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Pages I've started
- Abraham Hayyim Adadi
- Nathan Adadi
- Yaakov Ades
- Solomon Eliezer Alfandari
- Ben Zion Abba Shaul
- Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach
- Shimon Baadani (5x expansion)
- Baruch Ben Haim
- Chanoch Henoch Bornsztain
- Dovid Bornsztain
- Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain
- Shmuel Bornsztain (second Sochatchover rebbe)
- Shmuel Bornsztain (sixth Sochatchover rebbe)
- Nachum Dov Brayer
- Shalom Cohen (5x expansion)
- Yisroel Moshe Dushinsky
- Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (third Dushinsky rebbe)
- Akiva Ehrenfeld
- Shmuel Ehrenfeld
- Yechiel Fishel Eisenbach
- Reuven Elbaz (5x expansion)
- Ilan D. Feldman
- Aryeh Finkel
- Solomon Frank
- Alexander Zusia Friedman
- Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (first Sadigura rebbe)
- Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (third Sadigura rebbe)
- Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (fifth Sadigura rebbe)
- Yitzchok Friedman
- Mordechai Shlomo Friedman
- Yisroel Meir Gabbai
- Moshe Greenwald
- Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam
- Israel Isaac Kahanovitch
- Avraham Kalmanowitz
- Shraga Moshe Kalmanowitz
- Dovid Kaplan
- Shimon Lavi
- Avraham Abba Leifer
- Meshulam Eliezer Leifer
- Mordechai Yissachar Ber Leifer
- Yosef Leifer
- Moshe Zvi of Savran
- Aharon Perlow of Koidanov
- Eliezer Zusia Portugal
- Avraham Yissachar Dov Rabinowicz
- Shlomo Rabinowicz
- Shlomo Chanoch Rabinowicz
- Yechezkel Rabinowicz
- Mas'ud Hai Rakkah
- Aharon Mordechai Rokeach
- Mordechai Rokeach
- Shmuel Schecter
- Nota Schiller
- Ezra Schochet
- Dovid Schustal
- Sholom Schwadron
- Shmuel Abba Twersky
- Yehuda Tzadka
- Shmuel Dovid Ungar
- Nosson Meir Wachtfogel
- Mendel Weinbach
Breslov personalities
Jewish personalities
- Ayelet the Kosher Komic
- Ofir Ben Shitrit
- Moshe Basson
- Zechariah Baumel
- Elissa P. Benedek (5x expansion)
- Steven Blane
- Ray Bloch (5x expansion)
- Carl Cohen (businessman)
- Inbal Dror
- Bloeme Evers-Emden
- Diaspora Yeshiva Band
- Susie Fishbein
- Abigail Franks
- Benny Friedman (singer)
- Shloime Gertner
- Ari Goldwag
- Yossi Green (major expansion)
- Yehuda Green
- Velvl Greene
- Tziporah Heller
- Maxwell M. Kalman
- Vichna Kaplan
- Yosef Karduner
- Marc Kligman
- Erez Komarovsky
- Yehuda Liebes
- Kalman Mann
- Ohad Moskowitz
- Lori Palatnik
- Thelma Pressman
- Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva
- Rivka Ravitz
- Shmuel Rodensky (5x expansion)
- Michael Robinson (rabbi)
- Schwester Selma
- Jeff Seidel
- Hezi Shai
- Rachel Shapira
- Ira Sharkansky
- Jacqueline Shumiatcher
- Six13
- Solomon Souza
- Yankel Talmud
- Chaim Walder
- Denah Weinberg
- Bracha Zefira (5x expansion)
Hasidic dynasties
- 13th Avenue (Borough Park)
- Beit Hadfus Street
- Kanfei Nesharim Street
- Malkhei Yisrael Street
- Straus Street
- Street of the Prophets
- Batei Munkacs
- Batei Saidoff
- Downtown Triangle (Jerusalem)
- Even Yisrael
- Ezrat Yisrael
- Kirya Ne'emana
- Kiryat Itri
- Kiryat Sanz, Netanya
- Kiryat Shomrei Emunim
- Kiryat Wolfson
- Knesset Yisrael
- Mahane Yehuda (neighborhood)
- Mekor Baruch (major expansion)
- Musrara, Jerusalem
- Ohel Shlomo
- Sha'arei Yerushalayim
- Shikun Chabad
- Unsdorf (major expansion)
- Zikhron Tuvya
- Bayit Lepletot
- Beit Harambam Congregation
- Beth Rivkah (5x expansion)
- Bonfils Memorial Theatre
- Clal Center
- Congregation Aish Kodesh
- Generali Building
- Gerard Behar Center
- Hollywood Plaza Hotel
- Islamic Center of Pittsburgh
- Kesher Israel Congregation (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) (5x expansion)
- Mahane Yehuda Police Station
- Mamilla Mall (improved to GA)
- Mashiach Borochoff House
- Mulungushi Rock of Authority
- Sefer ve Sefel
- Shangri-La (house)
- Synagogue of Deal
- The Eucalyptus
- Tito's Tacos
- Train Track Park
- Tree of Life – Or L'Simcha
- Zion Square (improved to GA)
- Zoharei Chama Synagogue
- Children of Israel Cemetery
- Hebrew Sick Benefit Cemetery
- Nahalat Yitzhak Cemetery
- Sanhedria Cemetery
- Shaare Zedek Cemetery, Jerusalem
- Shaarey Zedek Cemetery (Winnipeg)
- Sheikh Badr Cemetery
- Tombs of the Sanhedrin
Jewish themes
- Afikoman
- Aravah (Sukkot)
- Bar Yochai (song)
- Binah (magazine)
- Birds' Head Haggadah
- Dirshu
- Frank Sinatra and Jewish activism
- Gemach
- Hadass
- Hadran (Talmud)
- Hakhel
- Inauguration of a Torah scroll
- Kosher certification agency
- Kosherfest
- Kvitel
- List of mesivtas
- Maxwell House Haggadah
- Mesivta
- Minyan Man (5x expansion)
- Mishloach manot
- Second Purim
- Segula (Kabbalah)
- Shiur (Torah)
- The Twelve Spies
- White House Passover Seder
- Can't Wait to Get to Heaven
- Chestnut Street (book)
- Echoes (Binchy novel) (5x expansion)
- Heroic Children
- I Still Dream About You
- The Miniaturist (5x expansion)
- My Michael (5x expansion)
- Silver Wedding (novel)
- Again Pioneers
- A Wonderful Life (film)
- The Caribbean Mystery (5x expansion)
- Come Back, Little Sheba (1952 film) (2x expansion)
- The Ghost and the Guest (5x expansion)
- Ginger (1935 film) (5x expansion)
- Hearts in Bondage (5x expansion)
- Hello, Sister! (1933 film) (5x expansion)
- Jimmy and Sally (5x expansion)
- Johnny Doughboy (5x expansion)
- My Name Is Han
