reverts' i.e. digging up my entire history and cherry-picking random reverts that I might have made?
- The real question here should be that why a guy who prevented socks from disrupting WP is being reported by the same editor who have been in support of these socks, and has been let scot-free?
- Topic ban: I was topic banned a year from now (not 6 months). That's history. No need to bring it up over and again. I have improved, changed and my edit-history is a proof. By posting links to the topic ban thrice, Kautilya3, what were you trying to gain?
- AE's: Just a way to divert attention. Last time, even the editor who reported me was about to get Boomeranged until he had to apologize and withdraw his AE report against me for the report being frivolous and false. I guess, had it actually boomeranged, things could have been simpler.
Kautilya3's Selective/Discreet Approach to push Nationalistic POV |
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Response to Kautilya3's additional comments |
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Response to Bharatiya29's comments |
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*Re Pakistan government's POV": A baseless accusation as none of the sources used in the article which say that India is involved in Balochistan are Pakistani, but instead are 3rd party independent/uninvolved sources. Whereas, Pakistani govt have been raising the issue of Indian involvement in Balochistan at international forums but it has not gain much currency. Conversely, it is the Indian govt that have bee specifically giving air-time to Baloch dissents and their separatists leaders to farther their views which you and the socks have been trying to push in the article. Also, as all this info is ONLY sourced from Indian sources, to me it seems that it is rather you and Kautilya3 who have been trying to push the Indian government's POV in the article while cloaking it as being NPOV. How can I do that when no Pakistani source is allowed in the article? If a 3rd party RS like a renowned US politician or a known website like BBC says something which might be inline with the facts on ground, blame the source not the one who is using them per WP polices. But if you blame the source, then sorry, but you wont be able to use the same source to support your POV. That's commonsense. *Re BSO being a terrorist organization: What "3rd party" sources did India or you present to declare All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF), Al-Umar-Mujahideen (AUM),Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), Communist Party of India (Maoist), Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) People's War, Deendar Anjuman (DA), Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) etc as terrorist organization per Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, less the law itself?? BSO is a Pakistani organization which was declared as a terrorist organization per country's law just like any other country-specific organization. Sorry, you are just trying to muddy the waters, nothing else. *Re Bhartiya's new comments: First he says that there's no 3rd party source that says BSO is a terrorist organization. I responded to that. Now he talks about BSO's notability which was never under discussion. The notability issue was with Kareema Baloch, but here he directs our attention to BSO itself. Bhartiya is just shifting his goal posts as he cant find any worthwhile points to complain about. Bhartiya, this is not BSO's talk page nor DRN where you are trying to resolve a dispute. You had time to do it at the talk, which you did not. Why do it here? Your comments concerning a dispute wont merit a response here.
Re Regentspark: Sir, I do agree with you and will surely try to follow your advice. I cant help but mention that this is what I already have been doing - trying to gain consensus constructively by positively engaging with the involved parties including the socks. Surely, per your advice, I will try to improve if there's any shortcoming. No argument on that. As for the socks, well sir, if an info was not allowed to stay in the article previously, it means that there's been a consensus not to include it at some point in the past. Now, using socks to push it again wont solve the matter, nor would it automatically mean that the edit become legit because a sock is repeatedly trying to push it. Not unless fresh evidence is presented which may change the consensus, and I am all for it. Legit edits dont require socks to add them. That's what is observed in remaining Indo-Pak conflict pages. The rules regarding usage of sources were set by Kuatilya himself, and he alone cant selectively follow part of those rules, reject the other part that does not suit him, and then change the rules altogether when other editors try following them in letter and spirit. Thanks.
