So far my largest problem as an editor has been other editors who think they are nannies. That they were hired to keep the little kids from messing things up. Priding themselves on undoing the changes of others for the sake of keeping things tidy. Tidiness is not the goal. Sterility is not the goal. Stagnation is not the goal.

Collaboration or competition, which are you? Which do you think is good for wikipedia: to build, or to destroy, the work of others?

If a change is made, and you preferred how it was before, the page has moved on without you, deal with it.

It is a collaborative project, if it is not sourced, source it.

Why has it become your wont to destroy new entries that aren't up to your standards? When did you stop attempting to put a better citation--attempting to improve, and not remove, the material?

If you delete good information, rather than source good information, you are doing harm to wikipedia.

If you use little WP:con citations as if they were traffic tickets for driving on the wrong side of your article, you are part of the problem.

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