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Army portraits
- (X) post-1982 image, less likely that NARA will have
Low-res four-star [grayscale] (most urgent)
Priority 1 (extremely poor quality)
- William M. Hoge
- Clyde D. Eddleman (colour where possible)
- James Francis Collins
- Paul D. Harkins
- Robert J. Wood
Priority 2 (passable quality & historical/positional significance)
- Charles P. Summerall
- Malin Craig
- Carl A. Spaatz (get high-res photo from before September 18, 1947)
- James A. Van Fleet
Priority 3 (passable quality)
- Charles L. Bolte
- Cortlandt V.R. Schuyler
- Charles D. Palmer (Local ID: 111-P-33638)
- Guy S. Meloy Jr.
- Theodore J. Conway
- William B. Rosson
- George S. Blanchard
- William A. Knowlton
Low-res four-star [colour] (moderately urgent)
Priority 1 (extremely poor quality/historical significance)
Priority 2 (passable quality)
- Williston B. Palmer
- James H. Polk
- Michael S. Davison
- Walter T. Kerwin
- Frank S. Besson Jr.
- Joseph T. Palastra Jr. (X)
- Louis C. Menetrey (X)
- Robert W. RisCassi (X)
- John H. Tilelli Jr. (X)
Narrow cut four-star (moderately urgent)
Grayscale in need of colour (mildly urgent)
- Richard G. Stilwell (as CINCUNC/COMUSFK)
- Bernard W. Rogers (as CG FORSCOM) (X)
Not latest four-star (less urgent)
- Matthew Ridgway (currently Commander, UNC; needs CSA portrait)
- Ralph E. Haines Jr. (currently Commander in Chief, USARPAC; needs CONARC portrait)
- William B. Rosson (currently CINCUSARPAC; needs CINCSOUTH portrait)
Paintings that need real photograph (less urgent)
Needs formal uniform (not urgent)
No four-star
Priority 1 (extremely poor quality/historical significance)
- John L. Hines (high-res two-star of this will do)
- Wade H. Haislip
- John R. Hodge
- Ben Lear
- John E. Dahlquist
- James Edward Moore
- Berton E. Spivy Jr. (Local ID: 111-PC-PC179057)
Priority 2 (can stand on their own)
- Courtney Hodges
- Walter Bedell Smith
- Leonard T. Gerow
- Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. (three-star portrait will do)
- Lesley J. McNair (three-star portrait will do)
- John L. DeWitt (three-star portrait will do)
- Henry I. Hodes
- Clark L. Ruffner
- Herbert B. Powell (version recommended)
- Hamilton H. Howze
- Ben Harrell
- Robert W. Sennewald (X)
Earlier four-star portraits
- Thomas T. Handy (as DCSA)
- John E. Hull (as VCSA)
- Maxwell D. Taylor (as CG EUSA; as CINCUNC)
- Charles L. Bolte (as CINCUSAREUR)
- Lyman Lemnitzer (as CINC, United Nations Cmd; CJCS)
- Williston B. Palmer (as VCSA)
- George Decker (as DCINCEUR; CINCUNC; VCSA)
- Clyde D. Eddleman (as CINCUSAREUR)
- Earle Wheeler (as CSA)
- William Westmoreland (as Commander, USMACV)
- Creighton Abrams (as VCSA; Commander, USMACV)
- Bruce Palmer Jr. (as VCSA)
- Frederick C. Weyand (as Commander, USMACV; VCSA)
- Donald V. Bennett (as CINCUNC)
- Alexander Haig (as VCSA [colour], portrait as Secretary of State also helpful [colour])
- Walter T. Kerwin (as CG FORSCOM; VCSA)
- Bernard W. Rogers (as CG FORSCOM; CSA) (X)
- John William Vessey Jr. (as CINCUNC; VCSA) (X)
- John A. Wickham Jr. (as CINCUNC; VCSA) (X)
- Robert W. Sennewald (as CINCUNC, CG FORSCOM) (X)
- James J. Lindsay (as USCINCRED) (X)
- Robert W. RisCassi (as VCSA) (X)
- Dennis Reimer (as CINCFOR) (X)
- John Shalikashvili (as SACEUR) (X)
- William W. Crouch (as CINCUSAREUR [high-res]) (X)
- Wesley Clark (as USCINCSO) (X)
Three-star portraits
- Joseph T. McNarney (as DCSA)
Marine Corps portraits
Low-res four-star (colour)
- Carlton W. Fulford Jr., ask USEUCOM
Navy portraits
Grayscale portrait needs colour
Low-res four-star (colour)
Priority 1 (extremely poor quality/historical significance)
Priority 2 (passable quality)
- John S. Thach
- Roy L. Johnson
- Isaac C. Kidd Jr.