Statement by TopGun
I commented on the last TripWire AE and generally know most users/socks and disputes in this topic area so the admins might benefit from my views on this. I've been following three sets of socks closely and trying to get them blocked for a year now: [26] [27] [28]. All three of them are disruptive, persistent and try to create this kind of mess each time they return. Unfortunately, there are not many active editors who recognize them and by the time I or another experienced editor report them, the victim articles are under complicated disputes. The balochistan conflict topic area is facing the exact same situation. To add to the fuel, Kautilya3 has demonstrated that he wants to assume responsibility of all edits of socks (in wholesale) as he said here. This can not be done without him having to clear WP:BURDEN instead of asking others to do so and is an issue per se as well. The Darkness Shines sock was just blocked after my report and his threads were hatted (as it happened in his previous attempts at disrupting the same article)... however the same is happening here with the dispute dragging on and Kautilya3 taking up the dispute. It's over and there's no need to drag it and if an editor thinks another user is not agreeing to their arguments, it's the basic right of an editor to participate in consensus in that way as far as they are civil and WP:DRN exists to resolve that to form a clearer consensus as already pointed out by an NeilN at the end of that discussion, not AE. If the traveling circus continues even after the sock is blocked, their purpose is achieved.
- Furthermore, notifying WP:PAK is not canvassing. This was established at this proposal that was infact made by me: Wikipedia_talk:Canvassing/Archive 5#Canvassing Country / Nation level Wikiprojects. If I, even being the proposer of a policy against such notices, can accept that consensus is against terming such notices canvassing, it should be easy for others to follow. WP:PAK is infact the right venue to notify per consensus. Canvassing would have been posting talkpage messages to select editors.
- This report is not as complicated as it seems and has been plagued with sock disruption which is common in this topic area.
- Both editors should be recommended to go to WP:DRN and if they can not resolve their issues by discussion, I would recommend a simple interaction ban where both can edit the article(s), participate in RFCs, discuss on talkpage (not with each other) but not interact with each other, reverting/reporting each other or edit parts of an article edited by each other. We need to get rid of reporting editors for the sake of reporting so add to this ban any other editors who are bent on wasting every one's time here at AE.
--lTopGunl (talk) 18:16, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by Bharatiya29
TripWire's behavior at Talk:Balochistan conflict has been disturbing. He has constantly tried to block any attempts at making the article neutral and has objected to the addition of those contents which are not in agreement to Pakistan government's POV. The article has a section dedicated to Pakistan's allegations on India of supporting Baloch separatist groups. When I have tried to mention Baloch group's denial of this allegation, TripWire reverted me just because he maintains that the group is not reliable since it has been declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan government (although he hasn't cited any third-party sources to prove this). TripWire also seems to have an unfounded assumption that Indian media constitute Indian propaganda. His sole motive here is to confine WP to the views of the Pakistan government and he has argued against all other editors asking for NPOV.. Bharatiya29 13:51, 13 July 2016 (UTC)
Response to TripWire's comments:What’s more disturbing than pushing a nationalistic POV? I never said that only third-party sources should be used; rather I have always said that the views of all the stakeholders should be mentioned with due weightage. Would you please explain to me that what does the Indian government have to do with interviews of notable Baloch nationalists by independent media houses? If you are really convinced that all the Indian media coverage is influenced by the Indian government then you must prove your point. I have repeatedly told you that the fact that Pakistan has declared BSO as a terrorist organisation is not enough to prove its non-reliability. Bharatiya29 08:38, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
Response to TripWire's new comments:I have never said that only third-party sources should be used, instead statements by all the parties should also be given space. You should know that even if Karima Baloch is not notable as an individual, she is the chairperson of an involved party, and that is what makes her statement worth mentioning. I am being forced to discuss about all these stuff here since you are accusing me of having an biased approach. The discussion here is regarding your behavior, and so this was the last time I responded to your baseless allegations. Bharatiya29 15:30, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by SheriffIsInTown
Being an encyclopedia, Wikipedia is about fact telling and should be about fact telling. It should not be used for political propaganda. Using an encyclopedia for political propaganda defies its purpose of being an encyclopedia. Kautilya3's editing has been nothing but political propaganda. He tries to find less than encyclopedic information which suits his POV and adds it to encyclopedia. He calls founder of a nation as "internet beast", a clear indication that he personally considers him a villain for pursuing to create modern day boundaries in South Asia. He also at one point said that he does not recognize modern day boundaries in South Asia and it seems like his edits are more centric towards an undivided South Asia. Not recognizing the present day boundaries in South Asia makes the region look like the map in Akhand Bharat article where there is no other country except India in South Asia. Going in with that state of mind and editing a contentious topic area such as WP:ARBIPA can only create neutrality issues. Neutral editors like TripWire are needed to ensure that articles are not sidetracked by editors who display such political prejudice. If we will start banning editors like TripWire who did not violate any principle set forth in WP:ARBIPA but only challenged less than neutral edits of Kautilya3 who clearly displayed political prejudice at several times in their editing then we will only make Wikipedia, a non-neutral politically motivated information portal which is not what an encyclopedia should be. If anyone who deserves to be topic-banned from WP:ARBIPA is Kautilya3 and not TripWire. I am not sure if these findings can call for a Boomerang but if they do then I will suggest one against the nom. Sheriff | ☎ 911 | 11:04, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by D4iNa4
Report is legit and action is necessary, since TripWire came off from a topic ban just some months ago, he had to be more careful but he is not. D4iNa4 (talk) 17:34, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by (username)
Result concerning TripWire
- This section is to be edited only by uninvolved administrators. Comments by others will be moved to the sections above.