- Over the Hill (1931 film) (5x expansion)
- Paddy O'Day (5x expansion)
- Prejudice (1949 film)
- Protestant Film Commission
- Sailor's Luck (5x expansion)
- Second Chance (1950 film) (5x expansion)
- Shadows Over Shanghai (5x expansion)
- South of the Clouds (1950 film)
- Swingin' Together
- Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven (5x expansion)
- A Shakespearean Baseball Game
- All-you-can-eat seats
- Ami (magazine)
- Angel Bakeries
- Asian Pacific Development Center
- Berman's Bakery
- Calgary White Hat
- Caravan (Israel)
- Clicquot Club
- Club Harlem (5x expansion)
- John R. Countryman
- Bruce Edwards (actor)
- Entrepreneur First
- Frank Sinatra and the 3 Flashes (5x expansion)
- Gabi (elephant)
- Grace's Little Belmont
- Gus (polar bear)
- Paul F. Heard
- Hebrew Free Loan Society of New York
- Harry E. Huffman
- I've danced with a man, who's danced with a girl, who's danced with the Prince of Wales (5x expansion)
- Jeff's Gourmet Sausage Factory
- Kentucky Avenue Renaissance Festival
- Limonana
- Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers
- Opener (baseball)
- Paradise Club (Atlantic City, New Jersey) (5x expansion)
- Players Weekend
- Rainbow Loom (5x expansion)
- Rami Levy Hashikma Marketing
- Rinse the Blood Off My Toga
- Riobamba (nightclub)
- Jon Schmidt
- Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers in Israel
- Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus (5x expanded)
- Wash's Restaurant
- Wonder Gardens
- Wonder Pot
- 500 Club (5x expansion)
Women in Red
- Sharon H. Abrams
- Suhayya Abu-Hakima
- Orit Adato
- Mildred Albert
- Beatrice Alexander
- Sue Alexander
- Frida Alexandr
- Naomi Amir
- Charity Anderson
- Sue Anschutz-Rodgers
- Lena Lovato Archuleta
- Rokhl Auerbakh
- Carole B. Balin
- Morley Cowles Ballantine
- Laura Jordan Bambach
- Florence E. Bamberger
- Elisheva Barak-Ussoskin
- Aviel Barclay
- Kathy Bardswick
- Sharon Barker
- Bartlett and Robertson
- Shulamit Bat-Dori
- Sarah Bavly
- Therese Benedek
- Alice Bentinck
- Temerl Bergson
- Yara Bernette
- Joan Birkland
- Helen Marie Black
- Helen Bonfils
- May Bonfils Stanton
- Janet Bonnema
- Juana Bordas
- Mary Grace Borel
- Louie Croft Boyd
- Lyn Mikel Brown
- Margaret Miller Brown
- Ann-Marie Campbell
- Ella Orr Campbell (rewrite)
- Hendrika B. Cantwell
- Merle Chambers
- Judith Clegg
- Judith R. Cohen
- Patricia M. Collins
- Elaine Coughlan
- Oleta Crain
- Elizabeth W. Crandall
- Debra Crew
- Nancy Cruickshank
- Alicia Cuarón
- Margaret L. Curry
- Bat-Sheva Dagan
- Betty Danko
- Hailey Dawson
- Teresa Dent
- Linda Smith Dyer
- Brasheedah Elohim
- Edwina Hume Fallis
- Mary Farrar
- Maxine Fassberg
- Laura Fortman
- Naomi Frankel
(5x expansion) - Jane Fraser
- Virginia Fraser
- Ethel Wilson Gammon
- Erinea Garcia Gallegos
- Gudy Gaskill
- Ellen F. Golden
- Sarai Gonzalez
- Carine Goren
- Jewel Freeman Graham
- Caroline D. Gentile
- Miriam Goldberg
- Maria Guajardo
- Hadassah (dancer)
- Penny Rafferty Hamilton
(5x expansion) - Galit Hasan-Rokem
(5x expansion) - Dorothy M. Healy
- Karen Heck
- Judith Hemmendinger
- Sumiko Hennessy
- Nancy H. Hensel
- Zabeen Hirji
- Arlene Hirschfeld
- Dorothy Horrell
- Elizabeth Wright Ingraham (5x expansion)
- Judith Magyar Isaacson
- Theodora J. Kalikow
(add refs) - Katherine Keating
- Eleanor Keaton
- Mary Ann Kerwin
- Minuetta Kessler
- Aya Koren
- Eva Lee Kuney
- Laurie G. Lachance
- Dottie Lamm
- Gaye LeBaron
- Liza Levy
- Christine Liang
- Ruth Lockhart
- Nicola Mendelsohn
- Lora Lee Michel
- Sue Miller (cancer activist)
- Mandy Moore (choreographer) (5x expansion)
- Disappearance of Nicole Morin
- Gadeer Mreeh
- Reynelda Muse
- Katherine O. Musgrave
- Gilda E. Nardone
- Louise O'Sullivan
- Alexandrea Owens-Sarno
- Katie Page
- Kathryn Parsons
- Melinda Plowman (5x expansion)
- The Potters (artists group)
- Lois Galgay Reckitt
- Pauline Short Robinson
- Romona Robinson (rewrite)
- Jessamyn Rodriguez
- Ninetta May Runnals
- Patricia E. Ryan
- Zdenka Samish
- Béatrice Saubin
- Mildred Brown Schrumpf
- Liamani Segura
- Cynthia Propper Seton (5x expansion)
- Lila Shanley (5x expansion)
- Karen Sheriff
- Bella Shumiatcher
- Heather Spears (5x expansion)
- Sarah Spiegel
- Marti Stevens
- Rosana Sullivan
- Thelma C. Swain
- Gloria Tanner
- Jill S. Tietjen
- Tucson Girls Chorus
- Mary Ann Turcke
- Bridget van Kralingen
- Mabel Sine Wadsworth
- Virginia Walker
- Wendy Tan White
- Hana Wirth-Nesher
- Jane Withers (GA)
- Esther E. Wood
- Barbara W. Woodlee
- Jean Yancey
- Omer Yankelevich
- Kristi Zea
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The 50 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal | |
It gives me great pleasure to give thanks for your more than 50 contributions to the "Did you know?" section, many on people, history and culture around Jerusalem. Surprise us more! --Gerda Arendt (talk) 15:29, 10 June 2012 (UTC) |
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The 100 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal | |
Congratulations on reaching the milestone of 100 DYKs. Your efforts and contributions have significantly added to Wikipedia's coverage of Jerusalem, Israel and Judaism topics. Excellent job and keep up the great work! —Bloom6132 (talk) 05:20, 18 August 2014 (UTC) |
