Welcome to the Writing Wikipedia Articles class!

Hi Nckamau, welcome to class! Contact me should you ever have any questions. Our first lab is underway if you have any questions right now. Visit the class home page anytime to get oriented! -Sara FB (talk) 01:43, 17 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Using email address....

Glad to see some info on your user page! Say a little more if you feel like it - but you don't have to :)

These pages are visible to the public, so you may get some spam by posting your email address publicly. My apologies if that is overly obvious, but we may not have made this clear in the first class or instruction materials.

Welcome again. - Sara FB (talk) 19:34, 19 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Glad you're enjoying the course! Say a little more about yourself on your user page if you want. :) =Sara FB (talk) 18:10, 23 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome back to WIKISOO

Doing a final project? Let us know if we can help you catch up!!! -Sara FB (talk) 02:13, 12 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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