- The last time an Enforcement request was made against TripWire, it was dismissed as frivolous and was about to boomerang when another admin allowed the filing party to withdraw. This one is more complicated. As I am not an expert in India-Pakistan relations, I'll reserve judgment until some other editors and admins weigh in and hopefully offer more context. The WordsmithTalk to me 17:04, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
- @TripWire: Your statement is far beyond the limit. Please refactor for length, or hat unnecessary parts. Thank you, The WordsmithTalk to me 21:53, 13 July 2016 (UTC)
- I'm going to leave this to someone else to judge but TripWire should note that reinstating edits made by sockpuppets is perfectly valid and repeatedly invoking the fact that the edits were originally made by a sock is not constructive. At some point, you need to accept that there is support for that content and get down to the business of seeking consensus in good faith. If this closes with no action, I urge TripWire to constructively engage in the compromise discussion or resort to dispute resolution where sources can be evaluated, npov can be judged, and consensus wording hammered out. It is true that this area is plagued by socks and that their presence is disruptive, but that should not be used as an excuse to avoid a consensus seeking discussion. --regentspark (comment) 15:02, 13 July 2016 (UTC)
Arbitration enforcement action appeal by Ranze
Closing as moot. This sanction already expired on 4 April 2016. Seraphimblade Talk to me 15:29, 15 July 2016 (UTC) |
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Procedural notes: The rules governing arbitration enforcement appeals are found here. According to the procedures, a "clear, substantial, and active consensus of uninvolved editors" is required to overturn an arbitration enforcement action. To help determine any such consensus, involved editors may make brief statements in separate sections but should not edit the section for discussion among uninvolved editors. Editors are normally considered involved if they are in a current dispute with the sanctioning or sanctioned editor, or have taken part in disputes (if any) related to the contested enforcement action. Administrators having taken administrative actions are not normally considered involved for this reason alone (see WP:UNINVOLVED).
Statements by RanzeBest-case scenario I would like the sanction lifted altogether. Next-best, I would like it to be modified to only apply to Gamergate only, as in (a) but not (b) because "any gender-related dispute" is so vague that people can try to make anything relating to people seem like it falls under that. I pinged Gamaliel but then realized on checking page the user is listed as retired so I would require a different administrator to modify or remove it. Since it's been 14 months since this was put in place my memories on what led up to it aren't the clearest. As best I can recall I had brought up on Zoe Quinn's talk page a Breitbart article which I wanted to include as a reference which mentioned a modeling pseudonym, and this was construed as some kind of attack on her. I'd also like to remind everyone that the tweet that spawned all this was relating information which the Tweeter explains she was 'open about' highlighted in secondary sources: Really all that should have come of that was a reply like "since a tweet is a primary source, the information in it should be mentioned in a secondary source to establish its notability for the article" on the talk page. I would have understood that and not pushed to include it in the article on the basis of just a primary source until I had found such verification. But instead got slapped with fuzzy sanctions about pretty much everything because I linked a public statement from a verified Twitter about a past career which the BLP topic maintains they have been open about. Ranze (talk) 06:36, 10 July 2016 (UTC)
@Laser brain: given that you said 'unblocked and/or' and I have been unblocked, does that mean this can now be opened without prejudice? I would imagine the validity of such a wide-scope restriction is worth discussion regardless of it's being enforced. Given that the justifying edit for the sanctions is mentioning on the talk page a career past which Zoe Quinn was open about at the time (and remains open about now) and is reported on by secondary sources, there was no valid basis for sanctions to be placed to begin with. special:diff/654927319 4 April 2015 Gamaliel broke the rules when he afflicted a 'standard gamergate topic ban' which is illegal since the concept was disbanded in December 2014. When called out on this abuse, he tried to save face on May 1st: special:diff/660280525 by abusing the ArbCom sanctions process associated with this. That was only to be done December 2014 for people who already had those bans, not to instate new ones. Gamaliel misrepresented himself as an uninvolved administrator to get this done. You can see this at but it is not apparent through a direct diff since "This sanction