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The 200 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal | |
Brilliant! I get the chance to thank Yoninah for their contribution to DYK. What could be easier.... over 200 well written articles is the minimum for this award. However here we have an editor who assumes AGF and who calms wikidramas. Ada Lovelace day was celebrated because you saw an opportunity to do something for no reward. A big thank you from me, womeninred, DYK and Wikipedia. Victuallers (talk) 16:49, 31 March 2016 (UTC) |
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The 25 DYK Nomination Medal | |
Thank you for nominating 25 (now 30) DYKs. Green tick applied. — Calvin999 11:24, 23 August 2017 (UTC) |
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The 50 DYK Nomination Medal | |
Thank you so much for all that you do to nominate women's articles. I truly appreciate the hard work that goes into it. SusunW (talk) 23:40, 5 November 2020 (UTC) |
Most-viewed DYKs
Article | Image | DYK views | DYK hook |
Jane Withers | ![]() |
27,540 | ... that Jane Withers (pictured) rose to child stardom in the 1930s playing mischievous little girls, "tomboy rascals", and "America's favorite problem child"? |
Beulah Ream Allen | ![]() |
21,231 | ... that American volunteer civilian physician Beulah Ream Allen (pictured, right) survived three Japanese internment camps in the Philippines during World War II? |
Alice Bentinck, Entrepreneur First | ![]() |
Alice Bentinck 13,327 + 3,561 = 16,888 + Entrepreneur First 2,520 + 716 = 3,326 = 20,214 | ... that Entrepreneur First, a London-based accelerator co-founded by Alice Bentinck (pictured), helped establish 50 startups valued at $210 million in its first four years? |
Olim L'Berlin | 19,937 | ... that Facebook photos of chocolate pudding and a grocery receipt caused a furore in Israel? | |
Eva Lee Kuney | ![]() |
18,101 | ... that Eva Lee Kuney (pictured) was one of the children used to fill out the background of Munchkin scenes in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz? |
Béatrice Saubin | 17,024 | ... that the Malaysian High Court sentenced 22-year-old Frenchwoman Béatrice Saubin to death by hanging for smuggling 534 grams (1.177 lb) of pure grade heroin? | |
Kathryn Parsons | ![]() |
16,633 | ... that Kathryn Parsons (pictured) co-founded a startup that teaches people how to "code in a day"? |
Disappearance of Nicole Morin | 16,626 | ... that despite the biggest missing-person investigation in the history of the Toronto Police Service, no physical evidence regarding the 1985 disappearance of Nicole Morin was ever found? | |
Tito's Tacos | ![]() |
16,225 | ... that Tito's Tacos of Culver City, California, has sold the same hard-shell tacos (pictured) filled with shredded beef, iceberg lettuce, and grated cheddar cheese for 60 years? |
Lila Shanley | 13,439 | ... that Hollywood stuntwoman Lila Finn, who "jumped out of bombers, [was] chased by lions, clawed by tigers, and thrown overboard into icy ocean waters at night", performed injury-free into her seventies? | |
Murder of Dora Bloch | 13,248 | ... that after the disappearance of Dora Bloch, Britain cut all diplomatic ties with Uganda? | |
Wash's Restaurant | ![]() |
13,217 | ... that Wash's Restaurant (pictured) served up soul food dishes to Atlantic City beach-goers by day and its nightclub-hoppers by night? |
Beatrice Alexander | ![]() |
12,844 | ... ... that 90 years after Beatrice Alexander (pictured) founded the Alexander Doll Company, the company issued a doll in her likeness, priced at US$1,499.95? |
Hailey Dawson | ![]() |
12,421 | ... that 8-year-old Hailey Dawson (pictured) wants to throw out the first pitch in all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums using her 3D-printed robotic hand? |
Alexandrea Owens | 12,360 | ... that Alexandrea Owens became known as "the Titanic girl" after performing with Leonardo DiCaprio in the James Cameron epic at the age of eight? | |
White House Passover Seder | ![]() |
11,764 | ... that President Obama is the first sitting U.S. president to conduct a Passover Seder in the White House (pictured), which he has done annually since 2009? |
Abigail Franks | ![]() |
11,618 | ... that letters written by Abigail Franks (pictured) to her son in England are peppered with family gossip, local politics, and observations on the state of Judaism in 18th-century colonial New York? |
James Dunn | ![]() |
10,570 | ... that five years after the major film studios branded him "unemployable", James Dunn (pictured) was cast as the dreamy alcoholic father in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and won an Academy Award? |
Betty Danko | 10,491 | ... that stuntwoman Betty Danko earned $35 for riding the Wicked Witch's smoke-spewing broomstick in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, and was hospitalized for eleven days after it exploded on her? | |
Jeff's Gourmet Sausage Factory | ![]() |
9,490 | ... that in 2015, Jeff's Gourmet Sausage Factory (veal bratwurst sandwich pictured) opened the first glatt kosher hot dog stand at Dodger Stadium? |
Nicola Mendelsohn | ![]() |
8,773 + 694 = 9,467 | ... that The Daily Telegraph has called Nicola Mendelsohn (pictured), Facebook's vice president for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, "the most powerful woman in the British tech industry"? |
