user page · talk page () · awards · recent changes tools · commentLocalize · Wherebot (inactive)
user page · talk page () · awards · recent changes tools · commentLocalize · Wherebot (inactive)
Signature contraction

Do you want to use big, pretty sigs, but not want to see them in your edit window? Now you can. A picture is worth a thousand words, so see the screenshots to the right.
To set up, just put the code from to the end of your monobook.js. Be warned: this conflicts with the edit summary enforcer script.
Sigs must have special comments for this to work with their sigs. At the beginning of the sig, you need to put <!--[[User:Where/sigContract]];YourUserName-->. At the end, you must put <!--ESC:YourUserName-->. For example, User:Example might have his sig:
<!--[[User:Where/sigContract]];Example--><b>[[User:Example|<font color="blue">Ex</font>]][[WP:EA|<font color="#0AB20D">a</font>]][[User:Example|<font color="blue">mple</font>]] <sup>[[User talk:Example|<font color="#0099FF">(talk)</font>]]</sup></b><!--ESC:Example-->
NOTE: This script is not compatible with wikiEd.
Thank you to ILovePlankton for his extensive testing!!!