hello, i'm viktor! pronouns are it/he. my main editing interests are sociology, lgbt issues, human sexuality, and marijuana / marijuana policy. im a college student so i dont do stuff on here often since doing this on top of having to write papers gets tiring. but i love wikipedia.

This user identifies as a gay male.
This user is transmasculine.
This user is genderfluid.
This user is autistic.
This user is interested in sociology.
cat-NMew mew purrrr mew purrr meow.
^_^This user is interested in anime and manga.
This user loves reptiles.
 This user
AAThis user has an Objection!
801This user loves yaoi.
This user presents high risks of Biohazards
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user is an undergraduate student in Sociology.
ADHDThis user has ADHD.
This user is of
Ukrainian ancestry.
This user is an amateur artist.
This user listens to Vocaloid.
I buzz in your ears.
This user is an expert in Nothing
Do not trust this user in any topic!
Your company's logo goes here.This user has decided to sell out to corporate sponsorship. Sorry!
 This user enjoys gay  porn..
              .. a lot!
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