May Bonfils Stanton | ![]() |
8,055 + 1,329 = 9,384 | ... that May Bonfils Stanton built an exact replica of Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon château (pictured) on her estate in Lakewood, Colorado? |
Prejudice (1949 film) | 9,225 | ... that the 1949 film Prejudice drives its point home by having characters use many ethnic slurs, including "nigger", "wops", "dagoes", "dirty Jew", and "dumb Swede"? | |
Rivka Ravitz | 9,211 | ... that an ultra-Orthodox mother of eleven runs the office of the President of Israel? | |
Naomi Frankel | ![]() |
9,136 | ... that after six decades subscribing to left-wing ideology, German-Israeli novelist Naomi Frankel (pictured) adopted right-wing ideology and moved to the West Bank? |
Judith Hemmendinger | 8,994 | ... that at age 22, Judith Hemmendinger helped rehabilitate nearly 100 child survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp, among them Elie Wiesel? | |
Mandy Moore (choreographer) | 8,699 | ... that Mandy Moore choreographed La La Land's opening number using 30 dancers, 100 extras, and 60 cars stuck in traffic on a Los Angeles freeway? | |
Grace's Little Belmont | ![]() |
8,393 | ... that after performing at Atlantic City's 500 Club, Sammy Davis Jr. often visited his mother (pictured together) at Grace's Little Belmont, where she was a barmaid? |
Chaim Topol | 8,136 | ... that the Israeli actor Topol, who won a Golden Globe for his performance as Tevye in the 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof, played the role in shows and revivals about 3,500 times? | |
Schwester Selma | ![]() |
8,106 | ... that in 1975 TIME magazine named Schwester Selma (pictured), head nurse at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem, as one of the world's "living saints", alongside Mother Teresa and Sister Annie? |
Heroic Children | 8,099 | ... that knowing only a surname and a continent, author Hanoch Teller tracked down a boy photographed at the liberation of Auschwitz 70 years earlier for the award-winning cover of Heroic Children? | |
Mashiach Borochoff House | 7,990 | ... that for 70 years, Jerusalem customers have done their banking in an eclectic mansion on Jaffa Road? | |
Babette's | 7,954 | ... that police always tipped off the owner of Babette's Supper Club before they raided its illegal backroom casino, and gamblers escaped through a trap door? | |
Frank Sinatra and Jewish activism | 7,944 | ... that Frank Sinatra was a secret courier for the Haganah? | |
Sue Miller (cancer activist) | 7,926 | ... that after a mastectomy ended her professional modeling career, Sue Miller assembled a fashion show featuring only models who had had breast cancer? | |
Birds' Head Haggadah | ![]() |
7,866 | ... that the oldest surviving illuminated Passover Haggadah depicts Jews as humans with the faces and beaks of birds (detail pictured)? |
Juana Bordas | 7,865 | ... that Juana Bordas says her parents were uncomfortable with the idea of her leaving home to go to college due to the "crab syndrome"? | |
Lucie Ingemann | ![]() |
7,768 | ... that Danish artist Lucie Ingemann (pictured), known for her large altarpieces depicting biblical figures, also created flower paintings with religious and mystical themes? |
Bat-Sheva Dagan | 7,543 | ... that Auschwitz survivor Bat-Sheva Dagan writes Holocaust stories for children that have happy endings "in order not to rob them of their faith in mankind"? | |
Sue Anschutz-Rodgers | 7,301 | ... that over a 22-year period, Colorado cattle ranch owner Sue Anschutz-Rodgers increased her stock from 33 cows and a single bull to 1,700 head of cattle? | |
Carine Goren | 7,131 | ... that pastry chef Carine Goren was the most googled person in Israel in 2015? | |
Calgary White Hat | 6,902 | ... that instead of giving the keys to the city to visiting dignitaries, the mayor of Calgary "white hats" them? | |
Hearts in Bondage | 6,727 | ... that the 1936 film Hearts in Bondage is a rare example of a Hollywood film depicting naval battles of the Civil War? | |
Rachel Chalkowski | 6,696 | ... that Bambi delivered over 35,000 babies? | |
Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva | ![]() |
6,633 | ... that the ancient Jewish tomb (pictured) of Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva, was "rediscovered" in 1993 in a disused Muslim cemetery in Tiberias? |
Hadassah (dancer) | 6,598 | ... that a Jewish girl from Jerusalem became an acclaimed performer of Indian, Javanese, Balinese, and other ethnic dance forms in the United States? | |
Virginia Walker | 6,582 | ... that Virginia Walker was signed to a Hollywood film contract on the basis of her picture in a magazine advertisement for soap? | |
Janet Bonnema | 6,538 | ... that in 1972, Colorado engineering technician Janet Bonnema legally challenged the superstition that a woman who went underground into a tunnel or mine brought bad luck? | |
David Werdyger | 6,300 | ... that future cantor David Werdyger was saved from a Nazi firing squad by singing the Jewish prayer for the dead? | |
Fay E. Davis | 6,254 | ... that 50 years after a mural by Fay E. Davis depicting Native Americans in battle was installed in the post office in Oglesby, Illinois, a janitor claimed it was pornographic? | |