is imposed in my capacity as an uninvolved administrator under the authority of the Arbitration Committee's decision" was inserted via the substituted template. Gamaliel had no authority to apply this since he was an involved administrator. This is why I basically shrugged it off as weightless, since it was fraudulent. Prior to May or April 2015 on 1 September 2014 per special:diff/623722973 Gamaliel participated in editing Zoe Quinn's talk page. You can also see at Talk:Gamergate_controversy/Archive_1 that Gamaliel was actively involved in discussing gamergate issues since 10 September 2014. So why was a clearly involved administrator allowed to claim to speak for ArbCom as an UNinvolved administrator and apply generalized sanctions on April/May 2015 which were disbanded December 2014? Ranze (talk) 06:56, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by GamalielStatement by PeterTheFourthI don't believe that allegation that somebody featured in pornography is as innocent as you suggest when you express bafflement over it being 'construed as some kind of attack'. PeterTheFourth (talk) 08:40, 9 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by NblundSorry if I'm in the wrong place. I haven't interacted directly with this user, but one of his edits has caused a lot of consternation at several entries that I have edited recently. As it turns out, he was patient zero for a (really poorly sourced) paragraph about Milo Yiannopoulos that was added to four separate articles in June this year. Relevant diffs: This user was apparently given a 2 week ban by EdJohnston for violating a topic ban by (among several other things) making an edit to Milo Yinnopoulos entry in May last year (diff). These don't deal directly with GamerGate, but, given that he was previously sanctioned specifically for edits related to this individual, it seems like this user has blatantly violated the topic ban in the very recent past. Nblund talk 22:02, 9 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by StrongjamGamaliel's edits that Ranze links to where discussed during the ARBCOM case. He was not determined to be WP:INVOLVED and the topic bans he gave out were endorsed and converted to arbcom bans. — Strongjam (talk) 12:41, 12 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by DHeywardRanze's last sanction for GamerGate and related topics were over a year ago. The conditions for having the topic ban rescinded were to demonstrate an ability to edit without violating BLP and related policies. Certainly a year of edits has demonstrated this. The Topic Ban is hardly related to gender. Rape is a crime and there is no gender based argument for rape. There are no groups that advocate for rape. "People vs. Turner" was controversial for the punishment imposed, not gender which is what would be required for a "gender related controversy." The Topic Ban should be lifted as no longer necessary and unduly punitive. --DHeyward (talk) 21:55, 13 July 2016 (UTC) Discussion among uninvolved editors about the appeal by RanzeResult of the appeal by Ranze
Closing with no action as this sanction expired before the edit in question was made. It should be noted that due to an error by the sanctioning administrator, the filing party filed this request in the good-faith belief that the sanction was still active. Seraphimblade Talk to me 15:30, 15 July 2016 (UTC) |
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This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below. Request concerning Ranze
Discussion concerning RanzeStatements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statements by RanzeThe word 'gender' does not even appear on People v. Turner, alleging that this legal case is a 'gender-related dispute' is WP:ORIGINALRESEARCH and WP:SYNTHESIS on the part of PeterTheFourth. All criminal cases are 'people-related disputes' but just because people have genders doesn't make all criminal cases gender-related disputes. Rape and/or sexual assault can be done by either gender and to either gender, as can murder or theft. Their presence does not make it a gender-based dispute. The sanctions are about gender-based not sex-based disputes. Sexual acts are not inherently tied to gender and this is a false conflation. Am I to be limited to only corporation vs. corporation legal battles where the gender of all witnesses and lawyers and judges is kept unknown so as to be certain gender could not possibly be involved? Why are you trying to broaden the use of already excessively broad terms? How is this related to Zoe Quinn? @Wordsmith: what violation are you talking about? None of my edits to PvT are a violation, it is a criminal case about assault not a gender-related dispute. @Carwil: I have addressed your claims below in special:diff/729137899 but had to remove it to fit under the 500 character limit. I would like to request permission from a reviewing administrator to wave this limit since I am an involved party. Ranze (talk) 04:50, 10 July 2016 (UTC) @Jonathunder: thanks, although "here" in sense of the overall section since the bottom is