Babel user information
tr-N Bu kullanıcının anadili Türkçedir.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
az-2 Bu istifadəçi Azərbaycan dilini orta səviyyədə bilir.
apc-1 .هيدا المستخدم بس بيحكي شوية الشامية الشمالية
ku-1 Ev bikarhêner kurdî hinekî dizane.
Users by language

Hello friends, I am TheJoyfulTentmaker. I mainly contribute to the English and the Turkish versions of Wikipedia. I grew up in Turkey and I am a native Turkish speaker. Recently, I got interested in learning other languages spoken in Turkey, such as Levantine Arabic and Kurdish.

I am now trying to help launch the Levantine Arabic Wikipedia, and managing an Instagram account that supports the project.

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