Arlene Hirschfeld, Shangri-La (house) | 1,619 + 71 = 1,690 + 4,103 + 417 = 4,520 = 6,210 | ... that Denver community activist Arlene Hirschfeld lives in Shangri-La? | |
Zechariah Baumel | 6,110 | ... that the remains of missing Israeli soldier Zechariah Baumel were discovered in a cemetery in the Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus, Syria, nearly 37 years after he disappeared in the 1982 Lebanon War? | |
Katherine Keating | 5,979 | ... that in 1953, US Navy pharmacist Katherine Keating was an official witness for a prisoner of war exchange aboard the hospital ship USS Haven? | |
Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers Sharon H. Abrams |
3,206 + 2,759 = 5,965 | ... that for over 40 years, the one constant at the Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers has been Sharon H. Abrams? | |
Ofir Ben Shitrit | 5,939 | ... that Ofir Ben Shitrit was suspended from her religious girls' high school after singing on The Voice Israel? | |
Brasheedah Elohim | ![]() |
5,929 | ... that when Brasheedah Elohim (pictured) signed with an Israeli women's basketball team in 2007, her unusual surname prompted local media to quip, "God has arrived in Israel"? |
The Ghost and the Guest | 5,874 | ... that The Ghost and the Guest is one in a long line of Hollywood films that validate skepticism about paranormal activity by depicting "a haunted house that is not truly haunted"? | |
Bonesetter | 5,871 | ... that "Crazy Sally", an 18th-century bonesetter, successfully treated dislocated shoulders and knees in a London coffee house despite having no medical training? | |
Rachel Freier | 5,850 | ... that in 2016, Rachel Freier became the first Hasidic Jewish woman to be elected as a civil court judge in the state of New York? | |
All-you-can-eat seats | 5,692 | ... that one can eat all the hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, peanuts, and soft drinks one wants in the "all-you-can-eat" sections found at many Major League Baseball parks? | |
Mahane Yehuda Police Station | 5,678 | ... that it is not known who sculpted the lion statues in front of the Mahane Yehuda Police Station in Jerusalem? | |
The Precious Legacy | 5,665 | ... that an exhibit of Czech Jewish art and ritual objects confiscated by the Nazis for a planned "Museum of the Extinct Race" was seen by more than half a million people on its U.S. tour? | |
Marie-Louise Lacoste | 5,549 | ... that the diaries of Lady Lacoste, a 19th-century philanthropist from Montreal, give historians a rare look into how emotions impacted the lives of women in her social class? | |
Second Purim | 5,536 | ... that hundreds of Jewish communities used to celebrate more than one Purim a year? | |
The Caribbean Mystery | 5,411 | ... that the swamp scenes in The Caribbean Mystery feature a 350 lb (160 kg) alligator named Ben, who was appearing in his 435th film? | |
Ayelet the Kosher Komic | 5,362 | ... that men don't laugh at Ayelet the Kosher Komic's jokes? | |
Wonder Pot | 5,341 | ... that the Israeli-invented Wonder Pot bakes cakes, casseroles and roasts on the stovetop rather than in the oven? | |
Maxwell House Haggadah | 5,330 | ... that with over 50 million copies in print, the Maxwell House Haggadah is the best known and most popular Passover Haggadah among American Jews? | |
Tucson Girls Chorus | 5,249 | ... that in 2017, the Tucson Girls Chorus opened the city's first public choir for girls and boys with special needs? | |
Laura Jordan Bambach | 5,078 | ... that Laura Jordan Bambach has been called a "digital female icon" by The Guardian? | |
Kalman Mann | 5,056 | ... that Kalman Mann, a seventh-generation Jerusalemite, passed the entrance exam at the London School of Economics though he could barely speak English? | |
Johnny Doughboy | 5,026 | ... that in the 1942 film Johnny Doughboy, former child stars Bobby Breen, "Alfalfa", and "Spanky" play themselves as members of a club of Hollywood "has-beens"? |

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The Jewish Barnstar | |
Dear Yoninah: You deserve so much recognition and credit for all your wonderful contributions to Judaism articles on Wikipedia, especially those relating to Breslov subjects, Shabbat and Jewish holidays, and many others. There is no doubt that you have gained a following of steady admirers for the well-balanced articles you have steadily enhanced, as well as for the amazing original photographs you have added that beautify the pages of so many subjects relating to practical as well as mystical aspects of Judaism. Mazel Tov and A Freilichen Chanuka! IZAK (talk) 01:38, 11 December 2009 (UTC) |
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The Tireless Contributor Barnstar | |
Dear Yoninah: Indefatigable. Untiring. Devoted. Detail-oriented. Clear-headed. Exact. Unflagging. Zealous. No task too small. Inspiring. Leading by example. Gaining the respect of all. That's what you are and much more, all in the service of Wikipedia as all your hard work reveals an immense labor of love in your desire to describe and explain all that is cherished, sacred and beautiful in Judaism. For all that you deserve this award and much more! May all your efforts continue to succeed and be blessed. Yours sincerely, IZAK (talk) 09:45, 23 January 2011 (UTC) |

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The Original Barnstar |