- Noel A.M. Gayler
- Maurice F. Weisner
- Robert L.J. Long
- John G. Williams Jr.
- George E.R. Kinnear II
- Huntington Hardisty
- Leighton W. Smith Jr.
- Richard C. Macke
- Archie R. Clemins
Low-res four-star (grayscale)
- Harris Laning
- Claude C. Bloch
- Husband E. Kimmel
- Raymond A. Spruance
- Jonas H. Ingram
- John H. Towers
- Robert B. Carney
- Harold E. Shear
- John P. Weinel
- Alfred J. Whittle Jr.
Ceremonial dress uniform, needs standard uniform
- Albert G. Winterhalter
- William B. Caperton
- Mark L. Bristol
- Edwin A. Anderson
- Louis M. Nulton
- Richard H. Leigh
Cropped image, needs real portrait
- Clarence S. Williams
- Richard H. Jackson
- Louis R. de Steiguer
- Frank H. Schofield
- Frank B. Upham
- Orin G. Murfin
- James S. Russell (version recommended)
Not latest four-star
- Charles D. Griffin (version recommended)
- Ronald J. Hays (currently as VCNO; needs USCINCPAC)
- James B. Busey IV (currently as VCNO; needs CINCUSNAVEUR)
- Leon A. Edney (currently as VCNO; needs SACLANT, version recommended)
- Joseph W. Prueher (currently as VCNO; needs USCINCPAC)
Not four-star
- Walter C. Cowles
- Austin M. Knight
- Thomas Washington
- Frank H. Brumby
- Richard S. Edwards
- William F. Bringle (version recommended)
- Daniel J. Murphy
- William Sowden Sims
- Edward W. Eberle
- Charles Frederick Hughes
- William Veazie Pratt
- Charles R. Brown (version recommended)
Air Force portraits
Low-res four-star [grayscale] (most urgent)
- Jacob E. Smart
- Raymond J. Reeves (Local ID: 342-P-172-10 OR 342-P-172-10-OFF)
- Louis T. Seith
- Wilbur L. Creech (Local ID: 342-P-135-32)
- Bennie L. Davis (Local ID: 342-P-137-8 OR 342-B-12-010-1-KE-69353)
- Jack I. Gregory
Low-res four-star [colour] (moderately urgent)
Priority 1 (extremely poor quality/historical significance)
- Carl A. Spaatz (get high-res photo from after September 18, 1947 as CSAF)
- John P. McConnell (Local ID: 342-P-161-11)
- John D. Lavelle
- James V. Hartinger
- Joseph W. Ashy
- Howell M. Estes III
Priority 2 (passable quality)
- Laurence S. Kuter
- Joseph J. Nazzaro
- Robert E. Huyser
- John W. Pauly
- Monroe W. Hatch Jr.
- Donald J. Kutyna
- Chuck A. Horner
- John G. Lorber
Poor crop (moderately urgent)
- Earle E. Partridge (Local ID: 342-P-168-23)
- Emmett O'Donnell Jr.
- William S. Stone
- Timothy F. O'Keefe
- Louis L. Wilson Jr.