for admins... I envy the convenience of threaded responses you guys enjoy below. As @Laser brain: suggests I strive to avoid editing PvT until a result is reached regarding whether over to block me on doing so or if sanctions apply to it. I hope to find some other recent and less-explored criminal cases which I can apply my efforts to which you might find less objectionable, any suggestions? Looking into this one has been an exercise in learning better referencing which could benefit the articling of assault cases where alleged assaulters and alleged victims are of identical sex and perhaps less likely to invoke the response I have seen here. Even though being limiting to same-sex crime cases seems like far too big a reaction for detailing open career statements on one person over a year ago. Ranze (talk) 05:53, 12 July 2016 (UTC) @Laser brain: I would be happy to pre-empt Carwil on this as this is nothing I intend to hide. For 'repeatedly' to be true you'd need two times, which is true:
I stand by them because I believe they made the article more neutral and/or more concise. Carwil was accurate in describing my behavior, but I think inaccurate in implying it to be dismissive. Repeating 'the victim' throughout is not only not NPOV and cluttersome, but it also victimizes Emily Doe by stereotyping her in a way she has asked not to be. "I am not just a drunk victim" she reminds us in her victim impact statement, so calling her "Emily" avoids victimizing her by primarily referring to her as a victim and characterizing her in a single way which causes her distress. Ranze (talk) 06:22, 12 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by CarwilA summary of Ranze's recent BLP violating editing is offered here: Wikipedia:Biographies_of_living_persons/Noticeboard#People_v._Turner. Ranze's has repeatedly objected to the characterization of "the victim" in the article text of a case on a rape conviction, inserted "false accusation of rape" as a keyword to describe the case, and sought out unrelated behavior of a sexual assault victim to add to the article. These are tendentious gender-related edits to a gender-related article.--Carwil (talk) 12:32, 9 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by KyohyiQuestion for admins on this. This is an article about a court case. And there are a number of controversies over this court case. So what percentage does an article have to cover a controversy for the article in total to be about the controversy? I'm asking this in response to Laserbrain's comment about the lead referring to rape culture, and how broadly construed relates to articles. My understanding is that if an article is not largely about a topic, then only the sections relating to that topic apply to the ban. In this case "rape culture" is mentioned once in the lead, and once in the body. That's not a particularly large amount for the size of that article. So, is People vs. Turner a gender based controversy on the whole? Or does people vs. turner contain sections that describe the gender based controversy? Then again these questions might be moot if someone provided a dif of Ranze editing a section that specifically calls out a gender based controversy. --Kyohyi (talk) 13:16, 11 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by SfarneyIn my personal frank and blunt opinion, "gender based controversy" is a bogus category -- very difficult to apply. ("Gender" is really a grammar category, not a personal attribute.) Some here would stretch such wording to cover the current presidential election, while others would forbid mention of David Bowie, whose sex was somewhat controversial. I would say the sanction is not enforceable. Nevertheless, Ranze's endless wrangling (whether a person convicted of molesting is truly a molester, whether the woman was unconscious, whether she did anything that transgressed a law, whether the jury established the truth, whether Turner's defense story was given adequate weight and credibility, which fingers were used, how much each of the parties ate, how drunk was each party, ...) is exceptionally wearisome. One wonders what the final product would be if Ranze were given a free hand and had not been reverted by a half-dozen others. Grammar's Li'l Helper Talk 17:24, 11 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by James J. LambdenRegardless of scope, admin Jonathunder is clearly involved in the article (diffs in Kyohyi's section.) His warning should be seen as an editor warning, not an admin warning, and his indefinite block aside from being disproportionate and enacted while this request was ongoing is a violation of "involved" standards. It's preventing Ranze from addressing concerns here and in the appeal above. Sanctions should be decided here by uninvolved admins. James J. Lambden (talk) 20:17, 11 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by StrongjamA previous clarification request regarding whether campus rape was covered by the GG topic ban I think is relevant. The result of that discussion was that it is.