You are amazing on the Leiby Kletzky page! Wow! LGFN (talk) 00:07, 22 July 2011 (UTC) |
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Tiferes Yisrael Synagogue membership award | |
Dear Yoninah, Please accept lifetime e-membership to our beautiful synagogue in appreciation of your considerable efforts in researching, clarifying and expanding the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue article. As always, your editing is much appreciated. The Rov, Gabbaim, Ladies Guild and Chesdovi (talk) 13:40, 15 November 2011 (UTC) |
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The Special Barnstar |
In my opinion you are a true encyclopedian, with a wide range of interests and abilities. You are a credit to wikipedia Yoninah. ♦ Dr. Blofeld 21:19, 15 February 2012 (UTC) |
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The Copyeditor's Barnstar |
![]() You deserve a piece of the Moon. Thank you for your help, guidance and cooperation in advancing the moon sample display DYKs 7&6=thirteen (☎) 01:44, 14 November 2012 (UTC) |
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The Brilliant Idea Barnstar |
Thanks for the brilliant ideas you provided. We would never have been able to get the 30-in-1 DYK without your ingenious guidance. The "Final wrap" section was a major contribution in its expedition. Doug Coldwell (talk) 13:19, 17 November 2012 (UTC) |
The Template Barnstar | ||
For your work with Local councils of the Boy Scouts of America, thanks! --evrik (talk) 16:29, 19 March 2013 (UTC) |
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The Review Barnstar |
Shalom, Yoninah. Your review of most articles of our Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram articles has been a further inspiration to do more of this variety! Thank you very much. ♦ --Nvvchar. 14:01, 30 April 2013 (UTC) |
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The Reviewer Barnstar | |
Yoninah, thank you tremendously for your diligent review of James Caudy for its inclusion in Did you know (DYK). As a result of your efforts in preparing James Caudy for DYK, the article received an impressive 11,501 views while on the front page, and a further 2,452 views the following day! -- Caponer (talk) 12:28, 20 December 2013 (UTC) |
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The Tireless Contributor Barnstar |
You put in quite a bit of good work here and are more than deserving of this. Thanks for your contributions in making wikipedia a better place! ♦ Dr. Blofeld 15:53, 18 January 2014 (UTC) |
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The Barnstar of High Culture | |
For your article about the Clal Center. Such buildings, whether they create High Culture or destroy High Culture, need to be written about. You created an easy-to-read article that was very enjoyable. Thanks! Mvblair (talk) 23:06, 18 May 2014 (UTC) |
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The Special Barnstar |
When I left a message on the DYK talk page, I didn't expect much to come of it for at least 12 hours, but the deadly duo of Yoninah and EEng performed magnificently, I expected it would need some fixes from me, but you, EEng , and Belle fixed all the issues. Thank you very much for getting it done for me, I am very grateful. Best, Matty.007 07:00, 29 July 2014 (UTC) |
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The Food and Drink Barnstar | |
Thanks for creating the new All-you-can-eat seats article, and for improving Wikipedia's coverage of Food and sports arena topics. NorthAmerica1000 08:34, 4 August 2014 (UTC) |
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The Halloween 2014 Limited Edition Barnstar | |
For your dedicated work on this year's Halloween on Wikipedia at DYK. Well done. ≈ Victuallers (talk) 11:46, 31 October 2014 (UTC) |
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The Barnstar of Diligence | |
Here's a little token to recognise all the wonderful work you do behind the scenes at DYK to help the process continue running at a high level of quality! 97198 (talk) 04:13, 8 December 2014 (UTC) |
- I second this Barnstar of Diligence!!! Prof.Vandegrift (talk) 15:46, 12 December 2014 (UTC)
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The Editor's Barnstar |
Thanks for the wonderful expansion of Zareh Sinanyan. I really appreciate the work you do around the project. Étienne Dolet (talk) 02:07, 18 December 2014 (UTC) |
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The Tireless Contributor Barnstar |
Thanks for all the work you've done in DYK, particularly in giving me a helping hand when I needed something. We appreciate your efforts!~ 001Jrm (talk) 02:16, 19 May 2015 (UTC) |
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Frank Sinatra barnstar |
Yoninah, Thank you for all the work you did on Frank Sinatra and connected articles in preparation for his 100th birthday. Great job, and much appreciated. P.S. There's an invisible barnstar behind Frank; if you want to make it visible, that would be fine by me. :) ♦ Dr. Blofeld 17:45, 12 December 2015 (UTC) |
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The Brilliant Idea Barnstar |