- Dean C. Strother (version recommended)
Grayscale in need of colour (mildly urgent)
- Orval R. Cook (Local ID: 342-P-191-52)
- William H. Blanchard
- John C. Meyer
- Lucius D. Clay Jr.
- James A. Hill
- Seth J. McKee
Not latest four-star (less urgent)
- Thomas Dresser White (currently VCSAF, need CSAF)
- John Dale Ryan (currently VCSAF, need CSAF)
No four-star
- Theodore R. Milton (Local ID: 342-P-164-4)
- James E. Dalton
- John L. Piotrowski (recommended version)
- John A. Shaud
- Robert C. Oaks
- James B. Davis
- Billy J. Boles
Earlier four-star portraits
- Carl Spaatz (as CG USSAFE; CG USASTAF)
- John P. McConnell (as DCINCEUR; VCSAF)
- John Dale Ryan (as CINCSAC; CINCPACAF)
- William W. Momyer (as COMTAC)
- George Scratchley Brown (as Commander, 7AF; CSAF)
- Richard H. Ellis (as CINCSAC)
- Robert T. Herres (as USCINCSPACE)
- Joseph Ralston (as VJCS)
- John K. Gerhart
- Robert Gates (as DCI)
Specific archivist requests
Black and White Portraits of U.S. Army Personnel and Other Personages, ca. 1900–ca. 1982 or Color Portraits of U.S. Army Personnel and Other Personages, ca. 1935–ca. 1982
Dear Mr. Greene,
Having received clarification, this is the official request for official portraits.
To keep costs down (not more than 120 USD / 158.24 USD), not more than 2 hours should be spent on the search. The search should be in these series: Black and White Portraits of U.S. Army Personnel and Other Personages, ca. 1900–ca. 1982 or Color Portraits of U.S. Army Personnel and Other Personages, ca. 1935–ca. 1982.
I request up to 8 scans of official portraits of the below individuals, ideally at bust-length or half-length. If you find more than one portrait that fulfills the requirements for each individual, the portrait with the latest date taken should be scanned. If a four-star portrait cannot be found of any listed individual, the latest portrait taken of them at a lower rank (e.g. latest three-star) should be substituted. These requirements are all subject to the 2-hour or below search time.
- An official portrait of GEN Malin Craig as Chief of Staff of the Army, taken between 1935 and 1939. For this one, it should be an official portrait of him in a four-star military uniform as opposed to a civilian suit; while not specifically what I want; here's an example of what I'm looking for.
- An official portrait of GEN Clyde Davis Eddleman as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, taken between 1960 and 1962. Ideally, it should be a high-resolution scan of this portrait here.
- An official portrait of GEN Robert Jefferson Wood as Director of Military Assistance, taken between 1962 and 1965. If a four-star portrait is not available, scan the latest portrait of him at any earlier rank where found.
- An official portrait of LTG Lewis Blaine Hershey as Director, Selective Service System, taken on 12 October 1958. This should be easier to find - I pulled this low-res scan from Hershey's military personnel file, digitized by NARA. A higher-resolution scan of that should be found.
- An official portrait of GEN George Henry Decker as Chief of Staff of the Army, taken between 1960 and 1962. Ideally, it should be a high-resolution, full-length scan of this portrait here.
- An official portrait of GEN Creighton Williams Abrams Jr. as Chief of Staff of the Army, taken between 1972 and 1974.
- An official portrait of GEN Frederick Carlton Weyand as Chief of Staff of the Army, taken between 1974 and 1976. Ideally, it should be a high-resolution, full-length scan of this portrait here.
- An official portrait of GEN John Hersey Michaelis as Commander in Chief, United Nations Command, Commander, U.S. Forces Korea and Commanding General, Eighth U.S. Army, taken between 1969 and 1972. Ideally, it should be a high-resolution, full-length scan of this portrait I found on WorthPoint.
For your reference, I have a full list of official portraits that I intend to look for in future linked here. Please inform me of any problems or issues on your end.
Kind regards,
Sufyan Hadi Bin Salamat (Wikipedia username: SuperWIKI)