— Strongjam (talk) 21:10, 11 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by DumuzidI wanted to comment briefly on what really boil down to procedural points. First of all, I quite agree that the category of "gender-based controversy" is nebulous and subject to interpretation. There are certainly liminal examples on which reasonable minds might differ. People v. Turner is not such a case. It seems beyond cavil (to me) that the gendered "rape culture" aspect of the case is precisely what makes it so notable and the angle (either pro or con) almost all the reliable sources have taken. That a term might be ambiguous in some uses does not mean it is ambiguous in all. Secondly, as to a retroactive examination of the original ban, I think such a thing is fine, but I think it is inappropriate to do so here. Let people appeal bans when they think there is a reason to do so. Setting a precedent of "appeal by repeated violation of topic ban" strikes me as unwise. Thank you. Dumuzid (talk) 16:23, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by DHeywardThe edit to "People vs. Turner" was not a gender related dispute. Rape is a crime. The controversy was regarding punishment imposed for the conviction. To the extent that people extrapolate the case to "rape culture", Ranze didn't mention, add, or discuss rape culture. Also even for such an extrapolation, there are no advocates for "rape culture" just as there are no advocates for "murder." To get to a "gender-related dispute", the edit would necessarily have to include differences based on gender such as Title IX reporting and/or University policies that are gender biased/based. This case is very much beyond "gender-related dispute." It's rape. It's a crime notable for a light sentence. The criminal sentence was the dispute and Ranze did not edit anything about the sentence or about the controversy of the sentence. It's at least two large steps away from the sanction imposed. --DHeyward (talk) 22:33, 13 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by (username)Result concerning Ranze
Editor blocked two weeks by EdJohnston for repeated violations. The block may be lifted if the editor agrees to follow the 500/30 restriction going forward. |
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it. |
This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below. Request concerning Khazen48
All of those are part of some 100 edits this user made, predominantly in the I/P conflict area and as this user has less than 500 edits, he is not allowed to edit this area. I have reverted the majority of the edits he made, as many of them included undiscussed removal of sometimes sourced content, many times with no edit summery at all. I have informed this user about the restriction twice in his talkpage and in every edit summery in my reverts but he doesn't seem to even notice it. This user contribute through his phone, and if he can't learn the rules of Wikipedia through his phone, he is not suitable for editing here.
In his talkpage.
Discussion concerning Khazen48Statements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statement by Khazen48Statement by DavidLeighEllisIt might be helpful to place all articles related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict under extended confirmed protection to prevent future incidents such as this. DavidLeighEllis (talk) 00:08, 17 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by (username)Result concerning Khazen48
Sepsis II
Sepsis II (talk · contribs) is indefinitely banned from the topic of the Arab-Israeli conflict, broadly construed. --Lord Roem ~ (talk) 20:11, 21 July 2016 (UTC) |
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This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below. Request concerning Sepsis II
Sepsis II is a single-purpose account who edits with a strong pro-Palestinian bias on the usual collection of Israel-Palestinian conflict articles. He was topic banned from this area for six months a couple of years ago for a variety of poor editing practices, and stormed off with very bad grace at the time. He returned only a few months ago, but he seems to have continued with exactly the same kind of behavior that got him topic banned in the first place. I ripped apart Sepsis II's consistently biased editing fairly comprehensively in a previous AE request he issued against GHcool some months ago. That AE request was archived without closure, though I stand by the claims I made there. Sepsis II seems to have changed his editing very little since then. In general, Sepsis II seems to contribute very little new content or do anything overly much to improve the encyclopedia overall. He may occasionally remove some vandalism or make some fixes here and there but much of his editing consists of reverts on various grounds and talk page opining and soapboxing, all to the end of promoting his favoured view (pro-Palestinian), and marginalizing any opposing view. Mainspace changes which are not reverts are usually wholesale removals of content he dislikes (see above diffs) or revisions of content to match his POV (examples: [55][56][57]) regardless of whether these changes are in line, or likely to become in line with consensus. Sepsis II seems convinced that every new or nearly new editor who edits contrary to his own views is a sock, and a constant theme in his talk page interactions is the idea that opposing editors are a party to some kind of conspiracy to take over the encyclopedia. Sepsis II has a rather bizarre obsession with Israeli and Jewish editors. He seems to view these editors as having some sort of inherent conflict of interest, and shouldn't be allowed to edit the topic area at all. For years, he maintained a rather bad faith user page where he documented alleged conflict of interest editing by Israeli and Jewish editors on various Israeli and Jewish organizations of little note. Most of these editors had only a handful of edits; many had not edited for literally years. When challenged on this, he responded with his usual "sockpuppet" mantra; I've come to the conclusion that to Sepsis II, "sockpuppet" is merely a codeword for "editor I don't like". Most frustratingly, Sepsis II violates the very editing standards he demands of other editors. For example, how does he reconcile the sentiments expressed in this post with his own ideological removal on another article? He will frequently tell other editors to cease soapboxing whilst continuing to soapbox himself - sometimes in the very same post (see diffs). He also believes that some editors who recently attained 30/500 privilieges were "gaming the system" when he himself clearly "gamed" the system by his own standards by making several obvious "waiting edits" to be able to edit the semi-protected Israeli-Palestinian conflict article back in 2012. AnotherNewAccount (talk) 21:30, 18 July 2016 (UTC)
Discussion concerning Sepsis IIStatements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statement by Sepsis II
Statement by Itch Eye BearAside from the detailed evidence presented by User:AnotherNewAccount, which should be more than enough to warrant a topic ban for this tendentious editor, I'd point out that it is beyond obvious that Sepsis II is not their first account , and I have good reason to believe this is the same editor as User:Factomancer/User:Factsontheground/User:Eptified/User:Dr. R.R. Pickles Factomancer supposedly was leaving the project for good, and it is only because of that that they were not indef-blocked by User:PhilKnight - see [[58]]. But here they are again, with the same tendentious behavior, the same SPA-focus. Itch Eye Bear (talk) 00:26, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by Darwinian ApeAs someone who is uninvolved, I must conclude that there is a problem with this editor after an examination of the diffs provided by the filer. I am mostly concerned with the general bad faith they demonstrate and the unexplained or poorly reasoned reverts and blanking of sourced materials. Their defense seems to be an example of WP:NOTTHEM with an admission of biting. Given that the editor was topic banned for six months and that they don't seem to understand the problems with their edits, I believe an indefinite topic ban is warranted. Darwinian Ape talk 06:04, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by GestridIt should be noted that there was a rather lengthy discussion involving Sepsis II and a few other users regarding whether a discussion should be started here, as can be seen here. The discussion started with Sepsis II bringing several users to our attention, but then turned to a discussion about Sepsis II's behavior in those same articles, including his suspicious behavior with immediately after being autoconfirmed. (30/500 didn't exist back when he created his user.) The discussion started as a discussion on Kamel Tebaast's userpage. I admit that I was involved in both discussions, and I ended up taking a semi-wikibreak because it was just too much to handle. -- Gestrid (talk) 17:17, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by User:DebresserI completely agree that Sepsis II is an extreme POV editor,who had best be topic banned from all ARBPIA = IP-conflict related articles. Some of the more unreasonable and unacceptable examples I personally have noticed:
Request by User:DebresserRolandR has noticed that my post exceed the 500 word limits. My post has 583 words. Since both the original poster as well as I see the problem in the case of Sepsis II not with a specific violation, but with a pattern of tendentious editing, it would be impossible to make this point without extensive examples. This being so, I would like to ask that the 500 words limit be eased to 600 words in this case. Especially since the difference is less than 20%. Alternatively, Sepsis II could be given additional time to respond, although it seems to me he has no intention of adding any additional responses. By the way, neither my post nor the original post violate the 20 diffs limit, as claimed incorrectly by RolandR, nor does the original post, which originally counted 490 words (and now 407) violate the 500 words limit. How RolandR came to say "Both