Watching your additions and edits to Janet McNeill's page is giving me a great example of how to improve the other pages I've created recently. Thank you for your input and editing. 🍺 Antiqueight chat 01:12, 2 March 2016 (UTC) |
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The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar |
Great work at Template:Did you know nominations/Timeline of pterosaur research. That is the sort of thing Wikipedia needs more of! — Yellow Dingo (talk) 08:29, 28 October 2016 (UTC) |
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Editor of the Week | |
Your ongoing efforts to improve the encyclopedia have not gone unnoticed: You have been selected as Editor of the Week for over a decade of strong contributions. Thank you for the great contributions! (courtesy of the Wikipedia Editor Retention Project)
Thanks again for your efforts! Kevin (aka L235 · t · c) 22:55, 7 January 2017 (UTC) |
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The Writer's Barnstar |
For all the times you take a paltry page, and turn it into an encyclopedic article. E.M.Gregory (talk) 11:14, 2 March 2017 (UTC) |
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The DYK Medal | |
It is my pleasure to award The DYK Medal to Yoninah for their exceptional contributions to the Did You Know project. Your work building hook sets, nominating articles, and generally keeping the project running is greatly appreciated and makes a tremendous difference. Thank you for all you do! Best, Mifter (talk) 00:18, 26 March 2017 (UTC) |
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The Women in Red barnstar |
This barnstar is awarded to Yoninah for her many recent biographies on women, most of which have appeared on DYK. Excellent work and great encouragement for WiR.--Ipigott (talk) 08:26, 25 July 2017 (UTC) |
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The Barnstar of Diligence |
Thank you for your work on reviewing and improving articles submitted to DYK. The extra effort you put into it is plain to see and has made a huge difference in the articles I have submitted. You are appreciated! Malinaccier (talk) 14:18, 18 August 2017 (UTC) |
A Lion of Judah for you!
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Hi Yoninah! Thanks for helping the article Zerai Deres and supporting during DYK nomination. See Template:Did you know nominations/Zerai Deres for details. Thanks again for your contribution! --Holapaco77 (talk) 10:17, 20 September 2017 (UTC) |
Austin Barnstar | |
Thank you for help and suggestions at Northwest Hills, Austin, Texas! Have a great week and I hope you get to visit Austin one day. Thanks, Austin-geo (talk) 20:03, 2 October 2017 (UTC) |
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The Bronze Maple Leaf Award | |
This maple leaf is awarded to Yoninah for writing 3 new articles during The 10,000 Challenge of WikiProject Canada. Congratulations, and thank you for your contributions! Reidgreg (talk) 15:48, 6 November 2017 (UTC) |
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The Tireless Contributor Barnstar |
Hi Yoninah, I've been largely away from Wikipedia for more than a year, and when I come back, I find you still doing the tedious behind-the-scenes work for DYK day in and day out. Thanks so much for your tireless contributions over the years! Zanhe (talk) 00:35, 3 December 2017 (UTC) |
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The Civil Rights Movement Barnstar | |
For your priceless help in ensuring two civil rights leaders will be featured on our Main Page during Black History Month, I hereby award you this Barnstar! — Coffee // have a ☕️ // beans // 03:04, 21 February 2018 (UTC) |
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The Tireless Contributor Barnstar |
For your hardwork at WP:DYK, particularly on preps and reviews. Narutolovehinata5 tccsdnew 04:03, 17 April 2018 (UTC) |
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The Half Barnstar | |
Awarded with gratitude to Yoninah for going above and beyond the call in reviewing and improving my ham-fisted triple-DYK of 2010–2017 Toronto serial homicides, Death of Alloura Wells, and Murder of Tess Richey – particularly with the latter two articles which I'd created in a rush when my initial hook proved too gruesome. Also for providing invaluable experience with the DYK process which I hope to use in future reviewing. The other half of this barnstar has been awarded to Gog the Mild because: teamwork! Much thanks! – Reidgreg (talk) 16:01, 20 June 2018 (UTC) |
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The Original Barnstar |
Your work at DYK and with content creation/copy-editing is absolutely spectacular. Thank you very much for your great work! SkyGazer 512 Oh no, what did I do this time? 23:30, 7 November 2018 (UTC) |
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The Teamwork Barnstar |
For generosity, gentleness, and genius in cooperative editing. E.M.Gregory (talk) 01:02, 16 November 2018 (UTC) |
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The Special Barnstar | |
Thanks for all your help reviewing and promoting Crisper drawer at DYK, as well as improving the article with an image of your impressively tidy refrigerator. Chetsford (talk) 08:16, 13 January 2019 (UTC) |
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The Special Barnstar | |
