Hey there, I'm Jesse, better known as TRAiNER4 to the online world. I have been a frequent visitor to Wikipedia through the years, and created my account around 6 years ago. Once you get to know me, I am a friendly person. However, if you are a person who causes nonconstructive edits or cause vandalism to articles on Wikipedia, you wind up on my bad side. I am one who is against vandalism. People work hard on the articles they do contribute, and it's a shame that there are the few out there who want to destroy it. I will not stand for this, and any vandalism I come across will be reverted, and most of the time, I will report that user for their vandalism.
Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
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