Wikipedia userpages are for use in conjunction with your work on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a soapbox. -- The Anome 21:29, 17 July 2006 (UTC) Written on the 18th/01/2005.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are dying.

I started this website when I seen that the People who came to my door in order to give me and my Wife a witness were in trouble, I did not see it there and then, but after a few years of getting a weekly Witness, and keeping a close eye on them, I began to feel that their was something wrong with these people, that they were not well, they complained of Sickness all the time, Sickness of the Stomach the head, the heart, tiredness Irritability depression and every illness you care to mention, then I came across the Scripture I.E 'Son of man, because these people have presumed errors on my name, they are wasting away'.

Boom, it hit me like a ton of bricks, these people were after been judged by God for their two famous errors, 1925 and 1975, presumed in Jehovah’s name.

They had turned the very books which were before their faces into the idols which they loved they loved to Publish as it said so clearly in the minor prophets.

These People were indeed sick and there was nothing that could be done for them, except to warn them and to tell them to come out of the Jehovah’s Witness, just like they were telling people to come out of Babylon.

Now it is my turn to tell each and every member to leave this institute or perish under divine judgement of a wasting illness, and this includes sites like the E Watchman who steal the truth in order to obtain Glory for them selves, for they are part of the Witnesses of Israel, he is right when he says that the Jehovah’s Witnesses will be judged, and they have been, but he only knows this due to the fact that I was leaving on his forum for two years my url to this very site, so that he had plenty of time to put what I was saying together about comparing America to Egypt and the Tree in the prophet Ezekiel, also he robbed the titanic analogy which i was using inn one my dirges, were i compare America to the titanic.

He knows that the Witnesses are going to be judged by the fact that he has been coming to my site for long enough now.

But he him self is a Witness and he is also under same judgement, for the fact of the matter is this, that all Witnesses are wasting away, literally, because of consistent Lies told in Gods name, Jehovah.

So E Watchman is not immune from the judgement, which the Witnesses are under.

The are spiritually dead.

From the now I will speak by the Spirit of God, and not use any of my own words, for they will just continue to rob from me, unless I do.


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