the original post, and Debresser's comment above, significantly exceed the permitted 500 words and 20 diffs limit", which claim is wrong in 3 out of its 4 details, leaves one to wonder about RolandR's impartiality or at least his seriousness as a contributor to WP:AE. In addition, I find it strange that the same limit hasn't been applied to the Statement by Nishidani, which has 737 words, in the case against me above on this same page. Rules should be applied equally. Debresser (talk) 16:14, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by Sir JosephSepsis II's second comment made me comment. His response is what people are complaining about. It's a chilling environment when you faced with being called a sock just because you have pro-Israel POV. His sole purpose of editing seems to be reverting (without discussion), tracking Jewish and pro-Israeli editors and bring sock investigations. We don't need that here. Statement by RolandRBoth the original post, and Debresser's comment above, significantly exceed the permitted 500 words and 20 diffs limit. They need to prune these to an acceptable length if Sepsis is to make a reasoned response within the permitted limits. RolandR (talk) 15:58, 19 July 2016 (UTC)
Statement by Kamel TebaastSepsis II first used my name here while making charges that I and Epson Salts "gamed the system" to circumvent WP:ARBPIA3#30/500. It was in that thread that I pointed out that:
From there, User:Comment, please detailed some of Sepsis II's infractions of gaming the system, at which point Debresser researched more in depth and brought the issue here. Aside from the aforementioned, I would suggest that Sepsis II engaged in Wikihounding me here, here, and here. That said, my preference is that Sepsis II is NOT banned from the Arab-Israeli area. That can easily, and already has, become a dangerous double-edge sword. KamelTebaast 23:22, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by Bolter21
Statement by (username)Result concerning Sepsis II
SageRad (talk · contribs) is blocked for five days for violating their topic ban. Lord Roem ~ (talk) 11:11, 22 July 2016 (UTC) |
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This request may be declined without further action if insufficient or unclear information is provided in the "Request" section below. Request concerning SageRad
Blatant breaking of topic ban imposed by Arbcom. As per their comments here where they describe Arbcom as a kangaroo court and that the topic ban is a pile of shit, its clear they both knew in advance they were breaking their ban, and that they have no intention to abide by it. Other recent activity include allegations of McCarthyism and 'industry aligned forces of darkness who control wikipedia'. Apart from being blanket personal attacks, it is telling that the final decision of the above case included the finding of fact SageRad engaged in casting aspersions.
Discussion concerning SageRadStatements must be made in separate sections. They may not exceed 500 words and 20 diffs, except by permission of a reviewing administrator. Statement by SageRadDiscussing glyphosate with some folks, i said that over 200 species had developed resistance to the herbicide. They said that it was a lower number like 36 and asked my source. I said it was Wikipedia, and i clicked to the article. There i saw that it did indeed say 211 species were resistant, and i clicked over to the source for that statement. I saw that it was blatantly incorrect, and so i corrected it. That's how Wikipedia is supposed to work. You see a mistake and correct it. People get in such a hissy fit. Seriously? People got issues. People are enacting a battleground mentality all the time instead of simply working toward good articles by following the principles of Wikipedia in good faith. Anyway, Trypto put the edit in his name. You want to ban me? Your loss. Sage Statement by TryptofishEnforcing admins, I don't know what to tell you. Here are the details as I see them, and you decide what to do. On my watchlist, I saw SageRad do this: [71], and this: [72]. Unambiguous topic ban violation, and also an improvement to the page (opposite to SageRad's usual POV). I told him this: [73], and he replied: [74]. So I did this: [75], [76], this: [77], and this: [78]. Your call. --Tryptofish (talk) 23:39, 19 July 2016 (UTC) Statement by Kingofaces43Not much to say except that it's disappointing that SageRad has returned to not only violate their topic ban, but especially gone straight back into the battleground behavior that got them topic banned in the first place. The references to McCarthyism, etc. in Tryptofish's diffs should be more than ample to demonstrate this violation was not in good faith at all. The specific part I'll point out is how SageRad came to the talk page of another topic-banned editor to rant in a discussion where that other editor was reported to AE as well.[79] Their topic ban would apply to this conversation anyways, but in addition to McCarthyism and aspersions ArbCom violations about being Statement by (username)Result concerning SageRad