In your dreams stubbleboy.

About Me and my Wikipedia History

  • Hello, my name is Mike, and my first edit on Wikipedia was on January 21, 2006 on an old Userpage which includes my last name called User:Mmeinhart where I wrote "Hi there!" I had actually just turned 26, two day's before.
  • On April 9, 2006, I started a new account under the handle User:OSU80, which includes the school I gratuated from OSU (Ohio State University) combined with my year of birth "80". Hilariously, now to look back, my first edit on this new account was again on my Userpage which says: "Hello, my name is Mike and I work at a Big Lots store as a manager in Columbus, Ohio. My previous user handle was mmeinhart and I lost my cool so I'm giving it another shot. Let me know if I can be of assistance." I always have been such a hothead, and in these days of Wikipedia, special permissions such as WP:AUTOPAT, WP:RBK, and WP:FMV were very easy to come by, because there were a very limited number of Wikipedians who wanted to carry out the duties these tools are granted for. I imagine I had taken the tools for granted and misused them and had them taken away from me, so my resolve was to make a new account.
  • Finally, on July 25, 2006, I created my current user handle, User:Stubbleboy. I did so after watching a video on eBaum's World, which is no longer available on that site, however it can still be viewed on Youtube here. The parody is entitled: "In your Dreams, Stubble Boy." It's actually about a man whose girlfriend doesn't like the fact he refuses to shave his face (Stubble) because it cut's her when they go to kiss. After inquiring with him what kind of world would it be if every women decided to stop shaving, and exclaiming "you want to get close to me, but you don't want to shave? In your dreams, stubble boy", she leaves him on the couch. The man, then falls into a dream which ends up being a nightmare, as all of the women he sees walking around have not properly shaved their legs, arms, or underarms to his dismay. Before he wakes up, he sees his girlfriend flirting with a man who has a perfectly clean shave. Upon awakening, he is seen shaving his face in the bathroom, before climbing back in bed with his girlfriend. As she turns to him, she is seen to have a bearded face to which he screams and she responds "what?" On second glace, her face is then smooth again. The scene ends with him asking "Where's the stubble?" She responds "In your dreams..."

The Essentials

My daughter, Kyleigh Nicole, when she was a baby in 2005
  • Please, whatever you do, don't press this button!
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