Wehwalt's featured articles |
Art, architecture and archaeology | |
Business, economics and finance |
- 1860s replacement of the British copper coinage
- Alabama Centennial half dollar
- Apollo 11 50th Anniversary commemorative coins
- Oliver Bosbyshell
- Buffalo nickel
- California Diamond Jubilee half dollar
- California Pacific International Exposition half dollar
- Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar
- Cleveland Centennial half dollar
- Columbia, South Carolina, Sesquicentennial half dollar
- Columbian half dollar
- Connecticut Tercentenary half dollar
- Double florin
- Double sovereign
- Adam Eckfeldt
- Eisenhower dollar
- Elgin, Illinois, Centennial half dollar
- Five pounds (gold coin)
- Florin (British coin)
- Flying Eagle cent
- Fort Vancouver Centennial half dollar
- Fourpence (British coin)
- Franklin half dollar
- Charles William Fremantle
- Gadsden Purchase half dollar
- Gold dollar
- Grant Memorial coinage
- Half sovereign
- Hawaii Sesquicentennial half dollar
- History of the British farthing
- History of the British penny (1714–1901)
- History of the British penny (1901–1970)
- Hudson Sesquicentennial half dollar
- Huguenot-Walloon half dollar
- Illinois Centennial half dollar
- Indian Head cent
- Indian Head eagle
- Indian Head gold pieces
- Isabella quarter
- Jefferson nickel
- Jubilee coinage
- Kalākaua coinage
- Kennedy half dollar
- Lafayette dollar
- Lewis and Clark Exposition dollar
- Lexington-Concord Sesquicentennial half dollar
- Liberty Head double eagle
- Liberty Head nickel
- Lincoln cent
- Louisiana Purchase Exposition dollar
- Lynchburg Sesquicentennial half dollar
- Maine Centennial half dollar
- Maryland Tercentenary half dollar
- McKinley Birthplace Memorial dollar
- B. Max Mehl
- Mercury dime
- Missouri Centennial half dollar
- Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar
- New Rochelle 250th Anniversary half dollar
- Nickel (United States coin)
- Norfolk, Virginia, Bicentennial half dollar
- Norse-American medal
- Old Head coinage
- Old Spanish Trail half dollar
- Oregon Trail Memorial half dollar
- Mary Margaret O'Reilly
- Panama–Pacific commemorative coins
- Peace dollar
- Franklin Peale
- Pilgrim Tercentenary half dollar
- Roanoke Island, North Carolina, half dollar
- Roosevelt dime
- Saint-Gaudens double eagle
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge half dollar
- Seated Liberty dollar
- Shield nickel
- Sovereign (British coin)
- Standing Liberty quarter
- Stone Mountain Memorial half dollar
- Texas Centennial half dollar
- Three-cent nickel
- Three-cent silver
- Three-dollar piece
- Two-cent piece (United States)
- Turban Head eagle
- United States Assay Commission
- United States Bicentennial coinage
- United States Sesquicentennial coinage
- Vermont Sesquicentennial half dollar
- Walking Liberty half dollar
- Washington quarter
- Waterloo Medal (Pistrucci)
- Wisconsin Territorial Centennial half dollar
- York County, Maine, Tercentenary half dollar
- Farran Zerbe
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Engineering and technology | |
Geography and Places | |
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Literature and Theatre | |
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Physics and astronomy | |
Politics and Government | |
Royalty, Nobility and Heraldry | |
Sports and Recreation | |
Transport | |
Warfare | |