To Yoninah, for cleaning out all of DYK's October and November 2018 approved nominations, building prep sets, making sure the recent switch from daily to twice daily promotions went smoothly, and generally helping to keep DYK running smoothly. Thank you for making DYK a better place in so many ways! BlueMoonset (talk) 19:49, 18 February 2019 (UTC) |
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The DYK Barnstar | |
By the authority vested in me by myself it gives me great pleasure to present you with this barnstar in recognition of the endless, selfless work you put into keeping the DYK process working. It is appreciated. Gog the Mild (talk) 18:13, 28 August 2019 (UTC) |
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The Special Barnstar |
What you do is an inspiration. Whispyhistory (talk) 21:41, 1 March 2020 (UTC) |
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The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar | |
I wanted to thank you for donating your QPQ credit for my DYK nomination that I've been unable to follow up on. It really means a lot. I'd like to return the favour once things settle a bit (I'm hoping in a couple of weeks time), so if you have any submissions in the near future please do give me a shout and I'll review them for you (or let me know if there's another way I can return the favour).— 🐗 Griceylipper (✉️) 21:18, 14 May 2020 (UTC) |

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The Civility Barnstar |
Yoninah...I just realized what you were trying to tell me years ago while going through my talk page archive. (User talk:Psiĥedelisto/Archive1 § Template:Did you know nominations/Figure humaine)
(The smileys aren't allowed because they're icons, and make it harder to see {{tick}}, {{cross}}, not for any other reason.) How you did not lose your cool with me, I will never know. The fact that you continued to WP:AGF and understood I was just a confused noob and not refusing to get the point is commendable. Your handling of my other mistakes at DYK has been just as good. You deserve this barnstar ten times, alas, I can only give one. *refrains from putting a smiley* Psiĥedelisto (talk • contribs) please always ping! 02:12, 21 June 2020 (UTC) |
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The Million Award |
The vital article Carl Reiner has been recently read by over a million readers. For your leading contributions to this work, I hereby present you the Million Award. Congratulations on this rare accomplishment, and thanks for all you do for Wikipedia's readers! Andrew🐉(talk) 11:17, 3 July 2020 (UTC) |
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The Jewish Barnstar | |
Thank you for massive and major contributions to articles pertaining to Judaism, particularly for your recent edits on Yeshiva Ohel Torah-Baranovich. Charlie Smith FDTB (talk) 01:25, 28 July 2020 (UTC) |
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The Teamwork Barnstar |
Dear Yoninah, thanks for your contributions to Wikipedia, especially your guidance in the DYK concerning direction of prayer. Keep up the good work! You are making a difference here! With regards, AnupamTalk 19:14, 18 August 2020 (UTC) |
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"For Reals" Barnstar | |
Awarded for real solid and real steady conscientiousness in guiding DYK. Your thoroughgoing dedication to higher quality hooks and articles makes Wikipedia a better place. Thank you "for reals"! Binksternet (talk) 06:00, 12 October 2020 (UTC) |
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The DYK Barnstar | |
Thank you so much, Yoninah, for your patient and tireless contributions to the DYK system this year. I don't think you ever sleep. I am very grateful to you for this, because you have helped the rest of us contribute, especially to some of the more deserving, and to some of the more difficult nominations. Storye book (talk) 17:08, 6 December 2020 (UTC) |
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The Defender of the Wiki Barnstar |
For your thorough and detailed inspection of the DYK hooks; you're our last line of defense in protecting the reliability and truthfulness of DYK articles! Regards, Jeromi Mikhael (marhata) 04:36, 7 January 2021 (UTC) |
A kitten for you!

This wiki kitten is here to thank you for your efforts with finding copyvios, as well as helping to deal with them, at my recent Korean educational project submissions!
Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 11:40, 20 January 2015 (UTC)
Happy Wikiversary!
![]() | I'm almost two weeks late, but I'd like to wish you a happy tenth Wikiversary! Thank you for a decade of wonderful contributions. MANdARAX • XAЯAbИAM 19:57, 16 July 2015 (UTC) |
Frank Sinatra Day
Here's what collaboration is all about!

On 27 January 2020, In the news was updated with an item that involved the article John Altobelli, which you updated. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the candidates page. — Martin (MSGJ · talk) 15:17, 27 January 2020 (UTC)
On 6 October 2020, In the news was updated with an item that involved the article Mordechai Yissachar Ber Leifer, which you nominated. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the candidates page. Stephen 00:27, 6 October 2020 (UTC)